Category Archives for "Meditation"

Benefits of Meditation

Practice The Hugging Meditation To Express Love

hugging meditation

I came across The Hugging Meditation by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh recently and was blown away by its simplicity, beauty and grace. I believe that anyone can practice it. It does not require one to sit in an attempt to still the mind, an activity which can be frustrating for someone new to meditation. The Hugging Meditation is found in the his Plum Village Chanting and Recitation Book.

Hugging Meditation
(My kids experienced great joy from Hugging Meditation.)

Thich Nhah Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist who now lives in France. His graceful and simple way of conveying his teachings has helped made Buddhism and meditation appealing throughout the world. I had the privilege of attending his talk when he came to Singapore.
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21 Makeover Tips To Lift Your Energy

You are hoping for a makeover. You would like to change your vibes. Life has been quite a drag for some time. So it only makes sense that if you are hoping to have different results, you cannot keep doing the same things.

Makeover Magic

A true makeover goes beyond revamping your wardrobe. It is more than fixing a bad hair day. A true makeover is holistic, incorporating the mind-body-spirit. Your energy shifts as a result. It activates the Law of Attraction in your favor, where you are more likely to attract positive outcomes.
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The Practice of Self-Compassion

self compassion: how to love

Practising self compassion may be something that you are not used to.

After all, you could be having h the habit of beating yourself up all your life. In your experience, you have found harsh criticisms extremely useful as a motivator for actions. It is how you have made yourself get out of bed every morning.

You may perceive self compassion as being indulgent. You would not dream of giving excuses for your wretched state. You see self-compassion as disempowering. Hence, taking a tough stance towards the self is important.
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Self Love Series: Love Yourself Teachings By Buddha

Buddha: Teaching of Self-Love“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

An important core teaching in Buddhism is self-love. Buddha teaches that you love the self before extending the love to others. In other words, before you are able to be a love luminary, you must have the capacity to embrace yourself fully. Today being Vesak Day, let’s celebrate Buddha’s teachings about love.

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Remove Abundance Blocks With An Akashic Reading

remove abundance blocks with akashic records reading

Are you having abundance blocks that are preventing you from manifesting what you want?

Well, one way of removing abundance blocks is through taking an akashic reading.

Let me explain further.

Abundance blocks can manifest in the following ways…

 You are stuck and unable to achieve a breakthrough, no matter how much effort you put in.

You are feeling the struggle as many areas of your life such as relationship, money, family and so on….are in bad shape.

Opportunities don’t seem to be coming.

You keep reverting back to your old beliefs, despite having attended workshop programs.

Something just keeps turning up that sabotages your path to success.

 You keep attracting toxic relationships or debilitating situations that suck the energy and life out of you.

You keep attracting what you don’t want.

You just find it hard to trust that the Universe is abundant, no matter what spiritual teachers tell you.

For a start, like many others, you probably have dreams of abundance. You’d like to have a life that is filled with love, enough money, great health and having things go smoothly.

Abundance is simply the capacity to live life fully. To live in abundance is to be able to live life according to your own terms and with nothing in the way. Abundance also includes financial abundance because living well and fully is to have access to resources. Money as a form of energy exchange simply allows you to get resources and options.

Yet, if you had been having abundance blocks for a long time, you may be tempted to think that you are not destined to live a great life or that there is nothing that you can do about your fate. Well, before you give up on the idea that abundance is just as available to you as someone else, consider the following.

Ask yourself:

– Have you tried investigating if there are deeper root causes to your inability to manifest abundance?

– Could you be having blocks that are rooted in the past….perhaps all the way to past lives?

– Could there be blocks that exist beyond the third and forth dimensional levels?

– Are there repeating negative patterns that you are constantly trapped in…like as if they are karmic patterns?

– Have you completely let go of negative or toxic relationships, people and situations in your life?

Soul level abundance blocks occur when you are out of alignment with divine abundance. They are obstructions that prevent you from manifesting what you want easily in the physical dimension. They are like “unseen” impediments that stand in your current life path.

Now, in case you are mistaken, a 100% alignment with divine abundance does not guarantee you would be able to manifest things with a snap of your fingers. You still need to follow through with inspired actions. Being on the physical plane does require physical actions. Your soul has incarnated on Earth to ground the energies of your creative desires. In fact, the greater you work through your life lessons, the greater your ability to fulfill your purpose magnificently.

You can make changes at the mental, emotional and physical level, that’s for sure. However, what if blocks exist at a level beyond these? What are possible blocks, by the way? Well, they can possibly include poverty vows that you have made in past lives, chakra imbalances, unconscious patterns that you have adopted from collective consciousness, soul-level agreements made that have outlived its purpose and subconscious imprints.

What Are Akashic Records?

To know whether they exist or not requires a reading into your akashic records. Don’t know what akashic records are? Here’s a short video clip that explains what they are…


What Margaret’s Experience Was Like 

I received the following unsolicited testimonial from one of my clients, who had purchased an Abundance Alignment Akashic Reading with me….

“I’m very grateful for the amount of work that you’ve put into my reading, and in the preparation of my report. I can understand how exhausting the exercise must be for you, so I’m all the more appreciative of your efforts. Thank you for offering this service, which I believe to be an important and valuable ‘tool of insight’ for us all.

I have read my report a number of times, very carefully, and I wanted to become more familiar with the knowledge you’ve provided, before contacting you about the report. I was especially touched by the 21-day ‘homework’ prayer ritual-exercise you’ve sent me. The ideas within the prayer very much mirror many of my spiritual requests as it is…but to have them articulated in such a precise and clear manner – and with so much expertise – is very valuable for me, and I enjoy very much my ‘homework’.

I wish you continued success – on all levels – with your life, Evelyn. I’ve enjoyed very much being a part of your Abundance Tapestry family, and it’s been such a motivation to watch you grow in empowerment, to create your life, in the way you have over the past weeks and months. Your weekly online emails are incredibly useful. I love the clarity with which you write, and the originality and practicality of your ideas towards abundance.

Bless you, dear Evelyn. And thank you again for the opportunity you’ve given me to continue to grow in this life.

Love and light to you.”
– Margaret O Connor, Ireland

Thank you, Margaret, for sending me the feedback. I wasn’t expecting any but was most delighted to receive it 🙂

Other than Margaret, I have worked with many clients. My clients are from all walks of life and all over the world. They are from professions such as life coaches, energy therapists, online entrepreneurs, accountants, writers and so on. Hence, no matter where you are located or what you work as, so long as your soul gives me the permission to, I should be able to read what your abundance blocks are through your akashic records. If not, I refund you your money – 100%!

If you would like to read more testimonials, you can find them on my Akashic Secrets site.

Remove Abundance Blocks – Now

By removing abundance blocks, you shift into greater alignment with divine source. You are enhancing your ability to manifest abundance in the physical dimension. A greater alignment with divine source plugs you into universal consciousness. As a soul, you are fully equipped to manifest abundance at the third dimensional physical plane.

Once a greater alignment is established, you can find it easier to attract ideas, inspiration and resources for manifesting financial abundance.

No longer stay stuck or be in the pain of repeating negative patterns. Remove Abundance Blocks with an Akashic Reading >>>

Abundance always,

evelyn lim signature

Abundance Alchemy Coach

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How to Meditate for Beginners: 10 Essential Tips

meditation for beginners

How to meditate for beginners is a question that many people, perhaps someone like yourself, ask.

It would appear that everyone on the planet is extolling the benefits of meditation…and, you are eager to join the bandwagon too. However, it is possible to encounter frustration when you first get started. Your mind is in a constant stream of chatter. As such, it becomes impossible to sit still! After a couple of tries, you may even conclude that, “I just cannot meditate!”

how to meditate for beginners(Picture taken: meditating in serene surroundings in Thailand)

I would like to believe that it is possible for the majority of us to meditate. The exceptions would be those with mental health issues. I have come a long way since the days when I had the same complaint myself.

In fact, I recall that I would previously give plenty of excuses in not being able to find time to meditate. I would choose to do something else “more productive” than a seemingly passive activity like meditation. Over the years, I would find that the time that I spend in quiet meditation is not a waste of time but rather an investment in clarity. I now meditate almost every morning, save for days when I need to go out early.
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70 Ways For Self Care

self care

Self care is an act of loving yourself.

Any act of self care is to nourish your mind, body or spirit. Whatever it is, you do something nurturing. You don’t put off from taking a needed break or having some me-time. You create a better relationship with self.

Self care is taking care of your inner home. And obviously, you do not wreck yourself apart when you undertake self-care. This means that you don’t give excuses for feeling tired, crying or going for an expensive pedicure. You please yourself rather than others. Very importantly, you do not experience guilt, shame or blame. So it may mean eating more, less or having an indulgence every now and then. You take a balanced approach to overall holistic well-being.

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The 5Cs of Buddhism

The 5Cs is a well known acronym in Singapore. It typically refers to the Singapore Dream. It was coined in the 90s due to a local observation of the materialistic obsession of Singaporeans. The 5Cs are Cash, Condo, Car, Country Club Membership and Credit Card. When I started my banking career upon graduation years ago, I had the same dream.

Pretty Ducks
(Photo taken in Singapore Botanic Gardens from where I practice Taichi also known as a form of meditation in motion.)

Even today, many young adult Singaporeans can attest to the chasing after the same dream of 5Cs. The problem is that the 5Cs is all about material goods. So social or community values have largely been ignored.

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Bells of Mindfulness

A reader, by the name of Art Gould, wrote to me and asked if he could share a useful self-help tip on mindfulness. I have always enjoyed personal empowerment techniques and was most intrigued by his email. Here is an excerpt from his message…

Bells of Japan
(Photo taken of a street stall selling bells and wind chimes in Tokyo, June 2010)

What a great site!  I have been reading Abundance Tapestry for over a year and have found your site to be simply awesome! Your advice has not only helped me navigate through more than a few tough situations but it has enabled me to embrace them as a part of life and learning opportunities.  Not only do you have an uncommonly well balanced perspective but you are able to communicate the ideals that guide you thereby helping and guiding others.  I especially enjoyed “Keep Holding Onto Faith“, which was such an insightful piece and a wonderful reminder that it is through falling that we learn to fly! I was actually writing today with a suggestion for a guest post.

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Learn The Art of Drinking Tea

Drinking tea is a lost art if you are not paying attention to its joys. In Asia, where there is a long tradition to tea-drinking. To enjoy tea fully, you have to savor the fragrance, color and flavor of the tea as the brew becomes stronger. You learn about the world from your teapcup when you engage your senses as you drink.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has one of the best advice for us when drinking tea….

Art of DrinkingTea

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.”
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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