Category Archives for "Subconscious Mind Power"

About what our subconscious mind is thinking and using the power of the subconscious mind

What the 5 Signs of Having Mindset Blocks are

Mindset Blocks Signs

What happens if you don’t even know you have mindset blocks?

What are the signs?

To begin with, why is even important to identify whether you have mindset blocks or not?

Well, for a start,  mindset blocks can keep you stuck or struggling more than you need to. It obstructs your success. A mindset block arises when you have the story of “I want to achieve this goal or dream but (the reason)”. You may even have more than one “but” on why you can’t achieve what you want.

Invariably, the reason behind the “but” stems from a limiting belief. Your “but this” or “but that” are actually excuses. Excuses are a form of self-sabotage. 

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Your Spiritual Growth Mindset: The Secret to Manifesting Success

Spiritual Growth Mindset for Manifesting Success

You may have heard about Growth Mindset, but exactly what is a Spiritual Growth Mindset?

Until recently, I associated mindset with having a rah-rah ring to it. Perhaps it is because I’ve attended a number of mindset classes whereby success coaches would use highly motivational tones for raising the energy levels in the room. “Yes, you can do it!” they would shout in a rallying voice.

The problem is that mostly, after the day of such events, I had observed that the energy spikes don’t last. They fizzle out. I would return to the same energy levels as before and not much has changed.

Still, I resonate with the idea of a growth mindset.

As an avid learner, I find myself very interested in self development. I enjoy learning, reading and upgrading myself. Instead of personal grooming, I find myself more obsessive over personal growth!

After reflecting over, I would like to propose the idea of developing a spiritual growth mindset, and not just a growth mindset. A spiritual growth mindset would be one that is more sustaining, conscious and expansive. Let me share some of my thoughts below.

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How You Can Let Go of Past Trauma and Claim Your Power Back

How to Let Go of Past Trauma

Have you ever wondered how you can let go of past trauma, so that it no longer holds you back from creating the life that you want in the future?

Living with past trauma as if it is still present, can keep you in repetitive patterns.

Your body remembers the past trauma too and it is likely the reason why you find yourself having the same emotional reactions as if the past is happening now.

The same state of paralysis, anxiety and fear.

The same chills in your body, heart racing and churning in your stomach.

By being caught in the past, you can find life a struggle in the present.

You’ve got dreams and goals that you wish to fulfil. Maybe it is to align with your highest potential, to have the best relationship with your spouse ever, to run a thriving business or to manifest the most amazing life ever. Whatever it is, holding on past trauma can limit your chances of success. As a result, you could be feeling bitter, disappointed and helpless, You have the belief that there is nothing you can do to erase the past and to change your destiny.

I’d like to qualify. The traumas you’ve encountered might not have been big major events to begin with. Note that what feels traumatic for one person may not be the same for another. It might have been an incident such as being ostracised by your friends when you were in play school or being criticised for being “not good enough”. Notwithstanding, they were certainly instances that had left an indelible imprint on your subconscious.

Well, in case you consider your future ruined due to an unhappy past, there is hope. I’d like to share how it is very possible to let go of past trauma and to rewrite the story of an unhappy childhood. When you do so, it opens up new possibilities for you in manifesting a more empowering set of outcomes.
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Your Ultimate Guide to What the Difference Between Anxiety, Fear and Stress Is

Difference Anxiety Fear Stress

You may be wondering….

Why does it even matter to be aware about what the difference between anxiety, fear or stress is? 

Well, for a start, it matters because the more you can make a distinction, the less grip they may have on you.

You can potentially be able to release the appropriate energy and also, apply a more specific belief or targeted action that addresses what’s truly going on with you.

As much as they are related or similar, there are definitely subtle differences between feeling anxious, panicking, and being frozen by fear.

Making a distinction addresses the gap that brings about a shift at a deeper layer. In other words, when you integrate the positive belief that addresses where the specific issue lies, you can potentially be free of your anxiety, fear or stress. You solve the mystery for integration into wholeness, in other words.

Admittedly, most of us do not make any distinction between the terms used. We tend to lump negative emotional states into one broad word “stress”. It’s just convenient to use “stress”. In fact, “stress” is often used by those who are unwilling to face their vulnerability and to avoid digging deeper. It is much easier to say that you are stressed than to say that you are anxious or depressed, if you wish to avoid questions from others.

However, if you are a coach or healer offering emotional therapy services like myself or if you are someone who’s keen to explore your emotional layers, then you may just want to read on to understand more. Continue reading

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What are Money Blocks and How to Release Them Effectively

Release Money Blocks that are Created in the Past

What are money blocks that keep you from attracting the abundance that you deserve?

When you are not being hired for your services, you may be tempted to believe that the problem stems from a branding issue. When you are not able to generate more sales for your product, you could be thinking that the problem lies with the lack of a marketing plan. In both situations, you are not making the money you deserve.

Hence, your first move may be to hire a branding or marketing specialist.

However, you could also find that these solutions could not fix your problems adequately, especially where you continue to be in struggle. It may even appear that the strategies work for everyone else except for you. No matter what you’ve attempted, the methods applied did not work sufficiently. And you wonder, why has the Universe abandoned you?

I would like to invite you to take a step back to reflect.

Could it be that you’ve been in the same negative patterns of emotional struggle over money matters for a long time now?

On reflection, you may discover that while things have improved over the years, you are still far from manifesting your dream or money breakthrough. You are currently feeling depleted in energy, miserable, frustrated, disappointed and ashamed. It will be great if you can change your situation and improve your results.

Well, for change to happen, may I propose that you start from the beginning. Find out what are the money blocks that you’ve created in the past. In other words, address these blocks at root cause.

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.” —Khalil Gibran

Money Leak: Internal or External

Just imagine the scenario of having a cut. You are likely to use a band aid or apply a bandage for your cut. If it is a small cut, that will do the trick! Your bleeding stops.

However, a bandage is not going to help you in a situation that stems from major internal bleeding. In fact, a bandage could hide the problem that you are having. From the inside, you are still losing blood. And you have no idea where the bleeding is coming from – which organ, tissue or body part?

Well, money blocks create a leakage in your energy system. They arise internally. To address the leakage requires you to look within.

What are Money Blocks

Money blocks comprise of negative emotions and limiting beliefs and are often created as a result of negative experiences in the past.

Examples of money beliefs include
– Money is the root of all evils,
– I can’t be spiritual and rich at the same time,
– I need to slave hard for the money
– I am just not good enough to manage money etc.

Money blocks cause you to be in self-sabotage. They create a disruption in your energy system and lower your vibrational state of being. Consequently, you find yourself unable to manifest the financial abundance that you deserve effortlessly and easily. Your financial stress increases and your overall well-being reduces.

Release Money Blocks from the Past

Money blocks often arise from a past event.  However, do note that the past only exists in the mind. It exists because you keep your old story alive in your mind. That’s why you call it a memory. Memory is a mental construct. Since the memory of the past exists only as a construction, NLP co-founder Richard Bandler postulates, “It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

Because the past is something that is created in the mind, you have the power to change it. Even though the past may be what you would say “actually happened”, it does not serve you any more to carry it as a burden. When you carry the memory as a burden, you disrupt your own peace and harmony.

You are kept living in the past when you refuse to let it go.

“You know why it’s hard to be happy—it’s because we refuse to LET GO of the things that make us sad.”  Bruce Lipton

The same old disruptive tape plays in your mind over and over again. Over time, you leak power. It puts you out-of-alignment with the vibrational frequency of the financial abundance that you are hoping to attract.

Do note that releasing money blocks at a general level may not be enough to create the transformation that you are looking for. If you have encountered negative situations in childhood or a past traumatic even that led to the forming of money beliefs, they need to be dealt with specifically.  In other words, specific events or situations need to be addressed at root cause.

What are Money Blocks
What are Money Blocks?

Release Money Blocks Effectively with Tapping

Tapping away money blocks at root cause potentially sets you free.

In my 10 years of experience, I have found that applying Meridian Tapping to produce excellent results for releasing money blocks. Meridian Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) simply involves using fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on our faces and body, while articulating a set of healing statements. Clients are guided to retrack their past memories and to tap away the emotional disruptions and limiting beliefs that were formed arising from the specific events.

Once a release happens, your energy system is reset with open channels. You experience a vibrational shift upwards as you are no longer blocked. It becomes a lot easier to leverage on the Law of Attraction for bringing your dreams into manifestation.

Tap Away Money Blocks and Transform Your Life

It wouldn’t do for me to recommend the band aid as the solution that will definitely fix the problem of money stress. The solution will not be adequate if I suspect that there is internal bleeding going on. In such situations, I am more interested to investigate what the bleeding is about, where it arose and how to heal from the inside-out.

My focus is to help you address the root cause of your issues and to guide you on transmuting pain into power, while integrating important lessons. Thus, you are no longer held back by the past.

Releasing money blocks is not a get-rich-quick method. Rather, addressing the root cause of your issues is what makes the distinction between getting mediocre results (one that merely helps you get through a transition – the band aid solution) – and getting superior results (one that not only takes you through a transition but aids you in your spiritual transformation).

What I recommend is an inside-out mind, body and soul system that offers powerful spiritual integration in the physical and that takes you to wholeness.

“Transformation occurs when we release energy blocks at all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.” Evelyn Lim

Over to you. What are the money blocks that you could be having? Which will you choose – address external factors only or address the heart of your issues at root cause?

Love and abundance always,

P.S. Apply for a 30-min complimentary call if you have further questions and/or need more assistance on releasing money blocks.

Top feature image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay.

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5 Positive Archetypes of the Divine Feminine for Sacred Self-Discovery

Archetypes Divine Feminine

What do archetypes have to do with awakening your Divine Feminine and why is this important?
Also, is any talk on Divine Feminine hocus pocus and how does this apply to the modern day woman?
Well, allow me to explain why you would want to dive deeper into the topic of archetypes of the Divine Feminine for sacred self-discovery.

For a start, awakening your Divine Feminine is important because you wouldn’t want to have gender-related beliefs holding you back from drawing on your sacred womanly gifts and being the best that you can be. Beliefs that do not serve you include the following: women should be of the inferior sex, girls can only be seen and not heard, or that women are only meant to just sew or cook. You’d be surprised how many of us continue to hold such beliefs.

It’s been a struggle for many women to align with their highest potential. The Divine Feminine has been suppressed for years until recently. Women have no or little rights to speak, express or show up throughout history. Even in modern times, many women continue to live in a paradigm that is outdated and that no longer supports our growth.

Awakening your Divine Feminine is nothing mystical. Nor is it a New Age fad. After all, it’s your birthright to live as you are. In your true nature. You are able to draw on your feminine traits, strengths and gifts. It’s an awesome feeling, being in the space where you own yourself fully.

For a long time, I had found it difficult to speak, express or show up confidently. It was only when I dug deep that I realised how I had bought into beliefs that disempower women. These beliefs were embedded into my psyche and affected the choices and decisions I made. The self-realisation hit hard and it was painful before I could free myself from the layers of falsehood.

Having helped other women through my coaching and healing services, I became aware of the vast and negative consequences of not reclaiming our Divine Feminine. They include the following:
– Low confidence and poor self-esteem
– The subject of emotional and physical abuse
– Depression
– Inability to shine at work
– Slower progress in job promotion
– Unable to go for what we desire and so on.

Conversely, when you live in fullness of your Divine Feminine, you are able to lead confidently from power.  Living in fullness means having to reclaim parts that you have abandoned or ignored. It starts with self-discovery. Self-discovery offers you the opportunity to set the conscious intent of breaking free from the limitations you have imposed on yourself just because you are female.

I recommend incorporating an exploration into archetypal patterns so that you can reclaim your Divine Feminine. Go through each pattern in turn and align with the positive attributes. You can begin your self-discovery journey by journaling on archetypes with this guide here!

What is the Meaning of Archetype?

According to Jungian psychology, an archetype is a collectively-inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., that is universally present, in individual psyches.

The 5 Archetypes of the Divine Feminine

archetypes divine feminine pinterest

(1) Creator or Earth Mother

The Creator Mother within the soul of a Divine Feminine is like Earth. She has maternal instincts which makes her very caring. As a Mother, she nourishes with milk and she sustains life. Through her womb, a mother allows the merging of the masculine and feminine energy for creation to happen. She is akin to a Midwife, facilitating birth.

(2) Sensual Lover

Sensuality is the ability to fully experience the senses, without apology or restraint. The sense of smell, taste, touch, and vision combine to awaken her body. She is also a Sensual Lover who unites her energy with her masculine partner as ONE.

(3) Sacred Healer

The Divine Feminine is a Sacred Healer, whose loving and caring nature helps to heal relationships. She heals through her heart and soul. Her innate nature is full of grace. She is connected to water for emotional management.

(4) Wise Sage

The Divine Feminine is a Wise Sage, using her intuition to guide her for decision making and for navigating life. She senses energy, whether consciously or unconsciously, and is able to tell if something feels off or not right.

(5) Leader or the Warrioress

In a state of balance, the Divine Feminine is calm and therefore, not a chronic worrier but a Warrioress. As a Warriorress, she is able to handle her multiple responsibilities, deal with challenges and gets things done. She holds things together for her family and loved ones of whom she fiercely protects.

The Divine Feminine leads with creative power. It does not necessarily mean that she needs to be artistic. Her nature allows her to be receptive and to be open to ideas. Thus, she is able to work on the ideas for problem solving or for creating her best work. 

Her gifts help her to carve out unique work for herself. Thus, she does not need to be in a co-dependent relationship. Most certainly, the modern woman does not have to rely on her partner to create a source of living. She has what it takes to succeed. Success is hers when she deems herself worthy.

Drawing on Your Positive Archetypal Traits

“We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other people’s models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.” Shakti Gawain

Connecting with your Divine Feminine requires you to be courageous to own who you are. There is no need for you to conform to the standards held by any masculine-led community. On the contrary, you are ready to overcome any fear of rejection.

“I was once afraid of people saying “Who does she think she is? Now I have the courage to stand and say, “This is who I am.” Oprah Winfrey

The more you know yourself, the more you are able to peel off the layers of falsehood. You realise that you have been living in an illusion and you no longer wish to do so. As you become more authentic to your true nature, you’d find it easier to shine your core brilliance. In my book Self-Discovery Journal for Women, I provided writing prompts so that you can reclaim yourself.

Align with the Positive Archetypes of the Divine Feminine NOW

There is a cost to waiting if you are not seeing the urgency in awakening your Divine Feminine. The earlier you reclaim and celebrate yourself, the easier it would be to step into the best that you can be. You will be free of any beliefs that erodes your confidence as a woman.

elf Discovery Journal for Women: Awaken Your Divine Feminine

“The Divine Feminine understands that even as her body ages, she does not need to resort to invasive procedures to keep her youth or be worried that she has now lines to show. Nor does she need to fear losing her man because she is older. She has enough self-confidence to know that she is still beautiful from the inside-out.” Self-Discovery Journal for Women: 250 Questions and Writing Prompts to Awaken Your Divine Feminine

I’ve personally seen how women were able to shine quickly after achieving a breakthrough from reclaiming lost parts of themselves. My clients had reported improved well-being and better success rates as soon as we work together. When they finally own who they are, their life magically changes!

It can happen for you too. Your feminine gifts are presented to you at the soul. Claim who you are NOW!

May you lead your best life, in full awareness of your divinity and true nature!

Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Life Coach for Women Entrepreneurs

1. Self-Discovery Journal for Women: 250 Quhestions and Writing Prompts to Awaken Your Divine Feminine
2. Get an akashic soul reading for sacred self-discovery here!
3. Apply for a clarity call to get from stuck to breakthrough.

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How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind

How would you like to grow rich with peace of mind?

You can’t exactly claim to be having inner peace if you are constantly tossing in bed at night and fretting over financial matters. A mind that is fraught with worry is hardly still.

Or, it may be that you are already making good money but have not acquired it in a meaningful way and with a clear conscience. While your concerns may differ from someone who is poor and struggling, you are nonetheless unhappy and not living life in fulfilment and freedom.

Well, for anyone who is having money stress, I suggest finding a better way forward.

In either situation, you are being a slave to money. You are held captive. The consequence is a negative impact on the quality of your life. As Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich, advocates, never allow money to master you. If you are in emotionally disrupted even whilst you are working towards wealth creation, you are not at peace.Continue reading

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Life Lessons That Will Turn Your Life Around

Life lessons are experiences to help us grow and evolve. They aren’t always pretty when we first encounter them. In fact, it is often the case that if we don’t learn them, we are likely to find ourselves going through the same negative situation over and over again.

Hence, if you are caught in repeated patterns, it helps to ask yourself what are the life lessons you are meant to learn.

I recall crying out in frustration, complaining in bitterness and reeling in pain over negative experiences that are of the same patterns in the past. A string of broken relationships. A stack of failures. A series of bad calls. It was only when I saw the light and chose to act differently that the same patterns stopped occurring.

I would like to share the life lessons that were written by Maya Angelou who was an American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist. Her words had made me stop to reflect. They were helpful reminders that life is happening FOR me, rather than to me. Perhaps, reading them for a start can do the same for you too.Continue reading

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30 Positive Affirmations for Highest Potential

What positive affirmations for highest potential would be great to use if you are hoping to step into a picture of success?

While mentoring spiritual entrepreneurs, I have had a few of them share that they struggle with knowing what words to say or what to affirm when they are doing tapping or some other work that helps them with belief change. They would like to shift into a paradigm that supports their growth and success. However, what has kept them stuck was at the “words” part. And so, they wanted to find out how to overcome this problem.

Well, if you are having the same issue, here are some answers.

It takes practice and repeatedly reading and saying positive affirmations. Having a list of positive affirmations to start off with can help. In my post, I have laid out 30 positive affirmations for highest potential that you can apply. If you are in need for a guide, do bookmark this page!Continue reading

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21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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