Category Archives for "Subconscious Mind Power"

About what our subconscious mind is thinking and using the power of the subconscious mind

What is Wounded Child Healing

Wounded Child Healing

Have you come across the term “wounded child healing” and wonder if it is something that you may need?

Well, I’d like to offer a brief description of what I understand “wounded child healing” to be.

[Note: I’m re-publishing this article as it is still relevant till today;-)]

What is Wounded Child Healing

The “wounded child” is an archetype which contains damaged or negative emotional patterns of our youth. It may help to improve your understanding if we can draw reference from the lyrics to the song “Childhood” by Michael Jackson…

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How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

Would you be interested in solving the root cause of your money story, so that you can start to manifest the life of abundance that you are dreaming of?

Your money story is the one you often tell to others. It is made up of the issues going on in your current financial situation, the persistent worry that you are experiencing or/and the complaints you have about the economy, property prices, cost of living and so on. It is a story that occupies your mind throughout the day.

As I have found, money stories often act as a smoke screen to deeper underlying issues. At first, it is easy to be mistaken into believing that your financial challenges are caused by a string of bad luck, the fault of the tax authorities, the constant unfair treatment by your employers, the failure of receiving payment on time, or the banks who are out to get you. This being the case, you try to remedy your challenges with band-aide or by rearranging certain aspects of your life.

iceberg theory

However, should you step aside for a bit, you may be able to observe money patterns that keep repeating. What you observe are likely to be debilitating cycles of frustration, worry, panic, resentment and anger over finances. Over and over again, you have not been able to truly break free.

Where there is a repeating pattern in your external issues, a root cause could exist internally. 

Feeling intrigued? Read on……
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How to Cultivate a Healthy Mindset for Mental Health

Healthy Mindset for Mental Health

The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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Mindset Journal for Women: How to Practice Positive Thinking

Mindset Journal for Women: How to Practice Positive Thinking

My new book, Mindset Journal for Women, is finally out on Amazon…yay!! It is a journal workbook with prompts to practice positive thinking, mindfulness and to improve mental health. You can find the listing on Amazon here.

For the vast majority of people, nearly 90% of our self-talk is negative. It is reflective of having a negative or limiting mindset. In order to overcome the habitual pattern of negative thinking, we need to consistently work on building a positive mindset. Also, studies show that more women than men go into depression. It is where the Mindset Journal for Women comes in.

What’s the Juice with Mindset Journal for Women

The journal book uses the metaphor of your mind being a garden and you as the gardener.

The floral theme in the interior pages acts as a nice reminder and inspiration. Imagine each page as a fertile patch of soil, ready for your seeds of inspiration to take root. With its floral theme, every turn invites you to immerse yourself in planting seeds of positivity. 

It’s not just daily pages that I have included. I have also incorporated a mini workbook planner in Section A so that you can be introduced to concepts that would be helpful for building foundation. There are guided prompts designed to spark growth, foster gratitude, and to practice mindfulness. Section B features daily, weekly and monthly journal pages that are helpful for habit tracking, reflection and for reviews.

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How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration

How EFT tapping helps to raise vibrations

“How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration?” 

This was the exact question posed to me by a participant when I gave an introduction class on EFT to a group recently. 

Great question!

Well, I’d like to share my answers with you here, in case you are wondering the same too. 

EFT Tapping for Raising Vibrations

In case this is the first time you are hearing about EFT tapping, it is a therapeutic method where we use the fingertips to tap on specific meridian endpoints on the face and body. EFT tapping is a great tool for releasing emotional disruptions and restoring the body’s energy system. You can find out more about EFT tapping points here or simply subscribe to my newsletter to get a downloadable book on EFT tapping

Emotions, just like anything else in the Universe, are energy.

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How Your Nervous System Impacts Goal Setting and Your Ability to Hit Higher Targets

How the Nervous System affects Goal Setting

You are all ready to start the new year with a new set of goals. 

Perhaps you are thinking that this year is going to be different. 

It will be the year where you manage to break new ground, step up or scale your business. 

You are more determined than ever to meet your goals. 

Well, to increase your chances of success, an understanding about your nervous system is going to help.

In fact, if you have not made much headway in previous years, this could be the ONE thing that you are missing in that explains your lack of success. 

It’s not just about your mindset. 

Or about changing your beliefs. 

Rather, it’s about how your nervous system works. 

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How to Harness the Power of the Mind for Manifesting Success

How to harness the power of the mind for manifestation

We may have come across the idea about harnessing the power of the mind. Yet, not many of us utilise it fully for manifesting what we want. More often than not, we use the mind for cognitive tasks like problem-solving and decision-making, relegating its extraordinary potential to the background.

It’s important to recognise that we are constantly in the process of manifesting. Our thoughts play a significant role in shaping the world we live in. If we focus our mind on negative thoughts, it is more likely that we bring about a negative outcome. On the contrary, if we think more positively about ourselves, our life and about the world, we are more likely to manifest a positive set of results. 

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How to Practice Loving Self-Acceptance

How to practice loving self-acceptance

Practising loving self-acceptance is not something that may come naturally. In fact, it could be a key life lesson that some of us. You may find yourself attracting various experiences that involve this important aspect of what it means to embrace yourself totally.

Many of us long to be accepted for who we are. And so, we go about seeking validation and approval from others. However, the crux is that if we cannot accept ourselves, we cannot expect others to accept us too. Without any self-acceptance, we live in constant fear of being rejected.

“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” – Mark Twain

I find it great to learn from movies too.  One of the movies that I watched with my children was Wreck-it Ralph show. Initially, I had found the plot rather slow moving. And so I was not paying full attention to it. But as the movie wore on, I discovered that there were valuable lessons on self-acceptance.
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Reparenting Yourself: What Does It Mean and How to Get Started

What is Reparenting Yourself - Definition and Meaning

What does reparenting yourself mean?

Reparenting yourself simply means healing your inner child and giving your inner child the love and the guidance and support that you didn’t receive when you were young, in the present. 

[Update] Check out my new online course on How to Reparent Yourself

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How to Heal Your Invisible Childhood Wounds

How to Heal Your Invisible Childhood Wounds

We may not realise at first that we have been carrying childhood wounds, so any talk about healing will be considered moot.

Childhood wounds are, after all, invisible to us.

And if we can’t see them through our naked eye, why does it matter whether we are carrying them or not?

Well, it may well explain contributing reasons behind our current day issues like

  •  anxiety
  • depression
  • constant insecurity
  • low self-esteem
  • inability to find loving relationships
  • inability to have better success,
  • etc

In other words, just because we can’t visually see our wounds does not mean that they don’t exist.

As I understand, according to Sigmund Freud, they are hidden in the deep recesses of our psyche, buried deep in the unconscious. We repress our pain, hurt and anger in these wounds. Because they are yet to be resolved, they can blindside us. It is why we are often in self-sabotage.

Thus, if we don’t heal our past wounds, they can bleed into everything that we do or encounter today.

“We have to listen to the child we once were, the child who still exists inside us. That child understands magic moments. We can stifle its cries, but we cannot silence its voice.The child we once were is still there.” Paul Coelho

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