Category Archives for "Positive Affirmations"

How to think positively and about positive affirmations.

Key to Self-Love Affirmations

If you are in the habit of saying negative things to yourself, then you will need to change your self-talk. Obviously, if you love yourself enough, you would not be constantly criticizing yourself. Instead, you will be encouraging and supportive of the self. And using affirmations is a great way to start rewiring your habitual talk-patterns.

Negative and Limiting Self-Talk

Through studies, it has already been found that we make 300-400 evaluations per day. About 70-85% of these evaluations are negative. When we dissect the content of the things we say, it can be easy to observe that we make a lot of negative comments about others or external things.
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Self Love Series: 101 Loving Yourself Quotes

loving yourself quotes

Loving yourself quotes are sayings to inspire you for practising greater self-love.

From brilliant poets to inspirational writers and the great sages of all time, each had espoused one and the same: love within yourself leads you to love for all. Self-love is the secret to living fully. Through healthy self-love, you lay the foundation to creating your best life!

Loving Yourself Quote
(Love who you are. Love yourself through self acceptance, forgiveness and esteem. My collage illustrates Loving Yourself Quote #62 below.)

The following are 101 loving yourself quotes. I have also classified the quotes according to the sub-categories of self-love, where possible. Pick one each day to contemplate over its meaning. Enjoy!
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How to Overcome 5 Negative Self Talk Patterns

negative self talk patterns

As I have discovered, getting caught in a negative self talk pattern can be crippling. I found out how low my self-love was after becoming more aware of what I was saying to myself. It was shocking for me to realise that I was mostly in fear, shame and anger and how it had resulted in feelings of depression, exhaustion and depletion of energy.

Positive Self Talk(From My Art journal: Self Talk Painting)

Fortunately, once I created the awareness, I had been able to change my self-talk to a more positive one.
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Self Love Story: Lessons From the Heart

self love open your heart

My self love story first arose from lessons in relationships.  The inability to experience love outside myself eventually led to a search from within. It’s going to take me courage to share more details about my life experiences. However, for some reason, the twinkling stars from beyond the cosmos seem aligned today. I have decided to proceed with publishing my self love story. So here goes…Be The Author of A Compelling Self Love Story

(Taken from My Art Journal: Be the Author of A Compelling Self Love Story)

For a long time, I sought for love everywhere else other than from the inside. I had no awareness about what it meant to love myself back then. Brought up on a diet of fairy tales, I was seriously hoping to ride into the sunset with the One, happily married ever after. Obviously, my dreams never quite materialised in the way I was expecting them to.
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7 Winning Life Tips from Top Financial Alchemists

financial planning

Financial alchemists are those with the ability to make gold of their investments. They appear to have the Midas touch. And we all clamor to learn their winning strategies. What I have not been aware of previously is that it is equally – if not more important – to find out about the way they think, their beliefs and behaviour.

Successful financial alchemists have a lot in common, in terms of mindset, that we can also learn from. Knowing what these are can help us beat any financial market – whether they are trending upwards or downwards!
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70 Ways For Self Care

self care

Self care is an act of loving yourself.

Any act of self care is to nourish your mind, body or spirit. Whatever it is, you do something nurturing. You don’t put off from taking a needed break or having some me-time. You create a better relationship with self.

Self care is taking care of your inner home. And obviously, you do not wreck yourself apart when you undertake self-care. This means that you don’t give excuses for feeling tired, crying or going for an expensive pedicure. You please yourself rather than others. Very importantly, you do not experience guilt, shame or blame. So it may mean eating more, less or having an indulgence every now and then. You take a balanced approach to overall holistic well-being.

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Claim Your Right To Abundance

Many people go around in a state of want and lack. They feel like if they have the right hair, body, face, clothes, or the right amount of money, they’d be set for happiness and therefore, a life of abundance. Certainly, marketing media would love to bank on this belief.

Claim Your Right to Abundance
(A leaf from my scrapbook album to remind me to “just go for it!”)

Product sellers and service providers make millions of dollars based on people’s insecurities. Constantly bombarded by pictures of grandeur, consumers are left to wonder if they would be complete after making an additional purchase. Myths are perpetuated as a result.

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How To Start A Gratitude Journal

gratitude law of attraction

A gratitude journal is very similar to a diary. However, the difference is that you mainly have positive things to write in a gratitude journal.

gratitude journal (List your favorite things in your gratitude journal)

While you can rant and rave in your diary, a gratitude journal is meant to uplift you. It connects you with good feeling thoughts. The aim of keeping a gratitude journal is to write down the things that make you happy and that for which you are grateful for.

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What Does Your Inner Money Script Say?

How does your inner money script look like? Does it say: I am a Money Magnet and I attract wealth easily? If it isn’t, let us discuss more about the self talk you have about money today.

i am a money magnet

(Source from my Personal Art Journal: “I am a Money Magnet” drawing)

A confession. For several years, I have had a poor money script. My script has since gone through many changes. In fact, the more I take on the director role of my life, the more I realize the importance of having excellent positive self talk.
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101 Affirmations for Children

positive affirmations for children

I compiled a list of affirmations for children recently from a wish to help mine with self-mastery and positive programming . As adults, many of our limiting thought patterns can be attributed to childhood conditioning or having unconsciously adopted negative societal beliefs. While we look for ways to help realign ourselves, how about starting with a better way forward in our children?

affirmations for children
Affirmations For Children in Homemade Flip Cards

Most certainly, we can help our kids with instilling good values, confidence, focus and belief. Positive affirmations for children can do a lot to assist them in developing healthy self esteem. We can also target some for the purposes of having an easier time with their school work.

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