Category Archives for "Self Help"
Tools and techniques for self help
Tools and techniques for self help
“If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be. If you see yourself as continually hard up, that is exactly what you will be.”- Robert Collier
Poverty consciousness grows on you over time. You wear its cloak without truly realizing how melancholic it has been making you feel. Ever so often, you try to shrug off your struggle, with the justification that it is your fate or destiny to be poor. Without ever stopping to take a deep reflection, you can continue to merely get by, scrambling to make ends meet.
The vast majority of people are saddled with poverty consciousness by default. Mostly, we do not grow up in wealthy family backgrounds or have environments that help us develop mindsets of prosperity. Additionally, we are brought up on beliefs that are handed down over the generations about having to struggle hard for the money. Fed on a diet of limited thinking, we are programmed with poverty consciousness.
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“EFT is a mind-body-spirit tool that can help you transmute into the gold of who you are.” Wealth Tapestry
Money can be an uncomfortable subject for you, like many others. You may find it easier to talk about your love life and family than about your financial situation. Any talk on money and wealth potentially triggers plenty of emotional reactions. You may find that you love money and yet resent its power over you. You may reason that you can live without it, and in the next breath, claim that you cannot live without it.
Thus, money can be a source of great joy or utter misery for you. Because of the role that money plays, you carry these emotions into every aspect of your life. Whether you are able to travel the world, have a nice roof over your head or pay off your debt, your hopes and dreams are related to the possibilities that money can bring.
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“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton
Source: Original image edited.
If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.
Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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“The Point of Power is always in the Present Moment.” Louis Hay
If you have been stuck in a financial rut for some time, you may believe that it is not possible to change your situation. You are feeling disempowered, frustrated and angry over the lack of progress. You are in agony, as you cannot find a way out of your problems.
Let’s take the example of being in a situation whereby you are barely making ends meet. Perhaps, you see that the problem lies in the job that you are having or it is because you have just started on a new entrepreneurial venture, which has yet to take off. Whatever it is, you are not able to afford the things you would like to have.
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“I’ve always viewed myself as a brand. When I started 10 years ago, that was very controversial. ‘Marketing’ and ‘PR’ were dirty words for the literary world, but that has changed. Once the book is finished, I want as many people as possible to read it.” – Camilla Lackberg, award-winning crime writer
Many of us dislike the idea of having to do marketing and promotion. We may even view it as “dirty work” altogether. We find it a real pain with a capital P. Yet, promotion is one of the factors crucial to business success and consequently, financial abundance.
After setting up our website, we would like to believe “build it and they will come”. However, it is possible to spend years twiddling our thumbs, waiting for traffic and hoping to be discovered. This is not likely to happen if we do not do something to even let others know that our products, services or websites exist.
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“There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable.” Christian Nestell Bovee
Are you feeling anxious over some money issue?
Are you financially stuck?
Are you having problems with attracting clients with your business?
Feeling anxious is a normal human reaction. However, please know that anxiety does nothing to help you out of your situation. In fact, being anxious merely increases your stress levels. You start to feel poor, depressed and frustrated.
Negative emotions lower your vibrations which make things worse if you are hoping to attract a better set of outcomes, by virtue of the Law of Attraction.
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Learn how you can apply EFT tapping easily for abundance by subscribing to my 3-part video series on How to Clear Money Blocks here. The same steps apply whether you are using it for a money breakthrough, health issues, emotional blocks such as anxiety, relationship conflicts, attracting soul mate and so on.
While results are not guaranteed, I am reasonably confident that anyone can benefit from using this method. To begin with, it is a technique that involves a healing statement of self-love and acceptance, creating a safe place for emotional release.
Love and Abundance Always,
Life Vision Coach. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.
P.S. Image credit: Min, my 10-year old daughter, who took time out to help me with the drawing 🙂
Share Your EFT Experience
Have you tried using EFT or applied EFT for abundance and business success? How was your experience like? Please share in the comments below.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Viktor E. Frankl
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy
Are you happy with the result that you are already getting?
If you are not and would like a different outcome, it is time to do things differently.
As Albert Einstein says, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Last week, I brought my daughter to a free preview workshop on effective examination strategies. To our surprise, the trainers turned out to be highly motivational. During the workshop, the trainers asked the children in the audience two poignant questions in the following order:
Are you willing to change your results?
Are you willing to change to change your results?
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“You are what you think about all day long.” Dr Robert Schuller
“If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.” – Denis Waitley
Just imagine your mind as a huge processing computer. A mental virus is often used to illustrate a thought that is toxic, causing you emotional stress, discomfort and pain. It corrupts your system, drawing vital energy away and resulting in an eventual breakdown in overall wellness.
Mental viruses are typically downloaded from collective consciousness. They are comprised of beliefs that come from societies, groups and organizations. At first, seeded as an idea in one person, the thought starts to spread from to other people as well. It becomes pervasive. Over time, it takes hold and becomes an accepted norm or belief.
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“Just as a mother at the risk of life loves and protects her child, her only child, so one should cultivate boundless love to all that live in the whole universe.” – Buddha
5 Anxiety-Reducing Benefits of Cultivating Loving-Kindness
by Stephen Joseph
In the first few moments of being introduced to the practice of loving-kindness, I was admittedly a little less than enthusiastic. I thought it thoroughly pointless and something only pretentious bohemians or experienced Buddhist practitioners pursued.
I was in my early twenties and suffering terribly under the ravages of at least three separate anxiety disorders. My mind was destabilised and full of fear. All my hopes for the future lay shattered and depression was beginning to knock at the door.