Category Archives for "Self Help"
Tools and techniques for self help
Tools and techniques for self help
Do you know what the difference is: intention setting versus goal setting?
While both ideas are often used these days, knowing the difference can be helpful. If anything, intention or goal setting exercises tend to leave most people confused, uninspired or disempowered either way. And you want to avoid that!
Conversely, with knowing the difference between intention setting versus goal setting, you get to be more aware of what combining the two can do for you. It’s not one or the other. In my article, I’d like to highlight the pros and cons of each separately.
Ultimately, I recommend a process that not only leads you to reaching your desired outcome but in a way that also elicits a desirable positive experience. It’s also a process that is holistic – a meeting of heart, mind, body and spirit! The idea is to create authentic actionable guideposts that are challenging yet not allow blocks to obstruct your success.
Sounds exciting? Read on
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Harness the power of thoughts so that you can create the life that you want. Your every thought is a statement of your desires to the Universe. You are a product of all the thoughts, feelings and experiences you have had until now. In the same manner, whatever thoughts you have now are going to influence your tomorrow. This being the case, you need to be very aware about the thoughts that run in your head. By not taking charge of your mind, you may just attract circumstances that are contrary to what you truly desire.
(I am updating this article of its old links – hence, I am republishing it today :-))
On the plus side, if you can exercise great control in what or the way you think, you can begin to attract resources from the Universe, to make your dreams come true. For today, let’s examine 10 truths about the power of thoughts, so that you can set leverage on your mind effectively:
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Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.
Why Write an Abundance Check?
A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.
The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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How to believe in yourself could be a question that confounds you when you don’t find yourself special, unique or have any attributes that make you stand out. Believing can feel “hard” when you perceive that you have got nothing to show for. As someone who has wrestled with low confidence for years, I understand how difficult it must be to know where to start.
How do you even begin the process of believing in yourself? If you tend to downplay yourself in every way, believing in yourself can be a difficult exercise. Well, I would like to share what has worked for me with some of the tips in this post.
Resigning yourself that you will never find out how to believe in yourself is not the answer. You already know by now what low confidence can do to you. The outcome is downright miserable.
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Aura colors vary from one person to the next, in its hue, width and so on. They offer information about your overall well-being. From a reading, it is possible to obtain energetic information about your emotional, physical, mental and spiritual states. It is in the variations that provide a more accurate reading.
All living things radiate aura colors. Not everyone can see them….except for the gifted few. The gifted ones are able to access the auric fields to perform energy healing.To put it simply, the auric field is the electromagnetic field which surrounds your human body. Energy healing may be done to correct imbalances in your energy state that affect your wellness.
To find out what aura colors you vibrate, you may wish to get an aura photography and reading done. Alternatively, do the Aura Colors test below. It wouldn’t be the same as getting an aura reading done, but you can find out which aura color you are vibrating through a quick quiz.
Play the Moon Quiz in this post to gauge your moon awareness. Become more mindful about how you can take advantage of Full Moon, Supermoon and New Moon energy for managing your emotions and setting intentions.
How often do you take the moon for granted and fail to notice it? Or allow the occurrence of special lunar event such as a Supermoon to pass you by? Well, I created the Moon Quiz, so that we can all start to build greater awareness.
The moon plays a vital part in the celestial sky. If you are sensitive to energy movements, I suggest that you keep tap on the various moon phases. You may just be able to observe how life patterns are surfacing with the occurrences of the Full Moon, Supermoon or New Moon.
Positive affirmations for women are helpful to use if you are struggling with limiting beliefs due to gender issues. For instance, do you have the view or negative self-talk that you are less deserving of success, less worthy of respect or that you can’t make as much money because you perceive yourself to be the weaker sex? Or that you need to be of certain body proportions to qualify as being more attractive?
Well, what you say to yourself is backed by the limiting beliefs that you hold. Hence, I suggest changing your thought patterns so that you can bring about a more balanced state of empowerment. Your beliefs have an impact on your life experiences.
You can find yourself experiencing low self-esteem, poor body image, inability to accept aging as you approach your 40s or 50s and difficulties with manifesting money and abundance. As I have found from working with others, more women than men tend to struggle with issues related to gender roles because of the disparity in society’s expectations of them.If you have immense challenges with accepting and appreciating your role as a woman, I recommend using positive affirmations to reverse old thinking.
How about taking a free chakra test to find out which of your 7 energy centers is out of balance?
I have been using the chakra system as a guide for personal awareness and to work with clients for several years now. It will be great to share with you on how comprehensive it is as a roadmap for conscious living.
The chakra system offers an excellent framework for an understanding of your energy system. There are 7 major chakras, which are energy centers in your body. In Hindi, chakras simply mean “wheels of spinning energy”. Indeed, a chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. You have got 7 major vortexes or energy centers that line up like the picture below…
The chakra system is akin to having an electrical wiring system within your inner home. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part of your being. It regulates the flow of energy throughout the network (meridians) that runs throughout your physical body.
Taking a chakra test can help you to determine which – out of the 7 energy centers – is out of balance or blocked. Out-of-balance chakras or chakra blocks usually happen at the energy centers. Your chakras can get blocked because of stress, emotional or physical root causes.Continue reading
There are many benefits of meditation. I hope to share with you what these are, especially if you are new to this practice. Over the years, meditation has made a huge difference to my life. Hopefully, it can help increase your holistic wellness too
While there are already many articles describing the benefits of meditation on the internet, I hope to share what I have gained from my personal experiences as well.
On the side, I would like to dedicate this post in memory of my mother-in-law who first introduced meditation to me. It was more than 10 years ago when she taught me how to meditate. My mother-in-law was 70 when she became a Buddhist nun who was very interested in meditation.
Amy started to experience money struggles the moment when she wanted to make the transition from executive to entrepreneur.
A pretty lady in her 30s, Amy is from a middle-income family. From external appearances, she seemed to be doing fine…except that in the six months prior to us working together, she had been struggling. No one except her husband knew about her feeling broke and depressed.
For months, Amy had worked hard at getting her business off the ground.
There were a lot more to each marketing strategy that she had at first realised. It was not long before doubt started to creep in. She went into emotional overwhelm.