Category Archives for "NLP-Enneagram"

About NLP and Enneagram Personality Profiling.

How Decisive Action Overcomes Paralysis in a Stuck Situation

“Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old – old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t. In both cases we have to DO something.” Rush Limbaugh


I have noticed that a lot of us make decisions from where we currently are – which happens to be the “stuck” position. In which case, we are making the decision from a place of fear. So we end up saying “no” or procrastinating on the one decision that can help us unstuck ourselves.

Even more so when it comes to a decision on investing in inner or healing work. We are reluctant to commit to working internally. We feel paralysed with fear. Even though we realise that it could be helpful, we are averse to the idea of bringing our repressed emotions into the open. Not surprisingly, we usually view spending in any form of inner healing/transformation as unnecessary expense.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking qualifies as poverty consciousness. If we are feeling the lack, we will continue to stay in limitation because we are not willing to take the action that can potentially bring us to the next level of growth. Paralysis imprisons and prevents us from being great!
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Visioning for the New Year

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” Denis Waitley

It is the time of the year whereby you may wish to review the vision board that you have made or set some new goals for the next 12 months. Perhaps, you have watched “The Secret” movie or even watched Oprah, who shared about the power of using vision boards to bring forward your dreams.

So are you on the way to manifesting your vision? Or are you still struggling with manifesting the life that you desire?

If you are still struggling, listen to my New Year message about doing things differently this year and starting off with proper visioning work.

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7 Painful Lessons to Avoid While Pursuing Multiple Sources of Income

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” Soren Kierkegaard

multiple sources of income


In the book, Multiple Sources of Income, Robert Allen presents 10 sure-fire ways to generating more than $100,000 a year, on a part-time basis and with little or no money. If the topic interests you, then by all means buy his book. However, should my personal experience be anything to go by, allow me to share that some of my best tips in the pursuit of multiple sources of income.


Well, my tips come from having made many unwise decisions in finance, stock trading and buying into “make money quick” schemes. In the last two decades, I have ventured into many opportunities: from investing in Bordeaux wine in a French vineyards, physical gold holdings, foreign exchange, property in the States and elsewhere in the world, and so on. I have also explored a few business models online, only to realise later that they did not work out.
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7 Tips to Overcoming Money Insecurity While Undergoing Career Transition

“Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process of starting a new thing can cause times of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity.” Joyce Meyer

career transition

Are you in-between jobs or undergoing a career transition?

Or perhaps you have been thinking long and hard about quitting your job and changing line…and yet have not dared take the plunge?

If so, let me guess: you are not having an easy time.

You have been feeling a level of insecurity with a sudden loss in income or the thought of an expected loss in income.
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How to Create A Conscious Life of Financial Breakthroughs

How you do money is how you do everything. And vice versa.

financial breakthroughFinancial or money situations offer divine lessons. They are opportunities in disguise. Each presents you a chance for a breakthrough. It is a chance for you to break free yourself from worry, frustration and any limiting belief. The process of alchemy whereby you transmute into your brilliance – free from all fear – offers a holistic path to happiness.

I recall one of my coaches telling me about his vision 2-3 years ago. His vision was to lead a breakthrough life and inspire his students to do the same. When I first heard his vision, I was doubtful. My critical voice protested, “that will be overwhelming and impossible on a daily basis!” Little did I know that I would be encouraging my clients in a similar vein today 🙂
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How to Tap Into Wealth

“EFT is a mind-body-spirit tool that can help you transmute into the gold of who you are.” Wealth Tapestry

tap into wealth

Money can be an uncomfortable subject for you, like many others. You may find it easier to talk about your love life and family than about your financial situation. Any talk on money and wealth potentially triggers plenty of emotional reactions. You may find that you love money and yet resent its power over you. You may reason that you can live without it, and in the next breath, claim that you cannot live without it.

Thus, money can be a source of great joy or utter misery for you. Because of the role that money plays, you carry these emotions into every aspect of your life. Whether you are able to travel the world, have a nice roof over your head or pay off your debt, your hopes and dreams are related to the possibilities that money can bring.
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How to Develop a Positive Attitude With Meditation

positive attitude

How to Develop a Positive Attitude with Meditation – Guest post by Benjamin Norris.

A positive attitude puts you in a more positive vibrational state of being, thereby enabling you to attract success and abundance more easily. One of the most common techniques for developing a positive state of mind is meditation. Meditation offers an excellent avenue for exploring your inner world.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

There are many different meditation techniques that can specifically assist with the development of a positive mental attitude. Some of the most popular meditations are:
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How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

overcome fear of failure resistance

Does the fear of failure stop you from venturing forth?

The fear of failure often strikes with terror. A shiver goes down your spine. You break out in profuse sweat. Your imagination goes on the overdrive. Whether the trial you are undergoing is a big or small one, you feel faint from the thought of being seen as a failure in life.

The fear of failure may not all that negative. For instance, it can spur you to overcome your barriers and conquer new heights. I believe it was how I have studied and passed my examinations relatively well while in school. However, in the recent years, I realised that being motivated by fear may not exactly be the best way to go about living. I have also found that my children do not respond too well when fear is being used to get them to study or to instil some of discipline. With awareness, I intend to be mindful about not using fear on them.

fear of failure

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How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

fear of rejection

Is the fear of rejection stopping you from being free to pursue what you want?

Well, it is one fear that strikes many of us. The perception of having been rejected can cut like a stab in the heart. In an instant, you can feel as if you are drained of all blood. Dizziness ensues and you hang on to dear life, gasping for air.

“There is going to be a hundred thousand doors slammed in your face before one opens, so feel ok about taking rejection.” – Heather Matarazzo

I don’t know of anyone who has the privilege of going through life without ever experiencing the fear of rejection at least once. I have certainly been rejected many times. In a few of the situations, back when I was in my early 20s, I had thought that I would not be able to survive past the rejection. With despair, I would drown my sorrow via drinking and clubbing several times a week. Fortunately, these days, I have found better ways to deal with the fear of rejection.
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How to Be The Best That You Can Be

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
– Lao Tze

Lao Tze Quote

Could it be that you are your own worst enemy?

Feeling defeated by your own limiting beliefs?

Don’t feel worthy because of the harsh labels that you judge yourself with?

And so, you have the belief statement: I would like to go for my dreams but _____________.

Your buts hold you back.
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