Category Archives for "Emotional Healing-EFT"

Using Emotional Freedom Technique to clear emotional blocks before the Law of Attraction can work.

How To Let Go of The Past

let go of the past

Not being able to let go of the past can keep you stuck for years. The suffering of holding on keeps your stories alive. Attachment drives you into heartache. In fact, over time, you could have also gotten used to the suffering. So much so that you may even feel lost at the thought of becoming free from pain.

release the past
(Photo: Singapore Botanic Gardens)

It is possible to fear that there will be emptiness when you let go of the past. You are not sure what could be left of you if all the anger, hurt and resentment is gone. After all, you have defined yourself by the stories you believe in. You may think that it is better to cling on the old stories because you fear losing your identity. Well, as I had discovered, this is erroneous thinking.Continue reading

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How to Develop Self-Acceptance: The Secret to Everlasting Beauty

contemplation self acceptance

You may be wondering how to develop self acceptance when it has been a constant battle. The advice “just be yourself” is one that is not easy to follow. Not especially when you are getting into many wrong ideas about what beauty is.

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

(When you accept yourself, your confidence shows from the inside.)

Bombarded by advertisements, you are encouraged to believe that you need the latest it-bag, platform shoes or anti-aging cream in order to be beautiful. Thus, life becomes a constant strife to acquire these items.
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How to Mend a Broken Heart Holistically

“When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.” ~ anonymous

how to mend a broken heart

Your heart is broken from a relationship that is finally over. And so, it feels as if your entire world is crushed. You cannot bear the thought of not having that special someone in your life. Never mind even if you have just been betrayed, taken advantage of, left to the sharks and so on from your ex. You just dislike the idea of having to spend special occasions such as Valentine’s, New Year’s or Christmas Day alone.
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101 Ways to Love Your Life

love your life

When you love your life, everything works. You become happy. There is a skip in your walk, a song in your heart, a shine in your aura, a joy in your being. Others are attracted to you. You find yourself supported by the universe. Success, invariably, becomes easy.

(See Tip #100 below)

Just imagine if the opposite is true.

Life appears bleak and that there is nothing to live for. And you believe that you are right in holding on to the pessimistic view: your life sucks. You have enough evidence to prove that life has little or no meaning. Everything has been a struggle so far.
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Demi Moore: Lessons On Self-Love

“What scares me is that I’m going to ultimately find out that at the end of my life that I’m really not lovable, that I’m not worthy of being loved. That there’s something fundamentally wrong with me…and that I wasn’t wanted in the first place.” – Demi Moore

Demi Moore on Self-Love

In a recent interview on the February edition of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, Demi Moore shared that her worst fear is finding out that she is not being loved. Demi has just ended her six-year marriage to actor Ashton Kutcher. It was her third marriage.
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111 Ways To Seize the Moment

There are many ways that you can seize the moment. While seizing the moment usually happens spontaneously, it is also possible to cultivate the idea of what to do first.

Dancing on the Streets
(My kids spontaneously seized the moment to dance when no one was walking on the streets. See tip #2 below.)

In these instances, seizing the moment involves dwelling on the possibility before you finally take action. What seems immediate has actually been in the works for a period.
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How to Overcome Self Doubt

strong woman overcome self doubt

Self doubt happens when you have little belief in yourself. There is an inner lack of faith and confidence. You are not able to claim your own accomplishments, even when due. You feel like an imposter, a fraud and a cheat. You deem yourself as unworthy of any kind of praise, accolades or validation; although you are deserving.

When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. Click to Tweet

It does not matter that others may think highly of you. What counts is the perception and evaluation of your own capability. You very much doubt in your own ability or power to garner required resources or support.
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Self-Love Secrets eBook Is Finally Here

Self-Love Secrets Book is finally Here! It’s been a long wait after months of writing….at least from my perspective 🙂 Well, let me give you a brief introduction….

Self-Love Secrets Has Arrived!

Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

What keeps you awake at night?

– Is it the incessant worry that plagues you?
– Is it the fear that you will never be rich, successful or powerful?
– Is it the thing about the past that you cannot forgive yourself on?
– Is it the fear that you will lose face in front of others?
– Is it repeated blame, shame or frustration?
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How to Practice Non-Attachment in 7 Ways

personal energy shield for protection

Admittedly, non-attachment can be difficult to apply. Some people such as monks dedicate their whole lives to making it a practice. However, this does not mean that renunciation in order to release your “suffering” is necessary for you to practice non-attachment.

In fact, if you continue to use religious disciplines to hold on to your identity, then you are yet on the path of genuine spiritual growth. So long as you are holding on to something such that it causes you grief and pain, you are having an attachment. Your ego is interested in clinging on to some form of identification.
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Detect Daily Anxiety Symptoms To Avoid Energy Leakage

money worries stress anxiety

Anxiety symptoms are pretty common, considering that we live in a fast-paced environment. Anxiety-ridden, we find it hard to cope with the stresses of life. We become anxious when we fear that we cannot catch up, feel overwhelmed by the amount of incoming information, do not know how to make a decision and perceive a looming threat to our security.

Happy Feet: Don't Worry Be Happy

Then again, anxiety symptoms are also known to be pretty normal, as they are part of the natural “fight or flight” reaction to stress or danger. Hence, there cannot be any human who has not felt anxiety at all. ‘

I certainly have experienced anxiety enough times myself. In particular, with what is going on in the world today, anxiety reportedly is at heightened levels once again. Many people are experiencing mental health stress.
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