“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton
Source: Original image edited.
If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.
Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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“I’ve always viewed myself as a brand. When I started 10 years ago, that was very controversial. ‘Marketing’ and ‘PR’ were dirty words for the literary world, but that has changed. Once the book is finished, I want as many people as possible to read it.” – Camilla Lackberg, award-winning crime writer
Many of us dislike the idea of having to do marketing and promotion. We may even view it as “dirty work” altogether. We find it a real pain with a capital P. Yet, promotion is one of the factors crucial to business success and consequently, financial abundance.
After setting up our website, we would like to believe “build it and they will come”. However, it is possible to spend years twiddling our thumbs, waiting for traffic and hoping to be discovered. This is not likely to happen if we do not do something to even let others know that our products, services or websites exist.
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“There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable.” Christian Nestell Bovee
Are you feeling anxious over some money issue?
Are you financially stuck?
Are you having problems with attracting clients with your business?
Feeling anxious is a normal human reaction. However, please know that anxiety does nothing to help you out of your situation. In fact, being anxious merely increases your stress levels. You start to feel poor, depressed and frustrated.
Negative emotions lower your vibrations which make things worse if you are hoping to attract a better set of outcomes, by virtue of the Law of Attraction.
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Learn how you can apply EFT tapping easily for abundance by subscribing to my 3-part video series on How to Clear Money Blocks here. The same steps apply whether you are using it for a money breakthrough, health issues, emotional blocks such as anxiety, relationship conflicts, attracting soul mate and so on.
While results are not guaranteed, I am reasonably confident that anyone can benefit from using this method. To begin with, it is a technique that involves a healing statement of self-love and acceptance, creating a safe place for emotional release.
Love and Abundance Always,
Life Vision Coach. Author. Energy Healing Practitioner.
P.S. Image credit: Min, my 10-year old daughter, who took time out to help me with the drawing 🙂
Share Your EFT Experience
Have you tried using EFT or applied EFT for abundance and business success? How was your experience like? Please share in the comments below.
“An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.” – Victor Kiam
Enter the Exciting Age of Entrepreneurship, with having a “preneur” tag in trend. Some of these tags have been coined by specific groups of people for the creation of online movements. I have been noticing an avalanche of preneur- labels such as “solopreneur”, “mompreneur”, “lovepreneur”, “photopreneur”, “successpreneur”, “careerpreneur”, etc.
Indeed, the path to entrepreneurship has been made a whole lot easier with the internet. Coming from a banking and finance background, I used to think entrepreneurs as those who seek millions in venture capital to raise funds for an innovation or project. However, in recent years, I have observed that the term is being increasingly used by many small business owners on the web as well.
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Creating a powerful personal life vision has many benefits. It offers you guidance in charting the way forward. It also drives the actions, decisions and behavior that you undertake. Where it is lived into, it basically sums up who you are, your life story and the meaning you have created.
Some people don’t bother with making a personal life vision. Well, not having one can leave you like a boat without a rudder; subject to the currents of life. You are more likely to paddle along (which makes your progress slow) or go around in circles. However, if you hope to lead a life that is more than mediocre and one that can potentially allow you to be happier, you will need to take charge.
“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson
Financial alchemists are those with the ability to make gold of their investments. They appear to have the Midas touch. And we all clamor to learn their winning strategies. What I have not been aware of previously is that it is equally – if not more important – to find out about the way they think, their beliefs and behaviour.
Successful financial alchemists have a lot in common, in terms of mindset, that we can also learn from. Knowing what these are can help us beat any financial market – whether they are trending upwards or downwards!
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Self care is an act of loving yourself.
Any act of self care is to nourish your mind, body or spirit. Whatever it is, you do something nurturing. You don’t put off from taking a needed break or having some me-time. You create a better relationship with self.
Self care is taking care of your inner home. And obviously, you do not wreck yourself apart when you undertake self-care. This means that you don’t give excuses for feeling tired, crying or going for an expensive pedicure. You please yourself rather than others. Very importantly, you do not experience guilt, shame or blame. So it may mean eating more, less or having an indulgence every now and then. You take a balanced approach to overall holistic well-being.
There can be several guidelines to be aware of, when you set powerful intentions. When applied cohesively, they can be extremely helpful in bringing your intents to fruition effectively.
You can set a powerful intention or a poor one. Based on my experiences with setting intentions, here is a summary of 10 tips I have picked up that I would like to share with you:
Positive daily affirmations are declarations of a desired outcome or goal. Affirmations are reprogramming tools for your mind. They can help you develop positive thinking, get rid of unhelpful beliefs, reduce stress, build your self esteem and attract the life you want.. As an example, the statement that “I easily and consistently make $10,000 a month” will be an appropriate affirmation that overrides the limiting “I find it hard to make $10,000 a month”.
To anchor a positive daily affirmation firmly in your subconscious, find out the pitfalls that you need to avoid. Next, keep repeating it so that it becomes the “truth” for you. The more frequent you make the declaration, the more effective it gets.
Having said that, I’ve often found that it can get pretty boring making the same declaration several times a day and day-after-day. Just imagine repeating the following positive daily affirmations like a mantra:
“I easily and consistently make $10,000 a month.”
“I weigh a healthy X pounds.”
“I attract girls/men very easily.”
I’m not sure whether you would agree with me….that while these affirmations may just do the job, they do not sound exciting in the least!
So I’m thinking: how about using some creativity to jazz up the practice of using Positive Daily Affirmations?
Here is a list of 7 ideas from my toolkit for making Positive Daily Affirmations a FUN exercise!
1. Make Your Affirmations Into A Song!
While racking my brain for ideas, I came across one from Gary Craig, who founded the Emotional Freedom Technique. Gary suggested turning affirmations into a jingle.
Remember the nursery rhyme Old McDonalds Had a Farm? For those who just cannot recall, here’s the rhyme:
Old McDonalds had a farm. Ee-ii-ee-ii-o.
With a quack quack here. And a quack quack there.
Here a quack and there a quack. Everywhere a quack quack.
Old MacDonalds had a farm. Ee-ii-ee-ii-o.
Using Gary’s proposed lyrics and the same tune to Old McDonalds, here’s how you would sing to an affirmation involving a money goal:
I earn 10K a month. Very E-asily.
And a dollar dollar here. And a dollar dollar there.
Here a dollar. There a dollar. Everywhere a dollar dollar.
I earn 10K a month. Very E-asily.
Another song that I’ve thought of, that can be easily adapted is “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean”….
My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie lies over the ocean, O bring back my Bonnie to me.
Chorus: Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me, to me. Bring back, bring back, O bring back my Bonnie to me.
Here is the version that I am proposing….
My earnings comes easy to me-e,
my earnings come easy to me.
My earnings comes easy to me-e.
O give me my earnings right now.Chorus: Earning O earning O earning my 10K a month, a month.
Earning O earning O earning my 10K a month.
2. Make Art out of Positive Daily Affirmations.
Perhaps you are less of a singer than an artist. If you are more visual, then consider using art to express your positive daily affirmations.
You can start a scrap journal and paste or draw anything in it that supports your affirmation. For instance, if your affirmation is “I make $10K a month”, think about the things you can buy. Then, find the pictures that support them. Stick pictures like a new designer handbag, new clothes, watch, etc. into your journal.
Alternatively, instead of pictures, you can also different phrases to support your affirmation. For instance, I have come across phrases like “dream home come true”, “a million possibilities”, “arouse your creative imagination” and “inspirational living” while flipping through home and decor magazines. Cut these phrases out and paste them into your scrap book.
Art can be expressed in a variety of ways, using different mediums. Other than cutting and pasting pictures for magazines, you can also consider using a software to create an affirmations board (refer to the above image that I made). The idea is to use your creativity in more ways than one, to connect to your inner Self while making affirmations.
3. Dress The Part.
This will depend on the affirmation that you are making. Obviously, if you have a weight loss affirmation, then it may not be quite possible to dress the part yet.
But if you have an affirmation on a money goal, then dressing the part can be a powerful make-believe that you have already made it. Notice how you feel if you are always dress shabbily compared to if you have got your best clothes on?
If you have an affirmation that says “I am a successful businessman”, then your dressing smartly can also help to conjure the same thought in the minds of your prospects.
4. Daydream About Your Affirmations Coming True.
Daydreaming is a powerful exercise. When you use your imagination, you are building an imagery in your subconscious mind.
In your daydreams, you can complete just about any impossible tasks out there, with wonderous results. You can be Superman, Wonder Woman, or James Bond (See also point 6 below)!
While daydreaming, affirm your goals. Stretch your imagination. Have fun, thinking of how your affirmations can come true.
“The best thing about dreams is that fleeting moment, when you are between asleep and awake, when you don’t know the difference between reality and fantasy, when for just that one moment you feel with your entire soul that the dream is reality, and it really happened.”
— Unknown
5. Use Role Models To Create Your Affirmations.
How about borrowing this famous line?…..
“Just call me Bond. James Bond.”
Obviously, you should use the appropriate role model for the affirmation that you are working on.
For instance, if you have an aspiration to be a motivational public speaker, then your affirmation may sound like this “Just call me Tony. Tony Robbins.”
If you have an aspiration to look fit, then your affirmation may be “Just call me Jennifer. Jennifer Lopez.”
If you have an affirmation to be a super woman, then your affirmation may be “Just call me Wonder. Wonder Woman”.
6. Use Empowering Adjectives.
The choice of words can help in bringing about a stronger emotion to your positive daily affirmations. For instance, don’t you think there is a difference between saying “I earn $5K a month” as compared to “I easily and consistently make $5K a month”?
You can also add empowering adjectives, to make a more eloquent affirmation, like:
Emphasize the adjective while stating your new affirmation….
Old Positive Daily Affirmation: I am in a state of good health.
New Positive Daily Affirmation: I am in a state of Vibrant health.
Old Positive Daily Affirmation: I make $5K a month.
New Positive Daily Affirmation: I make an Awesome $5K a month.
Old Positive Daily Affirmation: I am in a job that I love.
New Positive Daily Affirmation: I am in a Magnificent job that I love, with access to many Wonderful opportunities.
7. Make-Believe Mini Exercises.
Think up ideas for make believe on your affirmations coming true. Back to my example again on the money goal, consider writing a blank check to yourself. On the check, fill in your name and write the figure that you desire. Keep it n your wallet. In your mind, imagine spending the dollar amount and feeling happy about your purchases. Repeat this exercise every month.
In Conclusion
Explore making affirmations into a poem, poster, food decoration. Anything! Since you were a child, your negative beliefs probably got programmed in a multitude of ways. My point is why not do the same with positive affirmations in a FUN JAZZY and more interesting way?
Love and Abundance Always,
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