Category Archives for "Marketing"

30 Signs That You Need a Money Mindset Makeover

Money Mindset Makeover Signs

What are the signs indicating that you need a money mindset makeover?

I find that most people don’t recognise that they could be having a money mindset issue. They prefer to avoid any discussions about money altogether. What’s more, it’s a hit on the ego to admit to having a limiting mindset. Yet ignorance is not bliss when a money mindset makeover can help you grow your income without more pain and struggle.

Your money mindset simply refers to how you have been thinking about money. It affects you in the way you feel and also drives your actions and behavior concerning your finances. If you want to attract financial abundance, having a healthy money mindset is important.

How do you know what your money mindset is like? One great way is to look at what’s been happening in your financial situation. The thoughts and beliefs you have about money impact the outcome that you manifest.


Do You Have a Money Mindset Issue?

Here are 10 signs that you need to have a money mindset makeover immediately…..

1. Money is hard to come by every month.

2. Multiple areas in your life (eg. love and finances) are in jeopardy of crumbling.
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The Year in Review: Let Go of the Old

As I begin to love myself, I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first, I call this attitude a healthy egoism. Today, I know it is “Love of Oneself”. Charlie Chaplin

begin to love myself charlie chaplin quote

The Year in Review

A number of my friends had been using the Year in Review app by Facebook to post a slideshow on their timelines. The slideshow is a collection of images taken in the past 12 months. When Facebook prompted me to share mine, I found out that the slideshow that it had automatically created on my behalf, was – unfortunately – not a complete representation of my journey. And so, I decided to share my own Year in Review in a blog post instead.

Numerologically, 2016 gives us the digit 9. 9 represents completion, the end of a cycle. It signals a time to wrap things up and bring them to a conclusion.

Still, letting go of the old can mean different things to different people. In my case, it is about letting go of old ways of doing things, rebranding and building things anew for the next stage of growth.

What about for you? Is it something related to you in terms of business? Or is it about letting go of past hurts, past memories, regrets, dead relationships and so on? What has kept you stuck and from moving on?

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Why You Need to Start with Why: Book Review

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek

Start with WhyStart with why is something that I have heard over and over again in leadership events. Almost every speaker dishes out this advice, to which I nodded dismissively. After all, as someone from the personal growth field, wouldn’t I already know why I am doing what I am doing?


Well, it finally took a book to get my attention on the finer details of Why Start with Why. I received a free copy of Start with Why by Simon Sinek by virtue of a winning ticket during the Silver Retreat in Utah that I was in last week. As I turn its pages during my 25-hour journey back to Singapore, I was intrigued.

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Aroma Health is Wealth

Health is a Blessing. Health is Wealth!

Aroma Health is Wealth

I would like to announce the launch of my new site that espouses: Aroma Health is Wealth. My new site is created so that I can share about tips on essential oil healing. I am excited as it is my first mobile-friendly site, making it easier for all to read about essential oils on our handphones. Despite a one-month delay due to technical issues that cropped up, the site is finally up. Yayyyy!

My journey really started more than 2 years when I was first introduced to essential oils. However, when I first began, I was largely skeptical. The oils were introduced to me as part of a complementary program because indications of cancer cells had shown up in a biofeedback scan. Even though I healed in less than 6 months, I was still unsure about the part that the oils played in my recovery. Was it real or was it psychological?
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Detach from Your Money Drama

money drama screen

What is standing in your way of abundance could be money drama that is playing in your head. It may well be the same script that has been playing for many years. Unfortunately, while there are some positive themes, the script plays a mostly negative one especially in the area concerning money. In fact, there are days when it is kind of like a soap play.
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What My Power Word for Intention Setting in 2015 Is

“Our intention creates our reality. We are powerful beyond measure.”

What intentions are you setting for the year 2015?

Like many others, I start the year thinking about my intentions and things I would like to do. Well, I admit that I have not achieved every single goal made. However, upon reflection, I have found that my path has been going steadily in the direction of my overall intention.

It was not quite that way before I decided to do intention setting. I was going round and round in circles for a very long time. Things started to change when I got clearer about my purpose, and especially on how I would like to serve others in the world. Clarity helped me set on the direction I would like to take. (If you like some help in knowing your soul gifts and aligning with purpose, check out my reading services here).
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Social Share: Abundance Quotes

May love bless your heart. May light guide your path. May laughter fill your days.

I would like to end the year with a post that is filled with all the best wishes for you in the new year. Thank you for your love throughout the months. Your readership means a lot to me. I appreciate your support.

I have felt creatively inspired while working. It is the reason why I am drawn to publishing inspirational quotes on beautifully created images – like the picture above – to share with others like yourself 🙂
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How to Create A Conscious Life of Financial Breakthroughs

How you do money is how you do everything. And vice versa.

financial breakthroughFinancial or money situations offer divine lessons. They are opportunities in disguise. Each presents you a chance for a breakthrough. It is a chance for you to break free yourself from worry, frustration and any limiting belief. The process of alchemy whereby you transmute into your brilliance – free from all fear – offers a holistic path to happiness.

I recall one of my coaches telling me about his vision 2-3 years ago. His vision was to lead a breakthrough life and inspire his students to do the same. When I first heard his vision, I was doubtful. My critical voice protested, “that will be overwhelming and impossible on a daily basis!” Little did I know that I would be encouraging my clients in a similar vein today 🙂
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How To Practice Gratitude Prayers for Work

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton

Source: Original image edited.

If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.

Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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Which Online Entreprenur or Preneur Group Are You Part Of?

“An entrepreneur assumes the risk and is dedicated and committed to the success of whatever he or she undertakes.” – Victor Kiam

online entrepreneur

Enter the Exciting Age of Entrepreneurship, with having a “preneur” tag in trend. Some of these tags have been coined by specific groups of people for the creation of online movements. I have been noticing an avalanche of preneur- labels such as “solopreneur”, “mompreneur”, “lovepreneur”, “photopreneur”, “successpreneur”, “careerpreneur”, etc.

Indeed, the path to entrepreneurship has been made a whole lot easier with the internet. Coming from a banking and finance background, I used to think entrepreneurs as those who seek millions in venture capital to raise funds for an innovation or project. However, in recent years, I have observed that the term is being increasingly used by many small business owners on the web as well.
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