Category Archives for "Success"

Principles that propel you to success

How to Be Bold In Life

lion courage bold

To fulfill our visions, we need to be bold. We need to be able to let go of our fears. Boldness is the magic brew that spurs us on to venture beyond known territories, undertake new adventures, and make bigger dreams. A healthy dose of boldness is required if we want our lives to change. It is the kickstart to living a life of being free from fear.

how to be bold
(A Scrapbook Page that I made, reminding me about being bold.)

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7 Winning Life Tips from Top Financial Alchemists

financial planning

Financial alchemists are those with the ability to make gold of their investments. They appear to have the Midas touch. And we all clamor to learn their winning strategies. What I have not been aware of previously is that it is equally – if not more important – to find out about the way they think, their beliefs and behaviour.

Successful financial alchemists have a lot in common, in terms of mindset, that we can also learn from. Knowing what these are can help us beat any financial market – whether they are trending upwards or downwards!
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How to Internally Align With Financial Abundance

I was being asked this question by a reader who emailed in: why do all the spiritual gurus and experts say that we are abundant when the evidence in our current financial situation appears to be pointing otherwise? The reader has been feeling utterly confused. She finds it hard to believe that she can become financially wealthy from working in a paid-by-the-hour job.

Things I wish For
(Financial Abundance Wish: What Things Can I Buy with More Money?)

Well, the answer to the reader’s question is this: there is every opportunity to increase financial abundance. Opportunities are available because ideas are abundant. And it is possible for anyone to can tune into them. Yet, we have not been able to recognize ideas because we have little clarity. Our minds are clouded because we have bought into certain misbeliefs and at the same, we are being obscured by emotional clutter.
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70 Ways For Self Care

self care

Self care is an act of loving yourself.

Any act of self care is to nourish your mind, body or spirit. Whatever it is, you do something nurturing. You don’t put off from taking a needed break or having some me-time. You create a better relationship with self.

Self care is taking care of your inner home. And obviously, you do not wreck yourself apart when you undertake self-care. This means that you don’t give excuses for feeling tired, crying or going for an expensive pedicure. You please yourself rather than others. Very importantly, you do not experience guilt, shame or blame. So it may mean eating more, less or having an indulgence every now and then. You take a balanced approach to overall holistic well-being.

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Soar Into The Sky In 2011

You can see the dark shadows of something moving under the waters. It moves fast, steadily and surely. Then, all of a sudden, it leaps out of the water. Soaring into the air, the dolphin makes a triple somersault. It splashes back into the water again. You cannot help but step back in a gasp of delight.

Dolphin At Seaworld Australia
(Photo taken at SeaWorld, Gold Coast Australia)

The dolphin’s love for life is clear. It is playful, warm, responsive and intuitive. There is much that we can learn from the dolphin.

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5 Steps To Being Authentic To Your True Dreams

What do weekend workshops like forex trading, internet marketing, real estate investing, gold trading, and investing through other instruments have in common? All are ways said to help build a solid investment base for the purpose of generating passive income.

Listen From Within Your Heart
(From personal scrapbook with the following lines:
– Listen From Within, Your Heart Knows the Way. Trust It. Remember this.
– “The race is long and in the end, it’s only with yourself.” Mary Schmich.
– “As long as one keeps searching, the answers come.” Joan Baez.)

Since the publication of Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad, there have been a number of workshops purportedly to teach its students how to achieve financial freedom.

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Claim Your Right To Abundance

Many people go around in a state of want and lack. They feel like if they have the right hair, body, face, clothes, or the right amount of money, they’d be set for happiness and therefore, a life of abundance. Certainly, marketing media would love to bank on this belief.

Claim Your Right to Abundance
(A leaf from my scrapbook album to remind me to “just go for it!”)

Product sellers and service providers make millions of dollars based on people’s insecurities. Constantly bombarded by pictures of grandeur, consumers are left to wonder if they would be complete after making an additional purchase. Myths are perpetuated as a result.

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The 5Cs of Buddhism

The 5Cs is a well known acronym in Singapore. It typically refers to the Singapore Dream. It was coined in the 90s due to a local observation of the materialistic obsession of Singaporeans. The 5Cs are Cash, Condo, Car, Country Club Membership and Credit Card. When I started my banking career upon graduation years ago, I had the same dream.

Pretty Ducks
(Photo taken in Singapore Botanic Gardens from where I practice Taichi also known as a form of meditation in motion.)

Even today, many young adult Singaporeans can attest to the chasing after the same dream of 5Cs. The problem is that the 5Cs is all about material goods. So social or community values have largely been ignored.

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Keep Holding On To Faith

I had an amazing dream recently. I saw myself standing on the rooftop of a tall building with a male companion. He did not look like my husband or any friend I know. I strained for a clearer view. However, his face still appeared hazy. I just could not make out who he was. What I sensed instead was that he was some kind of a mentor, a guide probably.

Leap of Faith
(A page on “Holding on to Faith” that I made in my scrapbook album after having my dream. I enjoy making arty reminders!)

In a dramatic turn, I saw myself free falling in the air. I seemed to have fallen off from the top of the building.

Down, down, down I went.

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Inception Movie Review: Your Mind Is the Scene of the Crime

I had a dream in the wee hours of Sunday morning. When I woke up from the dream, I decided that I needed to watch the move “Inception” as soon as possible. My dream had felt real. It was intriguing that I was able to understand its message for me while I was in the dream state. I wanted to find out if “Inception” had more to teach me about dreams.

inception movie your mind is the scene of the crime

“Dreams feel real while we’re in them. It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.” — Inception

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