Category Archives for "Conscious Living"

Meaning of Conscious Living

How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

Struggling with the fear of being visible online? 

If you run a coaching, energy healing or solopreneur business, you cannot neglect or ignore being visible online. 

And if you are an introvert and have the tendency to hide, this post is meant specially for you!

Specifically, the fear of being visible can be about

  • the fear of being seen online,
  • the fear of feeling exposed,
  • feeling vulnerable,
  • imposter syndrome or feeling like a “fraud”,
  • fear of success,
  • fear of being ridiculed in public,
  • fear of not being accepted for your views, 
    and so on.

If you have the fear of being visible online, it can impact you on the business front in the following ways….

  • can’t show up on videos,
  • can’t confidently market your products and services,
  • can’t network and build a group of business associates and friends online,
  • avoid giving interviews,
  • stops you from achieving better success in your marketing activities,
  • can’t conduct online classes or webinar trainings,
  • can’t ask to be paid for your services,
  • set low prices for your products and services etc.

Overall, the fear of being visible online stops you from being more successful in your business. This has an impact on your bottom line! 

Here’s a fact that you can’t run away from:

If you want 24/7 consistent free traffic and for your marketing activities to be effective, you will need to do video marketing.

Which just means that you need to be visible online.

Why You Need to Do Video Marketing

Showing up on video allows you to create and share valuable content with your audience in a way that plain text will never match.

Here are some stats that you need to be aware of….

 Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online - Video Marketing Stats

Get the picture after having an idea about what being visible can do for you?

If you don’t do video marketing, you are at a severe disadvantage.

Indeed, people buy based on emotional connection.

By showing up on video, you are better able to create trust and connection with your audience. Video marketing simply helps you create visibility that will assist you with generating leads and gaining clients.

My Story of the Fear of Being Visible Online

As an introvert, I used to struggle with showing my face online. I felt self-conscious and vulnerable, as if everyone will get to finally see the real me and not like what they see. And so, I used being “an introvert” and that it is not my personality, as the perfect excuse for not showing up. 

I recall the times when I almost threw up, felt faint and going through severe nervous tension just at the thought of needing to be visible. It was that bad for me. I was totally resistant to being visible online!

Later, I discovered that my excuses were not helping me to reach out to more people. In fact, I found out that becoming visible was more a matter of boosting confidence than anything else. It’s still possible to be an introvert and show up on videos, in other words! Fast forward till today, I have been able to show up with more ease and confidence! 

3 Tips on How You Can Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

If you are held back from achieving your goals by your fear of being visible, I’d like to share with you 3 tips that you can apply…

(1) Start small by being visible online to a small audience.

You can change your settings on your FB profile, youtube or instagram to just private or a small group of friends. Or you can also set up a small facebook group and post your videos there. Alternatively, you can find facebook groups where you can feel safe to create posts. Gradually work up your confidence to showing up and being more visible online!

(2) Repeat some positive affirmations.

Give yourself a positive boost with using affirmations that are going to support you. For example, you can use the following…
– I am open to being seen and heard online.
– I am a powerful communicator.
– I choose to feel safe to be visible online.

(3) Boost Your Confidence.

Let’s face it. Without confidence, it is going to hamper your ability to be more productive and effective in your social media activities. Hence, you need to start with working on yourself. It’s about transforming from the inside-out.

Very importantly, you don’t just want confidence to be based on external factors but I recommend that you want to build Authentic Confidence, showing up as your true self, without any false pretences. Authentic Confidence boosts your ability to generate Cash Flow!

Take Action Right Away with Beating The Fear of Being Visible Online

My course, Authentic Confidence Mastery, is designed to help you create self awareness, align with what you want and to release your fears that are in the way.

It is an invitation to give yourself the permission to shine!

Gain access and start to boost your confidence here>>>

See you on the inside,

Mindset, Marketing & Manifesting Abundance Coach

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How You Can Bust this Belief: I Am Not Good Enough

How to Let go of I am Not Good Enough

Do you often say to yourself, “I am not good enough?”

Maybe your self-talk goes like this…”I am not good enough to be this”, “I am not good enough to do this” or “I am not good enough to have this”?

Well, if you are a coach, energy healer and solopreneur – like myself – then it is imperative that you address the belief.

As I have discovered, “I’m not good enough” or self-esteem issues can hold us back from putting ourselves out there, be the leader that we want to be, generate better income, connect with clients, improve relationships, enhance physical health and so on.
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What the 5 Signs of Having Mindset Blocks are

Mindset Blocks Signs

What happens if you don’t even know you have mindset blocks?

What are the signs?

To begin with, why is even important to identify whether you have mindset blocks or not?

Well, for a start,  mindset blocks can keep you stuck or struggling more than you need to. It obstructs your success. A mindset block arises when you have the story of “I want to achieve this goal or dream but (the reason)”. You may even have more than one “but” on why you can’t achieve what you want.

Invariably, the reason behind the “but” stems from a limiting belief. Your “but this” or “but that” are actually excuses. Excuses are a form of self-sabotage. 

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Your Spiritual Growth Mindset: The Secret to Manifesting Success

Spiritual Growth Mindset for Manifesting Success

You may have heard about Growth Mindset, but exactly what is a Spiritual Growth Mindset?

Until recently, I associated mindset with having a rah-rah ring to it. Perhaps it is because I’ve attended a number of mindset classes whereby success coaches would use highly motivational tones for raising the energy levels in the room. “Yes, you can do it!” they would shout in a rallying voice.

The problem is that mostly, after the day of such events, I had observed that the energy spikes don’t last. They fizzle out. I would return to the same energy levels as before and not much has changed.

Still, I resonate with the idea of a growth mindset.

As an avid learner, I find myself very interested in self development. I enjoy learning, reading and upgrading myself. Instead of personal grooming, I find myself more obsessive over personal growth!

After reflecting over, I would like to propose the idea of developing a spiritual growth mindset, and not just a growth mindset. A spiritual growth mindset would be one that is more sustaining, conscious and expansive. Let me share some of my thoughts below.

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7 Mindset Shifts on Wealth Attraction That You Can Make For Your Solopreneur Business

Wealth Attraction Mindset Shifts Law of Attraction for Solorepreneur Business Online

What if there are mindset shifts that you can make to raise wealth attraction for your solopreneur business?

As a life coach, energy healer or solopreneur, your desire is find fulfilment through doing what you love, creating an impact, and making  money from offering your service. Very importantly, you would like to have the ability to generate an income that is more than your expenses, thus making your business profitable. Also,  you want to have high energy levels, so that you can best serve your clients.

However, especially where you are just starting out, doing a business can be challenging. It can get overwhelming when you are managing every task on your own, anything from doing sales to admin support. You also need to keep a watch on your expenses, so that you can account for every dollar that you spend. Where you are not able to cope due to insufficient resources, stress can set in.

Well, what would help is applying the right mindset with an understanding about how the Law of Attraction works.

Allow me to explain.

Law of Attraction: Flow or In Resistance?

Why you’d be interested to leverage on the Law of Attraction is this: you want to take the struggle out of doing your business.

When you are feeling frustrated, anxious or stressed out, you are in resistance. Struggle happens when you are feeling negative about yourself, your business or life. Your ability to attract financial abundance decreases as a result. It is when you find yourself unable to attract ideal clients, doing a lot but getting very little in return and facing the uphill task of getting your business from survival to thriving.

On the other hand, when you are in the flow, feeling positive and at ease, you are in better alignment with the universal law. Since nothing is in your way, you are in wellness and able to show up fully in your business. As a result, you manifest the outcomes that you want a lot more easily…yayyy!!

Mindset Shifts for Alignment with the Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. Hence, you’d want your business to vibrate at a frequency level that matches abundance. The energy of abundance is one that feels expansive, full and of unlimited potential.

As a solopreneur running your own business and by being in alignment with a positive state of being, you’d have the universe supporting you. Click to Tweet

Your wealth attraction ability rises.

What’s more, since you are offering a service, it is imperative that you serve your customers from a positive space than one that resonates in lack and limitation.

Lifting your state of being or vibrational frequency starts with aligning your thoughts and feelings with abundance. When you are in lack, you are thinking thoughts like “I don’t have enough”, “there is not enough to go round” or “life is hard”. With thoughts like these, you invariably feel low, frustrated, and disappointed.

However, if you have thoughts like “I am enough”, “life is happening for me” and choose to see the miracles in your life, you would feel a sense of fullness, anticipation and joy. Thus, raising your vibrational state. It not only benefits you but also, your business.

What are specific ways of aligning your thoughts and feelings, so that you can lift the vibrational state of your business?

Let me share some great mindset shifts that you can make. They were ones that I had personally applied to grow my coaching business. I have been very happy since 🙂

7 Specific Mindset Shifts To Attract Wealth and Consistent Cash Flow


Mindset Shift #1 for Wealth Attraction

When you make a purchase that supports another small business today, don’t see it as an “expense”, “cost” or “wasted” item. You are helping them pay for their kids’ university fees, rent or electricity. Bless them instead of thinking them as “draining” you of your money. Have the perspective that money is a blessing for their dreams, as much as it is for you.

Mindset Shift #2 for Wealth Attraction

Whether you are the client or the service provider, always be thankful for the relationship. Let them know how thankful you are and how much you value the connection. Send them a note of thanks, “hey there, it’s my privilege to work with you”. Give thanks and you’d receive thanks.

Mindset Shift #3 for Wealth Attraction

Be open and willing to bless others with kind positive feedback online. If you’d like others to say nice things about you and to recommend your services, be willing to do the same for others too.


Mindset Shift #4 for Wealth Attraction

When making a business payment that is making you feel nervous, think of it as an “investment” rather than a “cost” or “expense”. By viewing it as an investment, you are expecting that the returns will be multi-fold.

Mindset Shift #5 for Wealth Attraction

Make a donation to a charity or someone in need from your business account, no matter how little sales you are making. What matters more is not how much you give but the thought and intention that goes behind your gift. When you are generous, you are saying that there is always more from where it came from and that you are not in lack.

Mindset Shift #6 for Wealth Attraction

For whatever outflow, imagine your business bank account being filled again easily and more. Believe that you are worthy and visualise abundant flow from the Bank of the Universe into your business.

Mindset Shift #7 for Wealth Attraction

Thank ALL the people who has supported you in order for you to do this business. Even the cleaners, trash collectors, virtual assistants and so on. “Thank you for supporting me. May abundance and blessings come back to you in return.”

Mindset Shifts To Raise Wealth Attraction Ability

Begin with making mindset shifts to one that is of gratitude, blessings and generosity.

Start believing and feeling you are abundant and worthy of it.

If you have problems in believing and feeling abundant or that you are deserving of abundance, contact me for assistance.

Let’s work on lifting your state, so that you can manifest twice as much with working less and in half the time!

Say yes to attracting wealth into the business that you love! 

Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Women Empowerment Coach for Coaches, Healers and Solopreneurs

P.S. Share Your Comments and/or Tips Below.

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Bust this Myth: You Don’t Need a Mindset Coach when You Can Get Tips for FREE Online

Why work with a mindset coach or someone who helps you release emotional stress when you can get a ton of mindset tips for free online?

You could, for instance, watch free online tapping videos on how to work on emotional release.

Or get inspired by motivational videos on Goalcast (in the hope that these will kick you into action).

Or read a bunch of articles on positive affirmations and beliefs on the web, in the hope that these will sink into your subconscious.

Why then would you want to work with a mindset coach individually over paid sessions when you can learn, read or apply all these for free online?

You may be thinking: it sounds silly to spend money on mindset so that you can make more money, when you are already struggling with money issues.

Well, listen in to this video on why it is a myth that you don’t need to work with a coach, especially if you are running a business.

Find out the benefits of working with a coach over 1:1 sessions.

Would like to improve your inner game and double your results in half the time? Apply for a 30-minute complimentary discovery call (worth $200) with me, where you get a plan on how to get from stuck to breakthrough.

Let’s connect,
Evelyn Lim
Women Empowerment Coach
for Coaches, Energy Healers and Solopreneurs

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How You Can Let Go of Past Trauma and Claim Your Power Back

How to Let Go of Past Trauma

Have you ever wondered how you can let go of past trauma, so that it no longer holds you back from creating the life that you want in the future?

Living with past trauma as if it is still present, can keep you in repetitive patterns.

Your body remembers the past trauma too and it is likely the reason why you find yourself having the same emotional reactions as if the past is happening now.

The same state of paralysis, anxiety and fear.

The same chills in your body, heart racing and churning in your stomach.

By being caught in the past, you can find life a struggle in the present.

You’ve got dreams and goals that you wish to fulfil. Maybe it is to align with your highest potential, to have the best relationship with your spouse ever, to run a thriving business or to manifest the most amazing life ever. Whatever it is, holding on past trauma can limit your chances of success. As a result, you could be feeling bitter, disappointed and helpless, You have the belief that there is nothing you can do to erase the past and to change your destiny.

I’d like to qualify. The traumas you’ve encountered might not have been big major events to begin with. Note that what feels traumatic for one person may not be the same for another. It might have been an incident such as being ostracised by your friends when you were in play school or being criticised for being “not good enough”. Notwithstanding, they were certainly instances that had left an indelible imprint on your subconscious.

Well, in case you consider your future ruined due to an unhappy past, there is hope. I’d like to share how it is very possible to let go of past trauma and to rewrite the story of an unhappy childhood. When you do so, it opens up new possibilities for you in manifesting a more empowering set of outcomes.
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What the Fear of Rejection Taught Me About Self-Acceptance

Fear of Rejection Life Lessons

When I started my journey as an energy healer and an abundance coach, it became pretty obvious to me that I have a fear of rejection. 

More than once, I was shamed, ridiculed and told that I was doing something wrong. Whether it was about energy healing, helping others with emotional release or sharing about the Law of Attraction. It did not matter to the critics. In the beginning, I took such comments personally.

It’s even ridiculous, come to think of it. These friends had formed their judgments even though they hardly knew about my work, the research I had done or about the empirical evidence I had gathered. There was little attempt to understand these. No questions were asked.

But would it have made a difference?

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Your Ultimate Guide to What the Difference Between Anxiety, Fear and Stress Is

Difference Anxiety Fear Stress

You may be wondering….

Why does it even matter to be aware about what the difference between anxiety, fear or stress is? 

Well, for a start, it matters because the more you can make a distinction, the less grip they may have on you.

You can potentially be able to release the appropriate energy and also, apply a more specific belief or targeted action that addresses what’s truly going on with you.

As much as they are related or similar, there are definitely subtle differences between feeling anxious, panicking, and being frozen by fear.

Making a distinction addresses the gap that brings about a shift at a deeper layer. In other words, when you integrate the positive belief that addresses where the specific issue lies, you can potentially be free of your anxiety, fear or stress. You solve the mystery for integration into wholeness, in other words.

Admittedly, most of us do not make any distinction between the terms used. We tend to lump negative emotional states into one broad word “stress”. It’s just convenient to use “stress”. In fact, “stress” is often used by those who are unwilling to face their vulnerability and to avoid digging deeper. It is much easier to say that you are stressed than to say that you are anxious or depressed, if you wish to avoid questions from others.

However, if you are a coach or healer offering emotional therapy services like myself or if you are someone who’s keen to explore your emotional layers, then you may just want to read on to understand more. Continue reading

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[Case Study] How Rose Addressed The Root Cause of Feeling Unwanted In Her Mother’s Womb

Feeling Unwanted Mother's Womb

When Rose first approached me, she wanted to work on having the mindset to attract money. After all, she was hoping to attract more sales and to grow her business. However, after asking her some questions during the discovery call, I found out that it was her low self-confidence that bothered her most.

Rose had been feeling lousy about herself for a long time. Her low self-confidence was costing her, as she was afraid of putting herself out there to promote her business. Despite trying to will herself into confidence, the attempts did not work as she continued to feel insecure about herself at deep levels.

Entering the Cave of Fears

When prompted, Rose gave me the feedback that she tend to feel anxious whenever she needed to promote herself or her business.

She would start having pain in the heart.

I recommended to Rose that we work on addressing specific issues from the past that could potentially explain why she was having bad anxiety sensations in the body.

That was when Rose hesitated.

She was afraid of looking at her past and fears.

However, what helped her to proceed with the session was the realisation that she would be given a safe space to explore her past and deepest fears.

I nudged her with my favorite quote by Joseph Campbell, the best-selling author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, “the cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”

With Rose’s agreement to proceed, we went on to investigate further.

the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. Joseph Campbell Quotes

Root Cause Traced to Experience of Unwantedness in Mother’s Womb

Based on her memory, Rose had a number of childhood experiences where she felt insecure. But as we traced back as far back as possible, it surfaced that the most significant was the time when she was in her mother’s womb. Also, Rose was able to recall conversations that she had as an adult with her mother, where her mother related about her struggles when she was pregnant.

When Rose went back to the time where she was 6 months in her mother’s womb and at the height of her mother’s struggles, she opened a floodgate of emotions. The fear that Rose had avoided facing became obvious – the fear of rejection. Her mother was rejecting her in the womb. Tears rolled down her cheeks, from the discovery that subconsciously, she had been feeling unwanted and therefore, unloved.

Rose (as a fetus) was so hurt that she did not want to be born, knowing that her mother was not looking forward to receiving her at birth. She was also angry with her mother for not making things safe for her. The medication that her mother was taking almost killed her.

Well, we worked towards resolving this matter for her (fetus). In essence, we changed the energetic story that she had around about being “unwanted”.  Rose had to let go of the grief and hurt that she was carrying for 40 years in order to heal.

We worked on healing her soul matrix with self-love healing
that involves inviting love back into her heart,
reclaimed the “unwanted” part of herself,
and installing a new set of empowering beliefs that were later integrated into her energy system.

When we finally ended the session, Rose commented that she felt as if she was “reborn”. She reported that she felt lighter, whole, and most of all, loved for the self.

Over 6 weeks, Rose and I worked on other past instances where she had felt unwanted too. While they were less “traumatic”, releasing the unwanted baggage over these instances aided in scar repair. We stacked up positive emotions, the belief that she “deserves love” and that she does have a “safe” place here on Earth. These embedded beliefs helped her to anchor self-love and a sense of well-being.

The last that I spoke to Rose, she was in excitement about what’s to come. She now has the mission to empower other women. She’d like to help others gain self-confidence too. Rose is an excellent example of how anyone can overcome years of insecurity to living with greater purpose and fulfilment.

How You can Overcome Deep-Rooted Issues of Feeling Insecure and Unwanted

If low self-confidence had plagued you throughout your life, there could be something about the past that has been left unresolved.

In fact, it led you to creating a limiting belief. Root beliefs are often formed in the past, from the age of 7 and below. Hence, we will need to take a trip back in time to address what’s unresolved back then.

Here is the key: For many of us, we could already be aware that we have the limiting belief of “I’m not good enough”. The belief brings about low confidence and holds us back from leading fuller lives. However, there are various specific themes that can also be related to “I’m not good enough” – such as “I’m not unwanted“.

It will help to uncover the specific energetic theme that is the root-cause of your insecurity issues.  By doing so, you will be applying a more targetted change that addresses the problem. The root energetic theme is not the same for everyone and that is why it could take a trained professional to help you uncover what’s unique to you.

In Rose’s case, as we discovered, the big theme to her insecurity was about feeling unwanted. It nullified her existence, causing her to develop insecurity issues about who she is and what she is meant to be doing in her life. She had carried her “unwanted” wounds until we started working together.

Essentially, we changed her vibrational “I am unwanted” theme to one that is about “I am wanted”. The transformation is deep, shifting from feelings of rejection into one of feeling accepted and loved for who she is – both cognitively and at the somatic level!

If you are running a business like Rose, you can potentially reduce your ability in attracting great clients, team members and working partners when you beam out an “unwanted” vibrational story to the Universe. The perception that you are unwanted – which creates the feeling of being unloved – is an energy that can get amplified across all areas of your life. On the contrary, when you pull out the roots of a limiting story at the somatic and cognitive levels, you lay the ground for planting a new paradigm.

Rose managed to have the story of her birth rewritten.

And it can absolutely happen for anyone too!

Click here if you need assistance with self-love online healing

Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim

P.S. Read how Kay Released Her Childhood Pain to Overcome Money Blocks here.

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