Category Archives for "Conscious Living"

Meaning of Conscious Living

How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind

How would you like to grow rich with peace of mind?

You can’t exactly claim to be having inner peace if you are constantly tossing in bed at night and fretting over financial matters. A mind that is fraught with worry is hardly still.

Or, it may be that you are already making good money but have not acquired it in a meaningful way and with a clear conscience. While your concerns may differ from someone who is poor and struggling, you are nonetheless unhappy and not living life in fulfilment and freedom.

Well, for anyone who is having money stress, I suggest finding a better way forward.

In either situation, you are being a slave to money. You are held captive. The consequence is a negative impact on the quality of your life. As Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich, advocates, never allow money to master you. If you are in emotionally disrupted even whilst you are working towards wealth creation, you are not at peace.Continue reading

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Fly Your Dreams HIGH

Fly Your Dreams High

Fly your dreams HIGH!

We are taking off in the New Year.

Please make sure your Blessings are secured and locked in an upright position.

All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time.

All negativity, hurt and discouragement put away.

Should we lose Attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a Prayer.

Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith.Continue reading

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What Is the #10YearChallenge and My Take On It

The new trend on social media are posts that are tagged with #10YearChallenge.

In case you have missed these posts, allow me to share with you what the trend is about.

The trend first started on facebook and have since gone viral. People – including celebrities, social media influencers and just about anyone – have been posting two side-by-side photos of themselves, one from 10 years ago 2009 and the other from 2019. Along with their posts, they have tagged #10YearChallenge, #10YearsChallenge or #2019vs2009.

Well, my feed has certainly been inundated with posts with the said hashtags. The #10YearChallenge posts are popular with the people I follow. For most of those who have published their photos, I can barely tell the difference. It is as if they had hardly aged. Good or them with maintaining their looks!

And so at first, I thought to myself, maybe I should post too. It will be great to read what others have to say about mine ha! Knowing how kind friends are, I suspect that they will generally write positive comments.

But…wait a minute….

If I should review what has happened over the last decade….

I would like to believe that my biggest transformation DID NOT come from physical appearance.Continue reading

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It Starts with a Dream (and a Visit to the Karen Hill Tribe)

The White Temple, Chiang Mai

See the scarves hanging by the side?

I bought a few of them from the lady in the picture to give away as gifts for my friends.

The photo was taken when I visited the Karen Hill tribe in Chiang Rai a little more than two weeks ago. The visit to tribal villages was part of a tour that we had signed up on the spur while on vacation in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Our tour guide had taken us all the way up north to the border that separates three countries, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos. We had stopped by at the Karen Hill tribe in the mountainous region.

Back at home, I gave away the scarves as intended. One of my girlfriends, in particular, like her gift. She sent me a text today to thank me. While responding to her, I reconnected with a dream that I once had. And I’d like to share about it in this post.

It Starts with a Dream

More than 10 years ago, when I was contemplating about my life purpose, I was asked this question: Why do you want to make money from your business? What will you do if you’ve made lots and lots of money, with enough to spare?
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Your Wake-up Call from the Universe

All of a sudden, it hits you that the Universe has just given you a wake-up call. It is an “aha” moment. A moment that dawns on you. It’s as if you have been asleep all this time until you discover that the answer that you seek has been staring in your face!

Prior to the sudden awareness, you may have been stressed out. You wondered about how matters have come to be. Despite tremendous effort on your part, things – at their worst – have turned out to be a mess. And so, you questioned, if God or the Universe has abandoned you?

A major life crisis such as retrenchment, bankruptcy, financial struggle, a health crisis and/or relationship breakdowns may NOT be exactly what you had in mind. Yet, you could have been dealt with a situation that has brought about much emotional turmoil. Anger. Struggle. Sadness. Loneliness. It’s like going through the dark night of your soul. Continue reading

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Life Lessons That Will Turn Your Life Around

Life lessons are experiences to help us grow and evolve. They aren’t always pretty when we first encounter them. In fact, it is often the case that if we don’t learn them, we are likely to find ourselves going through the same negative situation over and over again.

Hence, if you are caught in repeated patterns, it helps to ask yourself what are the life lessons you are meant to learn.

I recall crying out in frustration, complaining in bitterness and reeling in pain over negative experiences that are of the same patterns in the past. A string of broken relationships. A stack of failures. A series of bad calls. It was only when I saw the light and chose to act differently that the same patterns stopped occurring.

I would like to share the life lessons that were written by Maya Angelou who was an American poet, singer, memoirist, and civil rights activist. Her words had made me stop to reflect. They were helpful reminders that life is happening FOR me, rather than to me. Perhaps, reading them for a start can do the same for you too.Continue reading

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30 Positive Affirmations for Highest Potential

What positive affirmations for highest potential would be great to use if you are hoping to step into a picture of success?

While mentoring spiritual entrepreneurs, I have had a few of them share that they struggle with knowing what words to say or what to affirm when they are doing tapping or some other work that helps them with belief change. They would like to shift into a paradigm that supports their growth and success. However, what has kept them stuck was at the “words” part. And so, they wanted to find out how to overcome this problem.

Well, if you are having the same issue, here are some answers.

It takes practice and repeatedly reading and saying positive affirmations. Having a list of positive affirmations to start off with can help. In my post, I have laid out 30 positive affirmations for highest potential that you can apply. If you are in need for a guide, do bookmark this page!Continue reading

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How to Reset Your Goals And NOT Give Up

Need a boost to find out why you need to reset your goals?  

Perhaps this could be what you are going through….

Can’t seem to hit the targets or milestones that you have set again and again so far?

–  No longer can connect with the “why” you are doing what you are doing?

– Feeling disappointed over the lack of results and feeling tempted to give up?

I’ve observed that “losing sight of the why” and “feeling frustrated” are pretty common experiences with many spiritual entrepreneurs who are struggling. 

Well, if the above is true for you, allow me to share with you this anonymous wise saying that has been around….

Most people Overestimate what they can do in a Single day and Underestimate what they can do in Whole Lives.

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21 Excuses That Make Up Your Money Story

21 Excuses for Money Story

Is the money story that you have been telling actually a cover-up?

Could the reason that you have been giving for the lack of a financial breakthrough be really an excuse?

Your money story may be a cover that you have created for helping you avoid pain or to playing small. Or it could be that your ego needs to know that it is not diminished in any way. The excuses that you tell is your way out to feeling justified in your behaviour or the results you have been getting.

All of us have, at some point, made excuses. We give excuses to explain our behaviour, current situation or why we have to decline and say “no” to an invitation. We may feel obliged to give an excuse sometimes not to hurt the other party.

But what happens when you give excuses to explain away a choice that you are making, even if it one that keeps you small and does not move you positively forward?

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” – George Washington Carver

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What is Past Life Therapy? A FAQ Guide On Releasing The Past

Wondering if you should go for a past life therapy?

Perhaps you have got an inkling that the negative patterns that you are currently having stem from blocks that were created in past lives.

It’s not as if you have not tried to address your issues. You may have gone for some childhood therapy or counselling sessions, yet you are still stuck or feeling blocked. The same patterns keep repeating.

One great analogy is that you’ve been told not to touch a boiling kettle but you can’t stop yourself from doing so. Hence, you have to contend with burning your fingers over and over again. If anything, that you keep facing the same patterns is a sign that your issues are not fully resolved.

You are now thinking that perhaps your issues have a root cause from way back. If there is such a thing as past lives, you suspect that your issues could have started even prior to this incarnation. Then again, you can’t help but feel some doubt arising: is the thing about past life spiritual woo-woo?

Well, allow me to de-mystify what a past life therapy is. Find out what transformative shifts can happen during a session. Learn how you can finally address the root cause of your current life blocks and stop self-sabotaging patterns from repeating.
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