Category Archives for "Money"
Financial Abundance
Financial Abundance
Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.
Why Write an Abundance Check?
A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.
The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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Positive affirmations for women are helpful to use if you are struggling with limiting beliefs due to gender issues. For instance, do you have the view or negative self-talk that you are less deserving of success, less worthy of respect or that you can’t make as much money because you perceive yourself to be the weaker sex? Or that you need to be of certain body proportions to qualify as being more attractive?
Well, what you say to yourself is backed by the limiting beliefs that you hold. Hence, I suggest changing your thought patterns so that you can bring about a more balanced state of empowerment. Your beliefs have an impact on your life experiences.
You can find yourself experiencing low self-esteem, poor body image, inability to accept aging as you approach your 40s or 50s and difficulties with manifesting money and abundance. As I have found from working with others, more women than men tend to struggle with issues related to gender roles because of the disparity in society’s expectations of them.If you have immense challenges with accepting and appreciating your role as a woman, I recommend using positive affirmations to reverse old thinking.
What is the Abundance Affirmation
That You Need to Make Today?
I created a slideshow with 30 abundance affirmations embedded,
so that it is easy to pick one for the day.
Here’s the affirmation that came up for me, when I was writing this post…..
“When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, “it takes as long as it takes you to release the resistance. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week, could be tomorrow afternoon.” Abraham-Hicks
You have watched the Movie The Secret.
You have read the Law of Attraction books.
You are repeating abundance mantras everyday.
You are even writing Abundance Checks for manifesting at the start of every new moon.
So why is it that your manifesting is not working?
Where’s the money? Where’s the soul mate that you hope to attract? And if you are running a business, where are the truckloads of clients eager to work with you?
You look around and you ask: Why is it happening for everyone else except for you?
Never underestimate the impact of money leaks for they could drain your financial wallet. Money leaks can add up to a lot over time. It is easy to overlook them because the amounts going out usually start as small. However, where they are recurring, money leaks become major. Recurring expenses have a compounding effect over days, months and years.
It’s like having a water bill that is rising from just having a tiny leak in the toilet. Drip…drip…drip…day by day. Before you know it, you find yourself wondering why your cash outflow gets to such a big sum. It’s like having holes in the pocket. You may have stuffed stacks of cash inside but oddly enough, some have disappeared.Continue reading
Are you caught in a feast-famine money cycle that bring you into the highs of having lots of cash, followed by crashing lows where perhaps even paying the rent becomes a problem?
The money drama is almost like a thriller with treacherous peaks and valleys.
It keeps you engaged. Nail biting. Hooked.
Except that you are not watching a movie.
This is for real.
You are living it in high speed and great intensity.
And it is a drama on repeat.
The Entrepreneur’s Feast/Famine Money Cycle
The feast/famine cycle is what a lot of entrepreneurs go through.
There could be periods where life is great, clients coming in and you are spending cash like you are living in a lap of luxury.
Then, there are periods where no one is knocking on your door, the cash register is not ringing merrily and money is scarce.
It is a cycle because one period will follow the next and then back again – on autopilot.
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Are you a soulful mompreneur balancing babies and business at the same time?
So how is life like dealing with family matters and running a business all at once?
Stressful, exhausting, overwhelming?
Hey, as a mompreneur myself, I understand.
In fact, ask any mompreneur and she is likely to tell you that it has been the same way for her too.
How to transform your relationship with money?
Perhaps you are used to the idea of consulting a financial advisor or a banker on money matters….but it may feel weird to envisage having a relationship with money, much less transform it.
I get it. The idea of having a relationship with money may not be something that you often come across. As someone who used to work in a bank, I certainly did not see this in any of its training manuals. It’s also not a topic that was taught in school. Still, these reasons aside, it’s never too late to begin having a whole new perspective towards money.
Let’s backtrack a little.
Why even bother with the idea of improving your relationship with money?Can we have a relationship with something that is inanimate?
Why even think about money as forming a relationship with it?
Why is it important and how do you transform your relationship with money (when you prefer to avoid handling financial matters)?
These questions had bothered me some years ago, and after realising that I could not get any meaningful idea from others online, I decided that I needed to search for my own answers. These answers have inadvertently helped me to grow on a personal basis and to also help others find out more about their own relationship with money since then.
If you have been wondering the same or are curious to find out more, may I have the permission to shed more light?
For a start, let’s bring attention to the word “relationship”.
Are you trapped in a financial rut?
A financial rut is a repeated pattern that obstructs your way to abundance.
The heart of the matter is: the same old ways of being, doing and thinking leads to the same old results.
Then again, that you are in a pattern may escape you, even if it is repetitious.
Being in the rut can result in unclear vision. When you are emotional overwhelm, clarity goes down. It can happen when you are in a rut. It takes awareness to realise that you are encountering the same pattern over and over again.
Are you spiritual but feeling broke?
Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.
It could be the same for you too.
You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.
Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.