Category Archives for "Life Tip"

Life Tip

Are You Having Bugs in Your Windshield?

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.” Henry Ford

Imagine this.

You are driving on the highway, with a destination that you are hoping to reach. Then, bugs started appearing on the windshield of your car. At first, from the corner of your eyes, the bugs appear small.

However, as time goes on, you feel drawn to looking at the bugs more and more. Your eyes will dart back and forth between the windshield and the bugs. You are becoming extremely distracted. In fact, the more you pay attention to some of the bugs, the bigger and more horrific they become.

With bugs on the windshield, you are no longer able to concentrate on the road. Your focus is now on the bugs. You lose sight of where you want to go.

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Don’t Give Up Just Because It is Hard

reach for success

Because things have been a lot harder than what you have expected, you may be tempted to give up on your dream.

“The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up.” Robert Tew

For instance, as an entrepreneur, you may be thinking: “it is hard to get clients”, “it’s hard to understand the software system”, “my brain is just not wired that way”, “it is hard to open my mouth to promote my products” etc. Invariably, you have a lot of explanations on why things are not working out.

Do note that most businesses do not survive. It is commonly known that 90 percent of businesses fail within a year after it is set up. Getting a business off the ground can present multiple challenges.
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21 Best Albert Einstein Quotes

albert einstein quotes

Albert Einstein Quotes has become a byword for sayings by a genius. We all know how brilliant a physicist he was. Sometimes, I would find my coaching clients getting this glint of awareness and appreciation when I inject one of his quotes during our conversation.

“The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” Albert Einstein Quote #6 below

While I cannot wrap my brains around the Theory of Relativity, I enjoy Einstein’s wit and insight into life and consciousness. Even though we cannot verify whether this letter came from him or not, it is a fact that he has said many wise things in his lifetime. When we want to quote someone wise, his name will invariably come up.

I have used many Albert Einstein quotes on my site as well and I’d like to dedicate a single post to express my gratitude.

So, here is a list of 21 Best Albert Einstein Quotes…
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7 Key Life Principles I Learned from Lee Kuan Yew

“We won’t see another man like him.” Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his tribute to his father

tribute to LKY

It has been an emotionally exhausting week. Singapore plunged into grief since the news of the death of our founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, was announced. I wasn’t expecting it to be this way. Used to reading and hearing complaints about the government, I found the outpouring of love and support by Singaporeans quite a change. In fact, to my surprise, I became one of those who had to process my grief.

As it turned out, Singaporeans came together, sharing, reminiscing and tearing together over memories of Lee Kuan Yew. Many felt that a 10-hour overnight wait in a standing queue at the Padang to pay last respects to Lee Kuan Yew seemed little compared to what he has done. Friends and strangers would cheer each other on for the wait. In the end, more than a million made their final bows in one way or another.
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The Problem is Not the Problem

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” Captain Jack Sparrow

the problem is not the problemLast Saturday, I was attending a talk when the presenter showed a slide that had the saying: “The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude to the problem.” Although the topic that was discussed that day was on how to handle an emotional teenager, it got me reflecting. It would appear that the saying is just as applicable for any one of us adults. So I thought that it would be nice to share more of my thoughts on this post.

To begin with, we believe that the problems we have start externally. We serve our egos by attempting to fix blame on others. And so it becomes the the fault of our parents, our caregivers, teachers, friends, colleagues, superiors, our children or our pet dog when anything goes wrong. It may also be the fault of the economy, the government, the financial institutions, the big boss and the big firms with influential power. Last but not least, it may be the fault of God!
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How to Find the Nirvana of Life Balance

life balance

Do you find it hard to achieve life balance?

Balance can be a challenging thing to attain if your work schedule is hectic and demanding.

“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” Thomas Merton

life balance

Perhaps, you have been striving hard for the money; climbing up the corporate ladder or running your business. You could also be a mompreneur working hard to balance babies and business at the same time.

And so, up till now, there could have been aspects of your life that you have ignored or set aside.
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How to Resolve Relationship Conflict

“The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together.” Barbara de Angelis

strong relationship

Perhaps there have been past hurts, karmic influences or unresolved issues. And so, you may have found it hard to completely forgive. There could be that old grudge, a niggling sense of blame, a feeling of betrayal….which did not all go away, despite the outward appearance of a resolution.

The tear inside your heart may well be the reason why you sabotage your relationship every now and then. You may have taken the steps to mend it but the slightest of wounds – if anything – remains.
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How to Develop The Love Mindset – Interview

“I believe that the love mindset is the next step in human evolution.”

“We are ready to know ourselves and to, truly, live life to the fullest.”

– Virokina Tugaleva, author of “The Love Mindset”.

What is it like to develop the mindset of love?

What makes it difficult for a vast majority of people to love unconditionally?

What are the benefits of developing a Love Mindset?

These were some of the questions that I posed to Vironika Tugaleva, author of the book – The Love Mindset (An Unconventional Guide to Healing and Happiness), in a recorded call we just had together (listen to the audio at the end of the post).

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3 Examples of Secondary Gain That Keep You Financially Stuck

What is secondary gain?


Secondary gain keeps you in sabotage. You may have a certain goal, desire or dream. However, the existence of a secondary gain obstructs you from taking the necessary steps for goal alignment. The secondary gain is the reason that keeps you stuck. You mistakenly perceive that there is a greater benefit to remaining where you currently are.


secondary gain to fear

Let’s apply that to a money situation. You have the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Yet, you take no action towards the dream. You choose to spend hours playing Candy Crush on Facebook or some other computer game with whatever free time you have. The secondary gain that you derive is the feel-good that you derive from the games.


It becomes difficult for a breakthrough once you are stuck in mindless repetitive activity. You could be in the same state for a very long time. You are aware of how frustrated you feel about not achieving your dream, but could be unconscious to the specific secondary benefit that is preventing you from moving forward.
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7 Ways to Embrace Difficult Changes From Within

“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.” – Viktor E. Frankl

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” – Leo Tolstoy

time for change

Are you happy with the result that you are already getting?

If you are not and would like a different outcome, it is time to do things differently.

As Albert Einstein says, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Last week, I brought my daughter to a free preview workshop on effective examination strategies. To our surprise, the trainers turned out to be highly motivational. During the workshop, the trainers asked the children in the audience two poignant questions in the following order:

Are you willing to change your results?

Are you willing to change to change your results?
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