Category Archives for "Energy Healing"

What is Wounded Child Healing

Wounded Child Healing

Have you come across the term “wounded child healing” and wonder if it is something that you may need?

Well, I’d like to offer a brief description of what I understand “wounded child healing” to be.

[Note: I’m re-publishing this article as it is still relevant even after 10 years ;-)]

What is Wounded Child Healing

The “wounded child” is an archetype which contains damaged or negative emotional patterns of our youth. It may help to improve your understanding if we can draw reference from someone famous, like Michael Jackson. After all, no one tells the story of the wounded child better than him. The clues are obvious in the lyrics to his song “Childhood”….

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What are Money Blocks and How to Release Them Effectively

Release Money Blocks that are Created in the Past

What are money blocks that keep you from attracting the abundance that you deserve?

When you are not being hired for your services, you may be tempted to believe that the problem stems from a branding issue. When you are not able to generate more sales for your product, you could be thinking that the problem lies with the lack of a marketing plan. In both situations, you are not making the money you deserve.

Hence, your first move may be to hire a branding or marketing specialist.

However, you could also find that these solutions could not fix your problems adequately, especially where you continue to be in struggle. It may even appear that the strategies work for everyone else except for you. No matter what you’ve attempted, the methods applied did not work sufficiently. And you wonder, why has the Universe abandoned you?

I would like to invite you to take a step back to reflect.

Could it be that you’ve been in the same negative patterns of emotional struggle over money matters for a long time now?

On reflection, you may discover that while things have improved over the years, you are still far from manifesting your dream or money breakthrough. You are currently feeling depleted in energy, miserable, frustrated, disappointed and ashamed. It will be great if you can change your situation and improve your results.

Well, for change to happen, may I propose that you start from the beginning. Find out what are the money blocks that you’ve created in the past. In other words, address these blocks at root cause.

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.” —Khalil Gibran

Money Leak: Internal or External

Just imagine the scenario of having a cut. You are likely to use a band aid or apply a bandage for your cut. If it is a small cut, that will do the trick! Your bleeding stops.

However, a bandage is not going to help you in a situation that stems from major internal bleeding. In fact, a bandage could hide the problem that you are having. From the inside, you are still losing blood. And you have no idea where the bleeding is coming from – which organ, tissue or body part?

Well, money blocks create a leakage in your energy system. They arise internally. To address the leakage requires you to look within.

What are Money Blocks

Money blocks comprise of negative emotions and limiting beliefs and are often created as a result of negative experiences in the past.

Examples of money beliefs include
– Money is the root of all evils,
– I can’t be spiritual and rich at the same time,
– I need to slave hard for the money
– I am just not good enough to manage money etc.

Money blocks cause you to be in self-sabotage. They create a disruption in your energy system and lower your vibrational state of being. Consequently, you find yourself unable to manifest the financial abundance that you deserve effortlessly and easily. Your financial stress increases and your overall well-being reduces.

Release Money Blocks from the Past

Money blocks often arise from a past event.  However, do note that the past only exists in the mind. It exists because you keep your old story alive in your mind. That’s why you call it a memory. Memory is a mental construct. Since the memory of the past exists only as a construction, NLP co-founder Richard Bandler postulates, “It is never too late to have a happy childhood.

Because the past is something that is created in the mind, you have the power to change it. Even though the past may be what you would say “actually happened”, it does not serve you any more to carry it as a burden. When you carry the memory as a burden, you disrupt your own peace and harmony.

You are kept living in the past when you refuse to let it go.

“You know why it’s hard to be happy—it’s because we refuse to LET GO of the things that make us sad.”  Bruce Lipton

The same old disruptive tape plays in your mind over and over again. Over time, you leak power. It puts you out-of-alignment with the vibrational frequency of the financial abundance that you are hoping to attract.

Do note that releasing money blocks at a general level may not be enough to create the transformation that you are looking for. If you have encountered negative situations in childhood or a past traumatic even that led to the forming of money beliefs, they need to be dealt with specifically.  In other words, specific events or situations need to be addressed at root cause.

What are Money Blocks
What are Money Blocks?

Release Money Blocks Effectively with Tapping

Tapping away money blocks at root cause potentially sets you free.

In my 10 years of experience, I have found that applying Meridian Tapping to produce excellent results for releasing money blocks. Meridian Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) simply involves using fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on our faces and body, while articulating a set of healing statements. Clients are guided to retrack their past memories and to tap away the emotional disruptions and limiting beliefs that were formed arising from the specific events.

Once a release happens, your energy system is reset with open channels. You experience a vibrational shift upwards as you are no longer blocked. It becomes a lot easier to leverage on the Law of Attraction for bringing your dreams into manifestation.

Tap Away Money Blocks and Transform Your Life

It wouldn’t do for me to recommend the band aid as the solution that will definitely fix the problem of money stress. The solution will not be adequate if I suspect that there is internal bleeding going on. In such situations, I am more interested to investigate what the bleeding is about, where it arose and how to heal from the inside-out.

My focus is to help you address the root cause of your issues and to guide you on transmuting pain into power, while integrating important lessons. Thus, you are no longer held back by the past.

Releasing money blocks is not a get-rich-quick method. Rather, addressing the root cause of your issues is what makes the distinction between getting mediocre results (one that merely helps you get through a transition – the band aid solution) – and getting superior results (one that not only takes you through a transition but aids you in your spiritual transformation).

What I recommend is an inside-out mind, body and soul system that offers powerful spiritual integration in the physical and that takes you to wholeness.

“Transformation occurs when we release energy blocks at all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.” Evelyn Lim

Over to you. What are the money blocks that you could be having? Which will you choose – address external factors only or address the heart of your issues at root cause?

Love and abundance always,

P.S. Apply for a 30-min complimentary call if you have further questions and/or need more assistance on releasing money blocks.

Top feature image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay.

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How to Awaken Your Divine Feminine When You Have Lost Yourself

Awaken Your Divine Feminine

You will need to awaken your Divine Feminine if you have lost yourself.

Losing yourself can happen in various ways. One big way is when you have lost yourself in your multiple roles – as a wife, mother, lover, friend, leader and so on. At the root, you could have beliefs that stop you from connecting with your female energy and shining your core brilliance.

Born female, you could have been taught that you are of the inferior sex to males. You were told that you are to play more of a supporting role. And that you have little or less right to be heard. Invariably, you give your power away.

Thus, your Divine Feminine gets hidden, forgotten and suppressed. Over time, you become increasingly disconnected with her. When you diminish yourself as a female, you feel less attractive and if I guess right, will have difficulties with loving and accepting yourself unconditionally. Aligning with your highest potential becomes challenging. You are unable to hold your own even when you need to show up confidently.

Should this be true, you are not alone.

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Empath Traits: 30 Signs to Tell if You Have Them

Empath Traits Personality

Are you an empath or have empath traits?

Do you tend to get extremely exhausted after going to crowded areas?

Have you ever met someone for the first time and immediately feel an ache in your body…and sometime later, find out that this person is having physical symptoms in the same areas in his or her body?

Do you often feel a sharp pain in your heart as another person shares about her struggles with you?

Have you ever an unexplained wave of negative energy when visiting a new place such that you feel sick immediately?

If any of the above is true, you may be someone with empath traits.

The above examples appear in my family, friends, clients and most of all, myself!

After reflecting on my own experiences and knowing others who have them, I realise that I know a fair bit about what life for one having empath traits is like.

What’s Life Like for You with Empath Traits

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How To Multiply Your Energy for Powerful Manifestation

What is needed for powerful manifestation

How would you like to be able to multiply your energy for powerful manifestation to take place?

For manifestations to occur, there are two essential factors: pure intention and focused attention.

Intention is what directs potentiality, while attention is the intensity of this intention. As intention comes from thought, and thought is energy, then it goes to show that the more energy in your attention, more your intentions will manifest. If you find yourself getting stuck in your manifestations, then these could be two factors you need to look into.

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How to Create Aura Protection with Essential Oils

Aura Protection Energy Shield

One excellent way of creating aura protection is with the use of essential oils.

If you are naturally energy sensitive or are an empath, I suggest that you create aura protection.  Creating aura protection ensures that you do not pick up negative energies from others. You can create aura protection very easily with applying energy shields using essential oils.

As someone who facilitates transformation work for others, I find it necessary to apply aura protection. Aura protection helps me to create a personal boundary. It allows me to practice empathy without getting easily attached to any client’s issues.

Essential oils are vibrational tools. They are nature’s living energy. They have the ability to help us restore our energy system. Plants use essential oils to protect themselves against harsh environmental conditions as well as invaders.When we use essential oils, we are leveraging on their protective and restorative attributes.

Essential oils are extracts from various parts of the plants. They are obtained through steam distillation. As not essential oils are the same, only use pure-grade ones that have high energy vibrations for aura protection.

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