Category Archives for "Energy Healing"

What is Wounded Child Healing

Wounded Child Healing

Have you come across the term “wounded child healing” and wonder if it is something that you may need?

Well, I’d like to offer a brief description of what I understand “wounded child healing” to be.

[Note: I’m re-publishing this article as it is still relevant till today;-)]

What is Wounded Child Healing

The “wounded child” is an archetype which contains damaged or negative emotional patterns of our youth. It may help to improve your understanding if we can draw reference from the lyrics to the song “Childhood” by Michael Jackson…

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How to Build Emotional Awareness: Feelings as Feedback

Build Emotional Awareness: Feelings and Their Meanings

Building emotional awareness requires us to be in touch with our feelings, and not avoid them. When it comes to negative emotions, no one likes to be in pain and so there is a tendency to push our feelings down. Our avoidance could also be that we don’t like being seen as “emo” on the assumption that we need to appear strong. However, when we are in the habit of suppressing our emotions for too long, a host of problems can occur; ranging from depression and anxiety to substance abuse.

After realising about the importance of getting to know ourselves, we may encounter problems with accessing our emotions at first. It was certainly what happened to me. For a start at one stage, I was not able to distinguish and to identify what I was feeling. In fact, I had to ask for help.

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How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration

How EFT tapping helps to raise vibrations

“How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration?” 

This was the exact question posed to me by a participant when I gave an introduction class on EFT to a group recently. 

Great question!

Well, I’d like to share my answers with you here, in case you are wondering the same too. 

EFT Tapping for Raising Vibrations

In case this is the first time you are hearing about EFT tapping, it is a therapeutic method where we use the fingertips to tap on specific meridian endpoints on the face and body. EFT tapping is a great tool for releasing emotional disruptions and restoring the body’s energy system. You can find out more about EFT tapping points here or simply subscribe to my newsletter to get a downloadable book on EFT tapping

Emotions, just like anything else in the Universe, are energy.

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How You Could Be in Self-Sabotage Due to Past Trauma and a Protective Nervous System

Self Sabotage Past Trauma and Protective Nervous System

Self-sabotage happens when you are in your own way of your overall happiness and success. You are either doing or not doing something that blocks achieving your goals. For example, despite wanting to have a loving relationship with your partner, you undertake actions that block connection or intimacy. 

So here’s what I discovered about how we could be sabotaging our present due to the past…

Even though the past traumatic experience is now over, our nervous system continues to use the encoded information that is from the distressing memory to disrupt us today. 

Self-Sabotage by Nervous System Past Trauma
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How the “Poor Me” Syndrome Is Synonymous with Poverty Consciousness

Stop Telling Poor Me Stories | Poverty Consciousness

For your awareness, to constantly think “poor me” is to operate in poverty consciousness.

Do you go over “poor me”, “poor me” and “poor me” in your mind?

You could also be repeating the same thing to the people that you meet too.

“Poor me” is akin to having a victim mentality. You are in self-pity. A “poor me” syndrome arises especially when you are constantly pointing blame outwards. It could be the fault of your grandmother, father, the government, the economy and so on. It is always the fault of someone or something else except yours.

[Side-note] This post is updated as the content is still relevant today.
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How Trauma is Not Just in Your Head or Mind

How Trauma is Not Just a Past Memory

What I found out about trauma is this: Trauma isn’t something that is just in your head or mind. It’s not just a past memory.

In fact, it is stored in the habitual reflexive state of your nervous system. It is in your heart, head, your stomach, arms, legs..all the sensory information that got coded. They manifest in an overreactive response to stress today: racing heart, shallow breathing, nausea, indigestion, trembling hands, blurred vision, etc.

For trauma recovery, it helps to remember: not just your head or mind, every part of your body was there in the past.

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What Are Glimmers and How You Can Find Them

What are Glimmers

Glimmers are the opposite of triggers.

Glimmers are moments that act as cues for self-regulation and for soothing our nervous system. They are tiny moments where we feel relaxed, safe, assured and connected. In contrast triggers cause us to feel threatened. When we are triggered badly, our fight-flight-freeze response can get excessively activated and our nervous system becomes deregulated. 

The concept of glimmers first came from Polyvagal theory.  The theory was introduced by Stephen Porges in 1995 where we learn about how our autonomic nervous system is constantly on the lookout for cues to determine if they are dangerous. “Glimmers” is coined by Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker who specialises in complex trauma and also the author of The Polyvagal Therory in Therapy, as a way to help us shift out of survival mode. 

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The Secret to Manifestation that No One Tells You About

Message from the Universe

When you are trying to decide whether or not to pursue a goal or dream, don’t expect to have absolute guarantee or proof that things will work before you are willing to put in “trust”.

You may be praying for some signs from heaven but you’ve barely heard a squawk. Perhaps you’ve secretly been hoping for some iron-clad assurance that will allay your fears of making a mistake or going down the wrong path but that would be wishful thinking! 

Alas, it doesn’t work that way. I’ve been in the same shoes and what I’ve discovered is this: you can wait for assurance but so long as you don’t trust or believe, the dream that you want to see happen will not take place. Nothing would have moved or changed very much. 

Instead, the Universe is saying, trust first with aligned actions and the manifestation will follow. 

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How Emotions Got Stuck in the Body

How emotions got stuck in the body

Have you ever felt scared just as a storm was brewing and there was loud rumbling thunder, whistling winds and lighting bolts in the sky?

Well, a deer in the forest instantly senses fear. 

It is most likely to be prancing, kicking, shaking and chattering thrice as much in nervous tension.

In fact, most wild animals react in the same manner when they are feeling scared. They can’t keep still. Moving around helps them to discharge the negative energy from their bodies.

However, humans are taught differently.

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Metaphysical Lessons from Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once Movie Review and Reflections

Have you watched the movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once

I had the opportunity to watch the show on the Singapore Airlines flight I was on while traveling to Japan. 

Well, Everything Everywhere All at Once gives us a peak at first about how one often defaults to getting by and living an ordinary existence. Indeed, for the protagonist (Evelyn Wang played by Michelle Yeoh), there is nothing more certain than having to plough through piles of bills to compile taxes, cleaning other people’s laundry, and taking care of a grumpy aged parent. Beneath the relentless rush to fulfil chores, life is about needing to please, meeting societal expectations, and also keeping up with the ridiculous facade that all is well. 

It would take a fantastical trip through the layers of the multiverse for Evelyn to gather some important lessons. Suddenly, she had to question all that she knew about life. While jumping in the multiverse, she had to find herself, reconcile with lost dreams, and review her choices. Through it all, Evelyn had to discover meaning in the time-space reality that she is in. 

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