Category Archives for "Conscious Living"

Meaning of Conscious Living

What is Wounded Child Healing

Wounded Child Healing

Have you come across the term “wounded child healing” and wonder if it is something that you may need?

Well, I’d like to offer a brief description of what I understand “wounded child healing” to be.

[Note: I’m re-publishing this article as it is still relevant till today;-)]

What is Wounded Child Healing

The “wounded child” is an archetype which contains damaged or negative emotional patterns of our youth. It may help to improve your understanding if we can draw reference from the lyrics to the song “Childhood” by Michael Jackson…

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Money Mindset Quiz: Do You Have Rich or Poor Beliefs?

Take the money mindset quiz that I have embedded in this post, to find out if you have beliefs that align with financial abundance.

Your mindset is made up of beliefs. A rich money mindset is made up of positive beliefs that support your ability to attract financial abundance while a poor mindset is made up of limiting beliefs that hold you back. It is likely  that you have some positive beliefs and some that are limiting. An abundance or rich money mindset is when your positive beliefs outweigh your limiting ones. The opposite is true for a poverty or scarcity mindsetContinue reading

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Coaching vs Counselling: What is the Difference

Coaching vs Counselling Singapore

Are you wondering what the difference between coaching and counselling is?

Who should you be hiring: coach or counsellor?

Do both professions mean the same thing or are they different?

I encounter these type of questions a lot. Many people don’t know what the differences are. They get confused over which professional can best help them. As a Certified Coach with a post-graduate diploma in counselling psychology, I hope to clarify what the differences are.

Whether a person is a coach or counsellor, they offer support for a client’s well-being through conversations. Even though there are similarities, they can differ in terms of their approach, objectives, and the specific needs they address. Understanding their differences can help you to assess which professional to be working with.

Coaching vs Counselling: Focus

Coaching is primarily future-focused and goal-oriented. Coaches work with clients to identify their aspirations, set specific goals, and develop actionable plans to achieve them. The process is dynamic and often involves challenging clients to step out of their comfort zones, so that they can realise their full potential. Coaching is commonly used in professional development, career transitions, leadership training, and personal growth. The relationship between coach and client is typically collaborative, with an emphasis on accountability and measurable progress.

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How to Solve the Root Cause of Your Money Story

Would you be interested in solving the root cause of your money story, so that you can start to manifest the life of abundance that you are dreaming of?

Your money story is the one you often tell to others. It is made up of the issues going on in your current financial situation, the persistent worry that you are experiencing or/and the complaints you have about the economy, property prices, cost of living and so on. It is a story that occupies your mind throughout the day.

As I have found, money stories often act as a smoke screen to deeper underlying issues. At first, it is easy to be mistaken into believing that your financial challenges are caused by a string of bad luck, the fault of the tax authorities, the constant unfair treatment by your employers, the failure of receiving payment on time, or the banks who are out to get you. This being the case, you try to remedy your challenges with band-aide or by rearranging certain aspects of your life.

iceberg theory

However, should you step aside for a bit, you may be able to observe money patterns that keep repeating. What you observe are likely to be debilitating cycles of frustration, worry, panic, resentment and anger over finances. Over and over again, you have not been able to truly break free.

Where there is a repeating pattern in your external issues, a root cause could exist internally. 

Feeling intrigued? Read on……
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4 Reasons on Why You Need to Heal Your Wounded Inner Teenager

inner teenager healing | inner teen work

Healing our inner teenager is sometimes overlooked as we often place emphasis on dealing with traumas or events arising from when we were below 7 years old. While the early years are  considered to be most crucial for healthy development, doing inner teen work can be just as important. The teenage years are a pivotal period where emotional wounds can take root, shaping our adult lives in profound ways. The following are reasons why doing inner teen work is important…

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How to Build Emotional Awareness: Feelings as Feedback

Build Emotional Awareness: Feelings and Their Meanings

Building emotional awareness requires us to be in touch with our feelings, and not avoid them. When it comes to negative emotions, no one likes to be in pain and so there is a tendency to push our feelings down. Our avoidance could also be that we don’t like being seen as “emo” on the assumption that we need to appear strong. However, when we are in the habit of suppressing our emotions for too long, a host of problems can occur; ranging from depression and anxiety to substance abuse.

After realising about the importance of getting to know ourselves, we may encounter problems with accessing our emotions at first. It was certainly what happened to me. For a start at one stage, I was not able to distinguish and to identify what I was feeling. In fact, I had to ask for help.

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How to Cultivate a Healthy Mindset for Mental Health

Healthy Mindset for Mental Health

The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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The mindset that you hold affects your mental health.

Your mindset is a collection of thoughts that shape your view of the world. It comprises of the stories you tell yourself and about life. The more you believe in the stories you tell yourself, the more they affect you in how you react and act. They determine the quality of your life and the level of happiness.

If you are overly anxious or you often feel down such that you feel depressed, your mental health is not at its best. It can point to having a mindset that is not strong or healthy. Your thoughts determine how you feel and they affect your actions and the reality you are in. Rather than hold on to an unhealthy mindset, think about how would life change for you if you can make a shift. 

6 Question Checklist About the Health of Your Mindset

  1. Do you tend to dwell in negative thinking or positive thinking

  2. Does your mindset support you in creating success, joy and love; or does it disempower you?

  3. Does it create anxiety, or calm and confidence?

  4. Do you often tell yourself that you are “not good enough” or do you believe in yourself wholeheartedly?

  5. Are you often happy or unhappy?

  6. Do you tend to give up, feel like a victim or get discouraged? Or do you tend to take charge, persevere and believe in yourself?

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Mindset Journal for Women: How to Practice Positive Thinking

Mindset Journal for Women: How to Practice Positive Thinking

My new book, Mindset Journal for Women, is finally out on Amazon…yay!! It is a journal workbook with prompts to practice positive thinking, mindfulness and to improve mental health. You can find the listing on Amazon here.

For the vast majority of people, nearly 90% of our self-talk is negative. It is reflective of having a negative or limiting mindset. In order to overcome the habitual pattern of negative thinking, we need to consistently work on building a positive mindset. Also, studies show that more women than men go into depression. It is where the Mindset Journal for Women comes in.

What’s the Juice with Mindset Journal for Women

The journal book uses the metaphor of your mind being a garden and you as the gardener.

The floral theme in the interior pages acts as a nice reminder and inspiration. Imagine each page as a fertile patch of soil, ready for your seeds of inspiration to take root. With its floral theme, every turn invites you to immerse yourself in planting seeds of positivity. 

It’s not just daily pages that I have included. I have also incorporated a mini workbook planner in Section A so that you can be introduced to concepts that would be helpful for building foundation. There are guided prompts designed to spark growth, foster gratitude, and to practice mindfulness. Section B features daily, weekly and monthly journal pages that are helpful for habit tracking, reflection and for reviews.

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How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration

How EFT tapping helps to raise vibrations

“How does EFT tapping help to increase vibration?” 

This was the exact question posed to me by a participant when I gave an introduction class on EFT to a group recently. 

Great question!

Well, I’d like to share my answers with you here, in case you are wondering the same too. 

EFT Tapping for Raising Vibrations

In case this is the first time you are hearing about EFT tapping, it is a therapeutic method where we use the fingertips to tap on specific meridian endpoints on the face and body. EFT tapping is a great tool for releasing emotional disruptions and restoring the body’s energy system. You can find out more about EFT tapping points here or simply subscribe to my newsletter to get a downloadable book on EFT tapping

Emotions, just like anything else in the Universe, are energy.

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How You Could Be in Self-Sabotage Due to Past Trauma and a Protective Nervous System

Self Sabotage Past Trauma and Protective Nervous System

Self-sabotage happens when you are in your own way of your overall happiness and success. You are either doing or not doing something that blocks achieving your goals. For example, despite wanting to have a loving relationship with your partner, you undertake actions that block connection or intimacy. 

So here’s what I discovered about how we could be sabotaging our present due to the past…

Even though the past traumatic experience is now over, our nervous system continues to use the encoded information that is from the distressing memory to disrupt us today. 

Self-Sabotage by Nervous System Past Trauma
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