Category Archives for "Vision Board"
How to Make or Create a Vision Board
How to Make or Create a Vision Board
If you often find life a struggle, please know that you can reverse the situation through harnessing the power of your subconscious mind. You do not have to settle with constantly being in self-sabotage, having a dark rain of cloud following you or living an uninspired existence.
“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
– Earl Nightingale
Think of the subconscious mind as like a hard drive on a computer.
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Download a free Abundance Check from this article after following the instructions as follows below.
Why Write an Abundance Check?
A Money or Abundance Check (or Cheque) is a great tool for intention or goal setting. Get inspired by the movie The Secret and leverage on the Law of Attraction for manifesting your desired amount. Best yet, write the Abundance Check on a New Moon date to accelerate your results.
The blank Abundance checks I created are coded with the energies of the Universe, Ascended Masters and Angels for powerful intention setting. Also, while green is a natural choice for money checks, I kept mine to pink for the cradling of our heart’s desires. I’m happy to offer you a gift – free updated blank Abundance Check for your use. It is available as a download – scroll down- on this post!!)
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What is the Abundance Affirmation
That You Need to Make Today?
I created a slideshow with 30 abundance affirmations embedded,
so that it is easy to pick one for the day.
Here’s the affirmation that came up for me, when I was writing this post…..
“When people ask us how long does it take for something to manifest, we say, “it takes as long as it takes you to release the resistance. Could be 30 years, could be 40 years, could be 50 years, could be a week, could be tomorrow afternoon.” Abraham-Hicks
You have watched the Movie The Secret.
You have read the Law of Attraction books.
You are repeating abundance mantras everyday.
You are even writing Abundance Checks for manifesting at the start of every new moon.
So why is it that your manifesting is not working?
Where’s the money? Where’s the soul mate that you hope to attract? And if you are running a business, where are the truckloads of clients eager to work with you?
You look around and you ask: Why is it happening for everyone else except for you?
Use the 24-hour window to work on New Moon manifestation when it occurs. Harness the heightened energies through engaging in visioning or guided meditation exercises. Also, write an abundance check / cheque for pinning on your vision board or simply put one in your wallet.
Update: New moon occurs every month. And you don’t have to wait that long to experience the next New Moon. It is happening on this coming Sunday on July 23, 2017.
Are you in the journey of abundance alchemy?
Are you a coach, healer, holistic entrepreneur or someone who is awakening in consciousness and hoping to create a full life?
Where there is the aim of finding treasure (seeking a life of abundance), you are aligning with the archetype of an abundance alchemist. Alchemists do not just exist in the past. The principles of alchemy largely apply in this modern day and age too.
Allow me to explain.
If you are tired of working very hard in your work or business and not making much of a breakthrough….
If you are tired of being afraid of stepping up….
If you are tired of being afraid of putting yourself in a leadership role….
If you are tired of yourself not asking for the sale…
and your desire to have a breakthrough is a level 10/10 score,
But, your immediate reactions to making a purchase for a money mindset program range from:
I can’t afford it!
I don’t have the money to pay for a money mindset program.
Are you kidding me? I am not having enough money and you are asking me to spend more?!?
What if I don’t get the money results that I want?
Your body is letting you know how unsafe you are feeling too.
You are breaking out in sweat, your heart is skipping a beat, and your stomach lurches with a somersault…at any initiation of a money discussion.
Well, I am not surprised if this has been the case for you.
Money talk can invoke all kinds of negative emotions. You are feeling small, vulnerable and deflated for needing assistance in your mindset. Come on, no one likes to admit that they have limiting beliefs or an issue with mindset! You are certainly not alone!
Do you have a love-hate relationship with money?
For a start, the idea of having a relationship with money may seem new to you. It sure sounded foreign to me at first. Until one day, after being exposed to the idea from various channels for years, I finally understood it!
One great way to think of the relationship you have money is to draw analogies from the relationship you have with a lover, spouse or partner. It is also easy to imagine such a relationship if you have watched romantic movies and TV shows.
Some of you may declare that you are “in love” with money. Or some of you may confess you are having such a difficult relationship that you resent the struggles you are in. It’s also possible that you describe your relationship with money as one of love-hate.
What are the signs indicating that you need a money mindset makeover?
I find that most people don’t recognise that they could be having a money mindset issue. They prefer to avoid any discussions about money altogether. What’s more, it’s a hit on the ego to admit to having a limiting mindset. Yet ignorance is not bliss when a money mindset makeover can help you grow your income without more pain and struggle.
Your money mindset simply refers to how you have been thinking about money. It affects you in the way you feel and also drives your actions and behavior concerning your finances. If you want to attract financial abundance, having a healthy money mindset is important.
How do you know what your money mindset is like? One great way is to look at what’s been happening in your financial situation. The thoughts and beliefs you have about money impact the outcome that you manifest.
Do You Have a Money Mindset Issue?
Here are 10 signs that you need to have a money mindset makeover immediately…..
1. Money is hard to come by every month.
2. Multiple areas in your life (eg. love and finances) are in jeopardy of crumbling.
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“Visioning is the practice of visualisation with belief, focus and consistency.”
It has been a long time since I shared about visioning in a blog post. Well, I had been working hard at mine. One of my travel dreams is finally coming true! It’s been a long wait.
I am flying to Salt Lake City in the U.S. to visit a lavender farm in a few days’ time. The best part is that the air flight from Singapore and accommodation at a luxury hotel in the city for my stay are completely free! I will also be attending leadership training workshops organised for attendees to the Silver Retreat as well as having time to explore the city. Hurray!!