Category Archives for "Vision Board"
How to Make or Create a Vision Board
How to Make or Create a Vision Board
Steven Covey in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, first coined the terms of a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset. Scarcity mindset refers to the paradigm of looking at life as finite, as if there is a limited number of pieces in a pie. On the other hand, an abundance mindset refers to the paradigm where there is enough and there is plenty for everyone.
Here’s how Stephen Covey describes the Scarcity Mindset…
Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else.
The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life. People with a Scarcity Mentality have a very difficult time sharing recognition and credit, power or profit – even with those who help in the production. The also have a a very hard time being genuinely happy for the success of other people.
What “manifesting from the inside-out” means is to create the physical reality that we want by using the power of the mind. Most of us think of manifesting in a positive light, even though it is also possible to manifest a negative set of outcomes. When perceiving things positively, we hope to manifest our ideal or dream life, or even a breakthrough.
With an inside-out approach, we manifest the results we want in the external world by taking charge of what goes on internally; namely our thoughts and feelings. We don’t have 100% control of external factors but we can certainly begin by taking charge of our mind. However, as we are likely to discover, what is often in the way for successful manifestation are our limiting beliefs and negative emotions.
When I coach my clients on manifesting from the inside-out, I like to keep things simple with a 3-step system. The 3 steps form the backbone of my coaching-and-healing sessions with them. They are as follows…
1) Reset Your Intentions
2) Release Your Limitations
3) Rewrite Your Story
In a workshop I attended more than 10 years ago, there was a spoon bending exercise that I can still recall today. I’m updating this post with photos of the spoons that I have kept on my desk.
During the exercise, we were handed some metal spoons and asked to bend them – not by using the hands but by the power of our minds.
Nancy, the facilitator, offered this advice, “Be One with The Spoon”.
“Sounds like mambo jumbo,” I could hear my skeptic saying.
How do you BE One with a Spoon, for crying out loud???
The weekend had culminated with an exercise that required us to bend a metal spoon, not by brute force but by the mental focus of thought. Nancy shared that we, be it spoon or human, are made up of energy. Therefore, instead of viewing ourselves as separate from another matter, we are One. Through the awareness that we are One, it was suggested that we could alter the appearance of the metal spoon.
After encountering a series of events while on a solo trip in London a week ago, I discovered what it means to hear from the Universe…
“When you commit to making the decision to level up, the entire Universe moves in support of you. It lets you know of its support through synchronicity. It does this by delivering coded signs and divine messages.”
The decision to up level our life is to make the choice for growth. It involves making a shift in our mindset, habits, and behaviour. And it first requires us to step out of our comfort zone.
I had found it particularly interesting to observe how my recent London trip unfolded. It certainly differed from the holiday vacations I had taken in the past. My discovery: Where the intention for a trip has been set to one that centers on soul growth, the Universe sends the necessary resources and messages to support it.
At first, I was in two minds about making this trip. I felt uneasy because I would be away from family and since my last visit to London was more than 10 years ago, I did not know quite what to expect. Fear started to escalate when my imagination got hold of me about the dangers of traveling solo.
Luckily, I had a good sense of knowing what fear was doing to me. And so, I decided to bring more attention to what I wanted instead – to learn (and relearn) from EFT master trainers (who are based outside Central London), and to use the opportunity for inner work, on top of taking the time to relax and to rejuvenate my energy. Hence, 3 primary objectives: Relearn, Realign and Rejuvenate!
Well, the moment I got up the plane, I found myself encountering people who assisted me in the direction I wish to take as well as people who offered me the messages that I needed to hear. Even though I know all the Law of Attraction stuff, I was shocked at the signs that showed up.
In particular, key phrases and specific messages that I have been attuning to were being repeated back to me by strangers. I experienced goosebumps when I found out that they were coincidentally in a similar situation. “What are the chances?” I asked myself. Events happened in such a synchronistic way that I could not help but conclude once again that there is a larger force at work.
It’s been a journey of self-discovery. I gained valuable insights during the classes I attended. In London, I got lost a number of times while venturing into new areas. Despite some anxiety, I found myself making my way to where I needed to be. And in good time. There’s nothing like traveling alone to unknown territory and rediscovering myself in the process.
(On the side, Stonehendge has been on my bucket list for a long time and I am so glad to be able to put a checkmark against the item! And I almost did not make it. I was 3 minutes from missing the coach that left for Stonehendge that morning, after getting terribly lost.)
From my experiences, I deciphered the important lesson of trust.
The Universe knows exactly what we need. It sends us the resources, opportunities and the messages when we commit. Hence, I’d like to propose that we don’t procrastinate but to make the decision to level-up. Surrender the process to the Universe, trusting and allowing it to work its magic!
With more time to reflect, I’d like to share my notes on Synchronicity…
The Universe reveals itself through synchronicity. It orchestrates the events, people and environment; and lining them up, so that you are exactly where you need to be. Synchronicity takes place like “a vibrational beacon” that transmits a divine message or coded sign back to you, indicating that you are in alignment or on the right path.
Through synchronicity, even as you ponder over what the message or sign means, you are invited to realise that you are part of something bigger – a cosmic whole. Eventually, you may well conclude that there perhaps isn’t a need to fully make sense of everything in order to derive meaning. On the contrary, it is by taking yourself out from habitual patterns that you get reconnected in oneness. It’s opening up to the sense of wonder and awe that makes you come alive!
Venturing out of your comfort zone enables you to fully appreciate the mysterious workings of the Universe. You learn to let go and you allow the Universe to take over. Finding your way after losing yourself, the path to walk is being revealed to you. You decipher what you need to know at each and every step – through synchronicity.
I believe that the Decision to Up-Level is the Choice to allow Magic into Your Life!
If you have been stuck with indecision, this message could be for you to make the choice to up-level and to go for it! Simply trust! The Universe will reveal the hidden messages to you in a series of synchronistic occurrences.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments below
Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
What are money blocks that keep you from attracting the abundance that you deserve?
When you are not being hired for your services, you may be tempted to believe that the problem stems from a branding issue. When you are not able to generate more sales for your product, you could be thinking that the problem lies with the lack of a marketing plan. In both situations, you are not making the money you deserve.
Hence, your first move may be to hire a branding or marketing specialist.
However, you could also find that these solutions could not fix your problems adequately, especially where you continue to be in struggle. It may even appear that the strategies work for everyone else except for you. No matter what you’ve attempted, the methods applied did not work sufficiently. And you wonder, why has the Universe abandoned you?
I would like to invite you to take a step back to reflect.
Could it be that you’ve been in the same negative patterns of emotional struggle over money matters for a long time now?
On reflection, you may discover that while things have improved over the years, you are still far from manifesting your dream or money breakthrough. You are currently feeling depleted in energy, miserable, frustrated, disappointed and ashamed. It will be great if you can change your situation and improve your results.
Well, for change to happen, may I propose that you start from the beginning. Find out what are the money blocks that you’ve created in the past. In other words, address these blocks at root cause.
“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.” —Khalil Gibran
Just imagine the scenario of having a cut. You are likely to use a band aid or apply a bandage for your cut. If it is a small cut, that will do the trick! Your bleeding stops.
However, a bandage is not going to help you in a situation that stems from major internal bleeding. In fact, a bandage could hide the problem that you are having. From the inside, you are still losing blood. And you have no idea where the bleeding is coming from – which organ, tissue or body part?
Well, money blocks create a leakage in your energy system. They arise internally. To address the leakage requires you to look within.
Money blocks comprise of negative emotions and limiting beliefs and are often created as a result of negative experiences in the past.
Examples of money beliefs include
– Money is the root of all evils,
– I can’t be spiritual and rich at the same time,
– I need to slave hard for the money
– I am just not good enough to manage money etc.
Money blocks cause you to be in self-sabotage. They create a disruption in your energy system and lower your vibrational state of being. Consequently, you find yourself unable to manifest the financial abundance that you deserve effortlessly and easily. Your financial stress increases and your overall well-being reduces.
Money blocks often arise from a past event. However, do note that the past only exists in the mind. It exists because you keep your old story alive in your mind. That’s why you call it a memory. Memory is a mental construct. Since the memory of the past exists only as a construction, NLP co-founder Richard Bandler postulates, “It is never too late to have a happy childhood.”
Because the past is something that is created in the mind, you have the power to change it. Even though the past may be what you would say “actually happened”, it does not serve you any more to carry it as a burden. When you carry the memory as a burden, you disrupt your own peace and harmony.
You are kept living in the past when you refuse to let it go.
“You know why it’s hard to be happy—it’s because we refuse to LET GO of the things that make us sad.” Bruce Lipton
The same old disruptive tape plays in your mind over and over again. Over time, you leak power. It puts you out-of-alignment with the vibrational frequency of the financial abundance that you are hoping to attract.
Do note that releasing money blocks at a general level may not be enough to create the transformation that you are looking for. If you have encountered negative situations in childhood or a past traumatic even that led to the forming of money beliefs, they need to be dealt with specifically. In other words, specific events or situations need to be addressed at root cause.
Tapping away money blocks at root cause potentially sets you free.
In my 10 years of experience, I have found that applying Meridian Tapping to produce excellent results for releasing money blocks. Meridian Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) simply involves using fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on our faces and body, while articulating a set of healing statements. Clients are guided to retrack their past memories and to tap away the emotional disruptions and limiting beliefs that were formed arising from the specific events.
Once a release happens, your energy system is reset with open channels. You experience a vibrational shift upwards as you are no longer blocked. It becomes a lot easier to leverage on the Law of Attraction for bringing your dreams into manifestation.
It wouldn’t do for me to recommend the band aid as the solution that will definitely fix the problem of money stress. The solution will not be adequate if I suspect that there is internal bleeding going on. In such situations, I am more interested to investigate what the bleeding is about, where it arose and how to heal from the inside-out.
My focus is to help you address the root cause of your issues and to guide you on transmuting pain into power, while integrating important lessons. Thus, you are no longer held back by the past.
Releasing money blocks is not a get-rich-quick method. Rather, addressing the root cause of your issues is what makes the distinction between getting mediocre results (one that merely helps you get through a transition – the band aid solution) – and getting superior results (one that not only takes you through a transition but aids you in your spiritual transformation).
What I recommend is an inside-out mind, body and soul system that offers powerful spiritual integration in the physical and that takes you to wholeness.
“Transformation occurs when we release energy blocks at all levels: emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.” Evelyn Lim
Over to you. What are the money blocks that you could be having? Which will you choose – address external factors only or address the heart of your issues at root cause?
Love and abundance always,
P.S. Apply for a 30-min complimentary call if you have further questions and/or need more assistance on releasing money blocks.
Top feature image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay.
Do you give yourself the permission to fly?
Well, for the first time, I did.
A week ago.
I felt all powerful *brilliant smile*!!
On top of the world.
It blew my mind to think that I could have the chance to take on the control wheel of a plane.
Even though it was a tiny two-seater.
And only for a few minutes.
I had thought the pilot-in-charge was going to say “no” when I asked for the permission to fly.
It was his first flight after getting his private license, after all.
I was half expecting a rejection.
Instead, he nodded.
He’s not joking.
It’s a yes!!!
Well, I guess he couldn’t say “no” to his wife who was looking so eager.
Yup, the pilot-in-charge is my husband, former F16 pilot and very importantly, the wind beneath my wings.
When it was time for me to take over the wheel, I was nervous.
It’s a propeller after all. Affected by winds. I was concerned about flying off-course as some manoeuvring was needed.
Still, it wasn’t all that difficult since I only needed to head straight with the destination in the horizon. Don’t laugh ha!
From Senai International Airport, we were heading for Kukup Island where we circled to take in the majestic views of the sea from the sky.
It was a successful first flight – for both my husband and I!
I’m thankful for the opportunity.
It was so fun that we are already planning for our next flight!
Which reminds me.
It took us forever to get to this point.
We had our excuses.
It’s not the right time, we used to say.
Years went by.
Life got better but we still had our excuses.
We started noticing how uninspired we were becoming for the lack of exciting adventures.
Finally we decided to just go for the things in life that we know will lift us.
The decision started a whole chain of events.
As you’ve read, it led us to taking our first flight together!
No More Excuses!
Metaphorically speaking,
We already have wings….all we need is to give ourselves the permission to fly!
Agree? My question is: What’s Holding You Back?
Finally, a poem that may just inspire you to FLY!
Love and Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Life Coach for Women in Business
Do you suffer from public speaking anxiety or the fear of making live presentations?
Does the thought of doing public speaking or making live presentations (such as on FB, Instagram or Youtube) cause you to sweat in nervousness, feel faint or get nauseous?
Do the voices inside your head tell you that it is not safe, not to make a fool of yourself or not to embarrass yourself in public?
Public speaking anxiety has been listed as American’s #1 fear affliction, before death at #5, and loneliness, weighing in at #7. This potentially means that most of us are less afraid of dying alone than of making fools of ourselves in front of others. The findings are thought-provoking, aren’t they?
Well, not just public speaking, many of us have the fear of being judged should we decide to reveal our “failures” and “mistakes” in the stories that we share before others. The voices inside our heads will warn us that it’s highly dangerous to reveal about our painful past in front of others! The fear of rejection or non-acceptance can be so strong that we are inclined NOT to show up as ourselves or to draw attention to our struggles (even if they could be over years ago).
Here’s the thing. If we would like to create a difference, it’s inevitable that we have to do some form of sharing our authentic stories. A presentation can never be quite as impactful without the power of story-telling. Real life stories connect and build bridges with our audience.
Let’s recognise that there is NOTHING shameful about sharing that we have gone through struggles.
Everyone has at one point or another, been through a difficult period. Without the struggles, there wouldn’t be us today. By sharing your authentic story, you are better able to connect with your audience and inspire them to action. In fact, the more emotionally compelling, the better. Facts tell, but stories sell!
Dealing with public speaking anxiety or the fear of standing in front of others may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Less so, should you claim to be an introvert (just like me). You are not likely to want to sign up for something that will make you feel uncomfortable. If I’m guessing right, you’ve got the tendency to hide every time when is an invitation to be interviewed, present or speak.
Chances are you can remain like this for years.
But if you are aware enough, you may recognise that you’ve been playing small.
Should you wish to increase your reach, create an impact and make a bigger difference, making live presentations with authentic sharing of your story can be life-changing. You are challenged to go beyond your comfort zone. What’s more, we are now in the era of publishing videos to get our messages out there.
Just imagine brimming with confidence when you have released any public speaking anxiety or fear of making a live presentation!
When I was to share my authentic story in a presentation on stage for the first time, I felt extremely nervous. I have never done anything like this before. It’s one thing to host a workshop, appear “live” on social media but quite another to reveal about my painful struggles on stage and in front of a large group of strangers.
I was imagining scenarios like:
– what if I trip on stage,
– what if I forget my lines,
– what if I blank out,
– what if I could not connect with my audience etc.
My mind was on overdrive. I also started to brandish myself for signing up for a public speaking gig, when I could have just stayed in my comfort zone.
Who am I to think that I can give a talk?
I’m just too old for this kind of thing.
I will look horrible on stage.
I will sound horrible on stage.
The voices inside my head was clear in that public speaking and telling my story on stage would be such a “bad idea”.
Fortunately, I had enough awareness to know what the negative voices inside my head were doing. At one point, I had two parts of me in an inner debate. Finally, I reasoned that I wasn’t looking for safety anymore. Instead, I really wanted to break through my barriers.
I had written the introduction of my script for my presentation as follows….
“I believe in the power of stories and the most powerful stories are the ones we tell ourselves……for they create our reality.”
As I read through my script, I realised that my presentation is not just about the past. It is about the present. Therein was another wonderful opportunity to change the story that I was telling on the inside. I proceeded to work on releasing false beliefs and to visualise myself speaking confidently on stage.
Finally the day of the event arrived.
None – absolutely none – of the negative scenarios that I was imagining about came true. No falling down on stage, no forgetting my lines or blanking out when the stage lights came on. Instead, I spoke from my heart. The words just flowed.
On stage, I shared about how I once struggled with feeling unlovable and lousy about myself. Then, I went on to share about how I eventually turned my scars into stars, stress into breakthrough and my mess into a compelling message. Well, I was happy to receive positive feedback on my presentation. A total relief that it was well received…hurray!!
What made the entire experience awesome was also the chance to help fellow entrepreneurs who had signed up for the same public speaking gig. A number of them had jitters and struggled with piecing their stories together prior to the event. Together, we worked on kicking their fears and crafting their messages. It was awesome finally hearing them speak on stage with poise and confidence! A breakthrough for their branding and market positioning indeed!
Need tips for your public speaking event or a live presentation?
Here are some tips that had worked for myself and those that I had assisted….
1. Become aware of what the voices are saying.
2. Realise that some of the imagined future scenarios that are negative may never come true.
3. Release any negative emotions and false beliefs via EFT or meridian tapping or any other energy healing techniques.
4. Visualise the desired outcome. Repeatedly.
5. Apply actions or put in practice that will help lead to a positive outcome. Eg. practice in front of your friends, join a Toastmasters Club, recording your voice and replaying the audio.
Hopefully the above tips can help you too!
Even if you are an introvert, you can release any public speaking anxiety. Recently, to my surprise, I also found out that there are many master speakers with the ability to speak powerfully and make high ticket sales from stage and who profess to being introverts. Hence, don’t let your fears hold you back from being the best that you can be!
Do you have any one of the following
– a confidence crisis
– inner challenges that prevent you from showing up,
– deep-rooted traumas that cause you to stutter, go blank in the mind, – tremble at any thought of public speaking, and/or
– issues with sharing your authentic story without needing anyone else’s approval?
Maybe you are not hoping to be the best speaker in town. Maybe it’s just about getting to the next step of your growth. Maybe it’s about levelling up to improve your game.
What will breaking free from your fears do for you? I’m betting that you’d feel a sense of freedom, greater confidence and fulfilment from getting your message out there!
Well, if you need further assistance to
– release public speaking anxiety
– create a bigger impact or/and
– turn shame into authentic and powerful sharing of your story and
crafting your branding message,
apply for a complimentary call here.
I’d be glad to assist you with a map for your breakthrough.
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
P.S. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
How would you like to be able to multiply your energy for powerful manifestation to take place?
For manifestations to occur, there are two essential factors: pure intention and focused attention.
Intention is what directs potentiality, while attention is the intensity of this intention. As intention comes from thought, and thought is energy, then it goes to show that the more energy in your attention, more your intentions will manifest. If you find yourself getting stuck in your manifestations, then these could be two factors you need to look into.
What is a Bucket List?
A Bucket List is a list of items that you would like to accomplish before you “kick the bucket”. The term has been made popular by the 2008 comedy-drama movie, The Bucket List. In the show, two terminally ill men go on a road trip with a wish list of things to do before they die. The movie was beautifully played by two Academy Award winners, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
Essentially, the message you need to heed is this: do the things you have always wanted to do before it is too late. You wouldn’t want to wait till you are knocking at death’s door before you start to realize how fast life has been passing you by. Should this be the case, your final moment may well be one of regret on “what may have been” instead of a sense of contentment over “what has been”. You mull over, “if only I have lived life with a little more freedom, laughed a little more and loved a little more”.
An angel appeared in my dream last night.
She gently placed the globe in the palm of my hands.
And she whispered, “the world is your oyster“.