Category Archives for "Abundance-Law of Attraction"
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
“May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
– Traditional Irish Blessing
Today’s post is dedicated to our friend, Arch. Arch had been in a state of depression for a long time. Well, he decided to end his struggles in the physical world yesterday morning.
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How to Develop a Positive Attitude with Meditation – Guest post by Benjamin Norris.
A positive attitude puts you in a more positive vibrational state of being, thereby enabling you to attract success and abundance more easily. One of the most common techniques for developing a positive state of mind is meditation. Meditation offers an excellent avenue for exploring your inner world.
“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha
There are many different meditation techniques that can specifically assist with the development of a positive mental attitude. Some of the most popular meditations are:
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Unwilling to back down from a conflict or argument?
Find it hard to forgive and forget…..but finding it easy to point and blame?
It is always someone else’s fault?
Feeling hot and bothered, and experiencing an intense need to justify your actions?
Well, ask yourself if it is your ego wanting to be in control.
“If you want to reach a state of bliss, then go beyond your ego and the internal dialogue. Make a decision to relinquish the need to control, the need to be approved, and the need to judge. Those are the three things the ego is doing all the time. It’s very important to be aware of them every time they come up.”
– Deepak Chopra
“Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.” – John Maeda
(Photo taken of Zen-like koi pond in Chinese Swimming Club, Singapore)
Editor’s Note: Guest article submitted by Rita Schulte.
Stop for a moment and take a good look at your life. It’s a mess. You’re over- committed; don’t know how to say no, you have way too much stuff, too little time, and no idea how to organize all the things that are complicating your life. If that sounds like you, take heart, you’re not alone.
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“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
The Vision Board Mastery Workshop is going to be held once again in Singapore next month.
There are many great benefits to attending a physical workshop for the making of a vision board:
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“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”
“Fashion fades but only style remains the same.”
– Coco Chanel
The fear of aging can strike at any age but 40, in particular, is seen as the year that inflicts a great majority of people, particularly women, with a sense of trepidation. Following my article on the Fear of Aging, I decided to invite the public or rather fans and friends on Facebook for tips on how to look young.
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When you practice contentment you can say to yourself, ‘Oh yes I already have everything that I really need’. — Dalai Lama
Editor’s Note: Guest article submitted by Alden Tan.
Have you ever felt frustrated and unsatisfied with whatever that’s going on in your life?
You may have a job, but you keep wondering about when you’ll be promoted.
You may have many friends around you, but sometimes they annoy you and you don’t even feel like hanging out with them.
It always seemed to be that way for me.
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“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn
We live in a society that values looks and youth. And so as we mature past our 30s, then 40s and 50s, we can start to face the fear of aging. I believe that females feel the fear even more. The fear of aging can be like a looming dark cloud that drives us to irrational behavior such as undergoing multiple plastic surgery jobs to tighten sagging skin.
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“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”
– Ludwig Wittgenstein
Editor’s note: guest article submitted by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt.
Words are powerful.
They manifest themselves into beliefs, feelings, actions and entire lives. They make your world or break it. They lift you up or pull you down. They move you forward or make you tread water.
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“There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.” – Oscar Wilde
You would think that most people would love to have lots of money. However, there are also those who fear money or having too much of it. Maybe it is the reminder about King Midas that puts these people in fear. His wish that everything he touched be turned to gold was fulfilled. However, he later found, to his dismay, that even his delicious food and beloved daughter were transformed into gold.
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