Category Archives for "Abundance-Law of Attraction"
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
“Stress is basically a disconnection from the earth, a forgetting of the breath. Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important. Just lie down.” Natalie Goldberg
We already know this: chronic stress brings down overall wellness. Yet, like the vast majority of people, we may find it hard to eliminate anxiety. Unfortunately, if we don’t address any heightened stress levels, physical health can be compromised. Thus, we become more vulnerable to illnesses from a lowered immune system.
One of the main sources of chronic stress is worrying over “not enough money”. Indeed, money stress is one of the main – if not the top – concerns on the minds of the people that I speak with – including friends, clients and relatives. It’s the reason for sleepless nights and tension headaches for these people.
To a large extent, our body is equipped to cope with stress. We have a coping mechanism that protects us from perceived threats. In caveman days, the threats mainly come from physical predators. In today’s world, our perceived threats usually come from needing to meet the demands of modern living. We have to face the issues of balancing work and family life, making ends meet, earning enough to afford a minimum standard of living and so on. If we constantly perceive that we can’t cope, it is when we get into chronic stress.
“The road to success is not straight. There is a curve called Failure, a loop called Confusion, speed bumps called Friends, red lights called Enemies, caution lights called Family. You will have flat tires called Jobs, but if you have a spare called Determination, an engine called Perserverance, a driver called Will Power, you will make it to a place called Success.” Unknown
Are you in the following scenario? – You are not able to close sales all of a sudden. In fact, the number of customers has dwindled to a halt. As the days go by, you become increasingly worried.
Up until recently, you had been on a winning streak. Even in a bad economy or where conditions are difficult, you had been garnering sales. It’s been great. And, you had felt jubilant, on top of the world, like megabucks. Your vibrational state rose to an all-time high.
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“But you cannot understand life and its mysteries as long as you try to grasp it. Indeed, you cannot grasp it, just as you cannot walk off with a river in a bucket. If you try to capture running water in a bucket, it is clear that you do not understand it and that you will always be disappointed, for in the bucket the water does not run. To ‘have’ running water you must let go of it and let it run.” Alan Wilson Watts, Wisdom of Insecurity
Are you finding it hard to combat the feelings of insecurity in a world that does not appear to be safe, stable and supportive?
If so, you could be feeling a lack of control. You perceive that there are many uncertain external factors that can potentially disrupt your well-being. It has been one of the main reasons why you are in a heightened state of stress.
You are not alone if you are feeling this way. Insecurity afflicts even famous personalities like politicians, movie stars or models. As American actor, Christian Slater, once said, “I thought I’d get over being insecure if I became famous, but it hasn’t happened. It just gets worse, really. You get more and more on edge, more nervous. These are all the things I’m dealing with. You think if you get famous, fear will go away and problems will go away. But they don’t.”
In particular, as the cost of living rises, you can experience a lot of worry in the area of finance. For instance, you could have the following financial fears: that you will run out of money, cannot keep up with the rising cost of living, unable to service your loan, cannot put food on the table, do not have enough for retirement, do not have enough to set up a fund for emergencies and so on.
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“What is called genius is the abundance of life and health.” Henry David Thoreau
Many people like to point out that health is wealth. It is true. Without good health, you will not feel well enough to get to work or run a business. However, may I add that the saying does not suggest that wealth is not important either. In fact, without money, it will not be possible to pay for medical bills or insurance. Also an adequate level of income is needed if you wish to afford products or services that promote a sense of well-being; beyond the minimum that meets day-to-day living needs.
To live holistically, in today’s society, we need both health and wealth. We need them together at the same time to achieve an optimal health/wealth balance. To strive for wealth at the expense of health is likely to show up in increased stress levels and diseases that develop over time. To neglect wealth totally is also not a good idea either.
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“All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.” Napoleon Hill
It can be hard to believe yourself as a powerful creative being, with the ability to change your current reality simply by directing your thoughts. I have had tremendous difficulty with this myself as well, especially in the beginning when I started trying to practice deliberate thinking. Most of us invariably find ourselves slipping back into a world of victimhood. Any notion about being powerful co-creators gets instantly thrown out of the window when we are faced with stress.
Yet, the Law of Deliberate Creation is a law. In addition, there is already scientific evidence to support how our reality is influenced by what we believe in. Quantum physics has shown that just by the act of observation, a person can alter reality.
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“Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old – old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don’t. In both cases we have to DO something.” Rush Limbaugh
I have noticed that a lot of us make decisions from where we currently are – which happens to be the “stuck” position. In which case, we are making the decision from a place of fear. So we end up saying “no” or procrastinating on the one decision that can help us unstuck ourselves.
Even more so when it comes to a decision on investing in inner or healing work. We are reluctant to commit to working internally. We feel paralysed with fear. Even though we realise that it could be helpful, we are averse to the idea of bringing our repressed emotions into the open. Not surprisingly, we usually view spending in any form of inner healing/transformation as unnecessary expense.
Unfortunately, this way of thinking qualifies as poverty consciousness. If we are feeling the lack, we will continue to stay in limitation because we are not willing to take the action that can potentially bring us to the next level of growth. Paralysis imprisons and prevents us from being great!
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“Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things.” Eric Butterworth
Photo Credit: Ichtor | Dreamstime Stock Images
I would like to share my treasure trove of 10 empowering thoughts to Prosperity Consciousness:
1. I am the co-creator of my reality. By taking ownership, I release blame of anyone else or the situation at hand. Instead, I consciously choose to co-create with the universe by focusing my thoughts in the direction of my dreams.
2. My net worth is influenced by my self-worth. I understand that the greater self-worth and esteem I have, the greater will be my net worth. Hence, I dedicate time to doing inner work to address any issues in low self-worth.
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“The desire of gold is not for gold. It is for the means of freedom and benefit.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Allow me to clarify on a point where much confusion arise with many people: the desire for money.
The desire to have money is nothing wrong. Many make the idea of desiring money as being sinful. This is not wise thinking. After all, we need money to pay for our living expenses. And if we have hopes and dreams to change the world to a better place, we need the necessary capital to fund these.
Desires are borne out of contrast. It is our wish for a more expanded experience that fuels us to being and doing more. It is our wish to improve the quality of our lives that prompt us to pursue our money-making ideas.
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Money is not a dirty word.
Yet, many people make it out to be.
They avoid talking about it at all cost. They squirm whenever they have to ask for money in exchange for their service or product. They conclude that the desire for money is a sin, partly from watching way too many Hollywood movies about how the pursuit for money corrupts the mind. Then, there are the religious ones take comfort in being spiritual and poor.
“Not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, does the enlightened man dislike to wade into its waters.” Friedrich Nietzsche
Well, let’s put things in perspective.
Money is in the form of cash and coins. It is a convenient form of exchange. It helps to make trade efficient.
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Your Money Gremlin has the habit of sabotaging your money-making dreams. You may have an inspired vision that you would like to achieve or some financial targets to meet. However, your Money Gremlin will introduce thoughts that will hold you back. Even famous singer, Ricky Martin, shares this, “My goal is to think of nothing when I’m writing a song because too many influences could sabotage a potentially amazing song.”
Your money gremlin enjoys playing sabotage games. It sabotages you from following your heart-centered dreams. It stops you from manifesting abundance. Until now, you may not have been fully aware about the existence of a Money Gremlin. I don’t blame you. Your Money Gremlin can act in sneaky and covert ways.
“For me personally it is because I get an awful amount of success and I don’t think I deserve it and then I want to sabotage it.” Michael Parkinson
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