Category Archives for "Abundance-Law of Attraction"
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
Abundance and the Law of Attraction
How about taking a free chakra test to find out which of your 7 energy centers is out of balance?
I have been using the chakra system as a guide for personal awareness and to work with clients for several years now. It will be great to share with you on how comprehensive it is as a roadmap for conscious living.
The chakra system offers an excellent framework for an understanding of your energy system. There are 7 major chakras, which are energy centers in your body. In Hindi, chakras simply mean “wheels of spinning energy”. Indeed, a chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. You have got 7 major vortexes or energy centers that line up like the picture below…
The chakra system is akin to having an electrical wiring system within your inner home. It allows electrical current to be sent to every part of your being. It regulates the flow of energy throughout the network (meridians) that runs throughout your physical body.
Taking a chakra test can help you to determine which – out of the 7 energy centers – is out of balance or blocked. Out-of-balance chakras or chakra blocks usually happen at the energy centers. Your chakras can get blocked because of stress, emotional or physical root causes.Continue reading
There are many benefits of meditation. I hope to share with you what these are, especially if you are new to this practice. Over the years, meditation has made a huge difference to my life. Hopefully, it can help increase your holistic wellness too 🙂
While there are already many articles describing the benefits of meditation on the internet, I hope to share what I have gained from my personal experiences as well.
On the side, I would like to dedicate this post in memory of my mother-in-law who first introduced meditation to me. It was more than 10 years ago when she taught me how to meditate. My mother-in-law was 70 when she became a Buddhist nun who was very interested in meditation.
Amy started to experience money struggles the moment when she wanted to make the transition from executive to entrepreneur.
A pretty lady in her 30s, Amy is from a middle-income family. From external appearances, she seemed to be doing fine…except that in the six months prior to us working together, she had been struggling. No one except her husband knew about her feeling broke and depressed.
For months, Amy had worked hard at getting her business off the ground.
There were a lot more to each marketing strategy that she had at first realised. It was not long before doubt started to creep in. She went into emotional overwhelm.
Over the past 2 days, I encountered a number of posts with #MeToo in my newsfeed.
They are popping up in the wake of the allegations against Harvey Weinstein.
Bravo to the women who are now speaking up about their hidden secret. Hopefully, they are able to find some form of closure; although for some, it make take more than just speaking up to address what has been left unresolved.
Then, there are those who still do not dare post #MeToo despite what had taken place.
It could be that they still associate it as something shameful, that they still feel that what happened was their fault, that they fear that the people around may react negatively to their revelation and so on.
Well, I chanced upon one courageous lady who decided to confide in me.
Are you in any emotional pain?
Was it due to some past traumatic event or situation that you can’t let go of?
Is there a long-standing physical symptom that also goes with your emotional pain such as a dull but throbbing heart ache, stabs on the back, weight on the shoulder or a paralysing sensation that numbs you on your hands and legs?
Or could you also be feeling emotional pain whenever you are tuning into the pain-body that is part of collective whole? Just think about the negative news that you have been reading….on all the senseless terrorist attacks, for instance. It’s been affecting you and everyone else.
Well….whether it is personal or it comes from being part of society, it is possible to clear the emotional pain such that the energetic charge is either gone or reduced. Even if you had been holding on to it for a long time.
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Do you have a part of you that does not believe that you can build a thriving business from your soul gifts?
Perhaps, you have psychics or even coaches telling you what your soul gifts are and about how you should simply step into your unique brilliance and do work that you love. Or about how deserving and worthy you are of all that abundance.
Except that you don’t totally believe that it is true.
Definitely, NOT 100% on your belief scale!
As you reflect over on the gifts, skill sets and what you have to offer in the world, you are feeling as if you are “nothing special” or that there is “nothing unique” about you.
Are you currently in the stage where you are ready to give up on your business?
My suggestion: Not just Yet.
Not until you have finished reading this post on 3 Feet from Gold.
“Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is almost in rich.” – Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
The story 3 Feet from Gold is a story that has kept me inspired over the years. It is a tale that has kept me going on as an entrepreneur, especially during challenging times. As with many business owners, my journey has not always been that smooth. I have been through feast-famine cycles and everything in between.
“Before success comes in anyone’s life, that individual is sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a person, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to QUIT. That is exactly what the majority of people do.” Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
I hope to share with you what has helped me all this time, if you have not heard this story or read the classic Think and Grow Rich book. The entrepreneurial mindset of not giving up has kept me in the game. It has helped me build tenacity even when times are difficult.
What is the Abundance Affirmation
That You Need to Make Today?
I created a slideshow with 30 abundance affirmations embedded,
so that it is easy to pick one for the day.
Here’s the affirmation that came up for me, when I was writing this post…..
How to Find Your Tribe
Find Your Tribe
With the ones that make you feel the most YOU.
Not connected by blood, but by HEART ENERGY.
The ones who lift you up when you are down,
remind you about how powerful you are,
and who supports you in your dreams.
Find Your Tribe
With like-minded souls on the same journey.
Co-creating, playing and reaching for the stars together.
The ones who exchange ideas,
share their light bulb moments
and what has worked for them.Continue reading
Play the following Spiritual Quiz that reveals what your core soul essence is….
After writing the content for the Spiritual Quiz, I needed to test the entire clip to make sure that the slides run smoothly. Funnily enough, after testing it, I got the same answer twice ha…see below image…ha!
It’s great to receive the affirmation that I have been drawing on creative, playful and mystical energies (the “Unicorn”) when making fun quizzes! Continue reading