Category Archives for "Intention-Manifestation"

Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!

A Confession About My Self-Love Healing Journey

“A confession has to be part of your new life.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

self-love healing drop fear

If you had read my book, Self-Love Secrets or been a subscriber to my posts, then you already know that I have had blocks with self-love for several years in my life. However, what I may not have told my story quite so clearly previously is this……

Right after becoming a certified life coach a few years ago, I thought I had finally learned what the magic bullets are for personal transformation. And so, armed with the desire to “contribute to humanity”, it seemed easy to dish wonderful tips out to others and especially through a website.

Yet, things were not the same on the personal front. Time and time again, due to some situational triggers, I would fall back into the same old negative self-talk patterns of criticism, rejection and judgment. I was unhappy and impatient with myself.
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News Alert: Launch of Self-Love Healing Program

“Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

I am excited to share that I will be launching my Self-Love Healing Program in slightly more than a week’s time. It is almost ready for publication. For this Program, I have been working on writing and recording some guided meditation audios that would help take anyone into deeper self-love.

Self-Love Healing Program is the follow-up to my book, Self-Love Secrets. Working on this Program just seems like the next natural step, as I have been receiving “messages” to continue assisting others in the area of self-love. Externally, I have also been getting a number of clients who show up with “anger spears” that they have been directing at themselves.

It was only in November last year that I could get cracking after sitting on the idea over several months. November came and proved to be perfect timing as it was prior to the ascension date of December 21, 2012. I was already planning to allocate more time for inner healing and meditation. As a result, the scripts were written during a time when I was in greater solitude and experiencing greater soul-level awareness.

A new launch always feels like birthing a new child. The launch has been slated to be on March 20. To celebrate the occasion, I will be offering a promotional discount over a limited time period. So if you are interested, do keep a look out for more news on the promotion.

I am still in the midst of finishing up the recordings. I will be back with more details about the program later in the week. Stay tuned!

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

P.S. Listen to a guided meditation sampling at the end of my recent free teleclass – download here.

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Self-Love: Heal Yourself in Body-Mind-Spirit

“To love yourself fully is to heal in the body, mind and spirit.” – Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

self love body mind spirit

Self-love involves a body, mind and spirit approach. In my book Self-Love Secrets, I shared that loving yourself requires a holistic perspective. The three levels of body, mind and spirit are interrelated. When you make a change in one, there is a rippling effect in your entire being. You will find yourself unveiling new layers of transformation at different levels.

The Body-Mind-Spirit Connection

It is easy to understand why you need to nurture yourself holistically. For example, if you are not feeling well (body), you won’t be able to feel well and think clearly (mind). Also, you will find it hard to sit down to meditate (spirit) for a closer connection with higher consciousness. It also goes to show that you need to have a sufficient level of well-being, before you can even start meditation or even function properly at all.
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Release Fear To Reawaken Into Love

“Release the fear in your mind and reawaken to the love inside your heart.” – Self-Love Secrets: How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

Release the Fear in Your Mind

Fear corrupts the mind like a virus. It lays siege on your thought patterns. It infiltrates insidiously into some of your worst nightmares, causing you to wake up in terror in the middle of the night.

Many people use the words “mind” and “brain” to mean the same thing. Well, they are not. The mind is not the same as your brain.

Just as well, I was helping my children with some science over the weekend. My children learned this from their textbooks: The brain is a biochemical organ in the human body. As I was writing this post, I realized that what I have forgotten to point out to them is the truth that I have discovered outside their books. And so, I hope to share the rest of what I have written in this article later with them.
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How to Create a Vision Board for Happiness

“A vision for happiness lays the foundation for a life well-lived in love, peace and harmony.” – Abundance Tapestry

vision board for happiness

Many of us start the new year with making resolutions. More recently, there is an increasing number who lean towards making inner-directed intentions rather than set externally-driven goals that are forgotten as soon as they have been made. Well, whether you are making intentions, resolutions or goals, I propose having an overall vision for happiness.
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Power Phrase: Don’t Worry, Be Happy

“Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.” Dale Carnegie

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You could have hoped to see a sign that would signify the importance of December 21 2012 too. I certainly did myself. A few of my friends reportedly saw double rainbows and golden lights across the sky. Try as hard as I could to convince myself that the cluster of clouds formed to the image of a heart that day, I knew that it would be more a figment of my imagination.

Still, there was no denying that I spent a glorious time in the park for a good part of the day. My intention was to be in a positive vibrational state. In short, I just wanted to be happy. And I was. In the company of my children and husband, we had a lovely time on a picnic mat.
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How to Unstuck Yourself From Now

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

Are you bringing last year’s baggage of frustration, confusion and dissatisfaction into the new year?

Still feeling stuck as ever?

Lost in which way to go?

Chances are if you have ended 2012 still feeling lost, confused and stuck, you will be carrying the same baggage of emotions into the new year.

Let’s look back at what has happened since my last post in December.

So the world did not end in 2012. It is not like you think it would. You prefer to believe that a shift in energies has occurred on the all-important date of Dec 21, 2012, heralding the creation of a new beginning.
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Ascension: Dawn of a Golden Age

The energy signature of planet Earth will shift from one of anger and fear to one of love and acceptance. The old matrix is falling away. The rise of the Golden Age, with a brilliance that illuminates the entire galaxy, dawns. It has been planned for eons. Everything is in perfect timing. The countdown is almost complete.

Ascension date of December 21 falls two days away. We are given the opportunity to shift from the third dimensional reality that is based on fear and darkness to the fifth dimensional reality that is based on love and light. If you have not already made the intention, there is still time to make the decision to shift and therefore, take advantage of the strong energy influx that has already been occurring.
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Top 10 Favorite Posts for 2012

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of consciousness.” – Eckhart Tolle

With the end of the year approaching, it’s a great time for review and contemplation. Over the last 12 months, I have covered topics on passion, law of attraction, self-love and more recently, about ascension and raising consciousness. Through writing, I have learned a great deal on the content myself.
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The Holographic Universe: 12 Keys for Higher Awareness

holographic universe

“It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality. It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different view, a different reality. And that other reality can explain things that have hitherto remained inexplicable scientifically: paranormal phenomena, synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events.” – Karl Pribram in an interview in Psychology Today

holographic universe

Believe it or not, the universe itself may be a giant hologram constructed in part by the human mind. If this is true, this has vast implications on your perspectives about life. I have been reading <http://amzn.to/2BNthGj”>The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot in a classic book that connects science and spirituality. Through the concept of a holographic universe, he is able to give many plausible explanations to psychic phenomena and paranormal experiences.
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