Category Archives for "Intention-Manifestation"
Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!
Pure intention and visualization tips and techniques for successful manifestations!
What is secondary gain?
Secondary gain keeps you in sabotage. You may have a certain goal, desire or dream. However, the existence of a secondary gain obstructs you from taking the necessary steps for goal alignment. The secondary gain is the reason that keeps you stuck. You mistakenly perceive that there is a greater benefit to remaining where you currently are.
Let’s apply that to a money situation. You have the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Yet, you take no action towards the dream. You choose to spend hours playing Candy Crush on Facebook or some other computer game with whatever free time you have. The secondary gain that you derive is the feel-good that you derive from the games.
It becomes difficult for a breakthrough once you are stuck in mindless repetitive activity. You could be in the same state for a very long time. You are aware of how frustrated you feel about not achieving your dream, but could be unconscious to the specific secondary benefit that is preventing you from moving forward.
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Are money woes causing you to react in a way that affects your overall wellness even more?
I have observed some common outcomes that my clients and friends – those with money struggles – report to having. Their money woes might not have started out as something huge – in the big picture of things. Yet, a number of them felt that they “cannot take it”. They experienced emotional reactions that caused them to take on irrational behavior or unwise actions.
Eventually, their behavior and actions made the situation worse. Their money woes soon became bigger. Their problems became a lot harder to deal with.
I lost a dear friend who took his own life. It was money issues that contributed a large part to his depression. Although he was not the reason why I decided to specialize with helping others deal with their money struggles a year on, his encounters certainly gave me a lot of food for thought on how financial triggers could end dramatically.
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“Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process of starting a new thing can cause times of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity.” Joyce Meyer
Are you in-between jobs or undergoing a career transition?
Or perhaps you have been thinking long and hard about quitting your job and changing line…and yet have not dared take the plunge?
If so, let me guess: you are not having an easy time.
You have been feeling a level of insecurity with a sudden loss in income or the thought of an expected loss in income.
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How you do money is how you do everything. And vice versa.
Financial or money situations offer divine lessons. They are opportunities in disguise. Each presents you a chance for a breakthrough. It is a chance for you to break free yourself from worry, frustration and any limiting belief. The process of alchemy whereby you transmute into your brilliance – free from all fear – offers a holistic path to happiness.
I recall one of my coaches telling me about his vision 2-3 years ago. His vision was to lead a breakthrough life and inspire his students to do the same. When I first heard his vision, I was doubtful. My critical voice protested, “that will be overwhelming and impossible on a daily basis!” Little did I know that I would be encouraging my clients in a similar vein today 🙂
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“If you see yourself as prosperous, you will be. If you see yourself as continually hard up, that is exactly what you will be.”- Robert Collier
Poverty consciousness grows on you over time. You wear its cloak without truly realizing how melancholic it has been making you feel. Ever so often, you try to shrug off your struggle, with the justification that it is your fate or destiny to be poor. Without ever stopping to take a deep reflection, you can continue to merely get by, scrambling to make ends meet.
The vast majority of people are saddled with poverty consciousness by default. Mostly, we do not grow up in wealthy family backgrounds or have environments that help us develop mindsets of prosperity. Additionally, we are brought up on beliefs that are handed down over the generations about having to struggle hard for the money. Fed on a diet of limited thinking, we are programmed with poverty consciousness.
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“EFT is a mind-body-spirit tool that can help you transmute into the gold of who you are.” Wealth Tapestry
Money can be an uncomfortable subject for you, like many others. You may find it easier to talk about your love life and family than about your financial situation. Any talk on money and wealth potentially triggers plenty of emotional reactions. You may find that you love money and yet resent its power over you. You may reason that you can live without it, and in the next breath, claim that you cannot live without it.
Thus, money can be a source of great joy or utter misery for you. Because of the role that money plays, you carry these emotions into every aspect of your life. Whether you are able to travel the world, have a nice roof over your head or pay off your debt, your hopes and dreams are related to the possibilities that money can bring.
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“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” John Milton
Source: Original image edited.
If you would like to attract more business, increase sales or have more clients, here is a tip for you: practice gratitude for your work. A sense of appreciation goes a long way. You not only say thanks to your clients but you also thank the Universe or God. The Universe obligingly responds by giving you more of the same.
Is the following scenario true for you? You have been thanking your customer after the transaction or purchase politely. However, instead of feeling really happy, you are mostly in a state of stress, exhaustion and overwhelm. You are busy with making sales calls, promoting your business and monitoring your marketing program. In fact, oftentimes and out of the earshot of your client – you are lamenting, complaining and feeling lousy about your sales, performance and work.
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“The Point of Power is always in the Present Moment.” Louis Hay
If you have been stuck in a financial rut for some time, you may believe that it is not possible to change your situation. You are feeling disempowered, frustrated and angry over the lack of progress. You are in agony, as you cannot find a way out of your problems.
Let’s take the example of being in a situation whereby you are barely making ends meet. Perhaps, you see that the problem lies in the job that you are having or it is because you have just started on a new entrepreneurial venture, which has yet to take off. Whatever it is, you are not able to afford the things you would like to have.
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Money worship results from being in a state of craving. It happens when you are in hot pursuit of ventures for the sole purpose of making cash alone (without any desire to add value). One thing is clear when you are desperately wanting: you are in lack.
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” – Will Smith
“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” – Jim Rohn
Money worship also happens from hankering after material items. You don’t feel like you will ever have enough. This puts you in a constant pursuit of money from having the belief that that money can solve all your issues. You dream about the time when you are able to buy a luxury good and finally feeling satisfied. However, by doing so, you are giving away your power to feeling happy in the here and now.
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“A radiant personality invariably proves that there is an intense spiritual fire burning within.” – Yajur Veda
Connecting with Amber Kuileimailani Bonnicihas has provided me with the opportunity to discover that she is a Love and Light Luminary. Residing in Hawaii, Amber has the sunny Aloha spirit in her. She is someone with whom I had the privilege of getting to know recently. Amber had contacted me about participating as a speaker in The Radiant Mama Telesummit, which I readily said yes to.
Amber is an award winning artist, writer, dancer, healer and coach. She is founder of The Radiant Mama, an organization dedicated to helping mothers reconnect to their inner spark and discover their dreams. Her telesummit is a free resource for moms featuring global experts and leaders to help moms move from overwhelmed to radiant. She is a licensed Nia Black Belt, Certified Color of Woman Method Teacher, hula dancer, writer and coach. She currently lives on the Big Island of Hawaii with her husband and two boys.
I am honored to feature her here in my Love and Light Luminary Interview Series today. Read her answers to my questions….
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