
What Enneagram Type Am I?

what enneagram personality type

I was often asked this question by those who are confused: What Enneagram Type am I?

As an Enneagram Executive Coach, I’d like to offer the suggestion to first read about each of the 9 personality types that the Enneagram comprises of. Below is the follow up to the updated post on Enneagram Quiz: How Would You Cross the River.

According to the Enneagram, we have one core Personality Type. It appears that we are either born with it or that it can be the result of early nurturing. This core is home base and it doesn’t change. It describes you the most. If you are a bird, which is free to roam and to explore all other types, you always come flying home. You reside in this sector; as if it is a familiar nest.

Enneagram Personality Profile Type System

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How Would You Cross The River?

How would you cross the river? Take this Enneagram test.

Which out of the below 9-styles are you:-

ONEs approach the river from the one and only perfect place to cross.

TWOs start to cross the river, then double back to help others to cross. As they get to do this, they never get to cross themselves.

THREEs wear their best and wait at the edge until they are the center of attention. Then, they do attractive, eye-catching strokes as they cross the river.

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My Abundance Mind Movie

Abundance Mind Movie

In between watching Wall-E, The Mummy III and a Singapore production Money No Enough, I was in my Dreamworks studio (aka my study) working with “Zhang Yi Mou, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas” for two entire weekends. Relying on a shoestring budget of less than $20, production of my Mind Movie wrapped up late yesterday. While it could do with more editing, I have decided to roll the video out in conjunction with Positive Thinking Day (Sept 13). The only reason why this post was not out earlier (like many hours ago) was because of Youtube having server maintenance; contributing to problems in uploading.

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25 Ways To Nurture Your Soul

Nurture Your Soul

Start to nurture your soul to improve the quality of living. If you are currently starving yourself of love, warmth and all things chocolate, it is time to do things differently. Starving your soul is tantamount to a refusal to say yes to the joy of enjoying rich beauty and abundance around.

By starving your soul of needed nourishment, you end up carrying a negative vibe. It is evident when you are constantly swearing, complaining and being rude to others. Soul starvation makes you bitter, needy, angry and resentful. It is even possible that you feel lonely because friends inadvertently shy away from you.

Conversely, when you nurture your soul, life feels full. You become a lover of life. Every little experience opens you to delight. Rose buds unfolding their miracles. Unicorns riding on rainbows in the sky. Red strawberries coated in fresh cream. And the scent of early morning dew. Invariably, living life with an exuberance puts you in a heightened state of energy consciousness

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68 Seconds Of Pure Thought: Visualize In 4 Creative Ways

68 seconds of pure thought for law of attraction manifestation

Apparently, all you need is 68 seconds of pure thought to bring about the manifestation of a major miracle. According to Abraham-Hicks, your intention setting begins with a block of 17 seconds.

How Thought Creates A Major Miracle

In a nutshell,

A block of 17 seconds generates an energy expansion equivalent to 2,000 action hours and results in the creation of a mini miracle.

Pure Thought
Energy Expansion (Action Hours)
Mini Miracle
Medium Miracle
Large Miracle
Major Miracle

Remember the key is to have pure thought; that is a thought with absolutely clear intent. It means that you do not have any have any sabotaging or canceling thought that follows the first. If you can have pure thought after pure thought, you increase the number of combustion points. By passing the mark in 68 seconds of pure thought, you would have transmitted a positive energy of intention into the Universe.
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Guest Post: 7 Tips On How To Handle Rejection In Life

My guest post on 7 Tips on How to Handle Rejection in Life is up on Pick the Brain. Here is an excerpt…

“It is inevitable you will be turned down at various points in your life. You may get rejected when applying for a job, making a marriage proposal or asking your boss for a pay raise. It is not a nice experience to have, but thankfully it is possible to learn how to handle rejection without letting it destroy you.”

Read it over here today http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/how-to-handle-rejection/.
On another note, if you have been trying to access my site and found it down just now, I wish to apologise. I can’t say that I know exactly what happened. It was likely caused by an installation of a new spam plugin by someone I hired to look into the maintenance of this site. In any case, all is well now.

It’s also great that while I got my site sorted out, Peter is graciously hosting my latest article on his, at Pick the Brain. So don’t forget to check it out here!

How To Build Intuitive Awareness For Inspired Actions

connect with intuition for inspired actions

For the law of attraction to work, taking both obvious and inspired actions is necessary. For abundance to manifest, you must move towards your desires both on an internal and external level. Internally, your desires must be clear, strong and in alignment with your soul purpose. Externally, you must take appropriate affirming actions.

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”
— Quote by Arnold Glasow

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Happy Friendship Day – Sunday August 3, 2008

(Photo by gwennypics)

I know it is not time yet but I’ve committed to a ton of activities on Sunday, Aug 3. My plans for that day include starting off at 6am with a group meditation on a hill, followed by classes and a birthday outing that will last until evening time. Yet, I do not want my weekend to pass without making a post to wish all my friends a very “Happy Friendship Day”!

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How To Do Pendulum Dowsing

pendulum dowsing

“That was when I saw the Pendulum. The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty. I knew — but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing — that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by pi, that number which however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles. The time it took the sphere to swing from end to end was determined by an arcane conspiracy between the most timeless of measures: the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane’s dimensions, the triadic beginning of pi, the secret quadratic nature of the root, and the unnumbered perfection of the circle itself.”

Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco

Pendulum dowsing is a skill that I have been trying to hone since last year. It is the practice of asking your subconscious mind/Higher Self/Spiritual Guide (depending on your intent) questions and getting the answers by noting the swing of a pendulum. It is a process of discovering answers to questions that do not normally come through your five senses or through logic, but as conscious feedback. Basic dowsing gives a yes/no response to questions asked. Because the steps are so simple and do not require you to be a psychic, anyone can learn it!

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Face Up To Your 6 Basic Fears

face up to fears
Photo by circo_de_invierno

To vibrate at a higher energy frequency or consciousness, you must not have a shred of worry or doubt. Then again, like so many people, you may choose not to face up to your fears. You try to focus your mind on positive thoughts; yet lurking in the shadows, are your negative beliefs and fears.

No doubt, dealing with demons can really be a scary thing. You may be afraid of the process itself, suspecting that it may reduce you to a state of vulnerability and helplessness. After all, your defence mechanism in not dealing with fears or anything unknown has served and protected you well all these years.

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