
Set Your Intentions For Abundance On 11.11.11

I am no numerology expert but am told that today being 11.11.11 is a significant date. It is a significant date for starting new projects, leadership, pioneering, independence, self-awareness, consciousness, and mastery. Hence, set your intentions with visioning, sending out love and aligning with your dreams.

Intention Quote By Shakti Gawain

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How to Overcome Self Doubt

strong woman overcome self doubt

Self doubt happens when you have little belief in yourself. There is an inner lack of faith and confidence. You are not able to claim your own accomplishments, even when due. You feel like an imposter, a fraud and a cheat. You deem yourself as unworthy of any kind of praise, accolades or validation; although you are deserving.

When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt. Click to Tweet

It does not matter that others may think highly of you. What counts is the perception and evaluation of your own capability. You very much doubt in your own ability or power to garner required resources or support.
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10 Inspiring Facebook Banner Quotes

In my personal growth journey, I have found that what helps are positive affirmations, quotes and sayings. The more I repeat these, the greater is my ability to make a positive shift. Thus, I am reminded about loving and accepting myself unconditionally. I am reminded about believing in my dreams. I am reminded not to listen to the debilitating stories that I have been telling myself.

Having experienced benefits, I intend to now share affirmations, sayings and quotes from my Abundance Tapestry Facebook Page. Well, I had been having a blast with creating banners with inspired sayings and posting them on my FB Wall in conjunction with my online launch of Self-Love Secrets. Many of the background photos come from my personal archives.
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Self-Love Secrets eBook Is Finally Here

Self-Love Secrets Book is finally Here! It’s been a long wait after months of writing….at least from my perspective 🙂 Well, let me give you a brief introduction….

Self-Love Secrets Has Arrived!

Do You Love Yourself Unconditionally?

What keeps you awake at night?

– Is it the incessant worry that plagues you?
– Is it the fear that you will never be rich, successful or powerful?
– Is it the thing about the past that you cannot forgive yourself on?
– Is it the fear that you will lose face in front of others?
– Is it repeated blame, shame or frustration?
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Key to Self-Love Affirmations

If you are in the habit of saying negative things to yourself, then you will need to change your self-talk. Obviously, if you love yourself enough, you would not be constantly criticizing yourself. Instead, you will be encouraging and supportive of the self. And using affirmations is a great way to start rewiring your habitual talk-patterns.

Negative and Limiting Self-Talk

Through studies, it has already been found that we make 300-400 evaluations per day. About 70-85% of these evaluations are negative. When we dissect the content of the things we say, it can be easy to observe that we make a lot of negative comments about others or external things.
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Launch News: Self-Love Secrets eBook

I would like to announce the coming launch of my digital book, Self Love Secrets. The launch is slated to be on October 25, 2011. I am so excited! Click here for a peek into the website >>>

It has been quite a few months since I first announced that I would be writing a book on Self-Love. Well, it took me longer than I expected. I have to admit that I had no clear idea back then what I was going to write. I soon found out that it was not as simple as compiling a bunch of tips.
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How to Practice Non-Attachment in 7 Ways

personal energy shield for protection

Admittedly, non-attachment can be difficult to apply. Some people such as monks dedicate their whole lives to making it a practice. However, this does not mean that renunciation in order to release your “suffering” is necessary for you to practice non-attachment.

In fact, if you continue to use religious disciplines to hold on to your identity, then you are yet on the path of genuine spiritual growth. So long as you are holding on to something such that it causes you grief and pain, you are having an attachment. Your ego is interested in clinging on to some form of identification.
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What Are The Differences Between Attachment, Detachment and Non-Attachment?

Perhaps, you have come to realize that attachment can be the one thing that is preventing you from manifesting the results you want. So it is that you are already working towards your dream but you cannot help but feel all sorts of negative emotions ranging from anxiety, fear, lack and frustration in the meantime. Your journey is turning out to be extremely painful.

Practice Non-Attachment

Unfortunately, your negative state works against having the Law of Attraction in your favor. You attract more of “not having” instead of “having”. You even start to doubt if your ultimate desire or dream is ever going to materialize.

Hence, you have been wondering how to reconcile having desires and at the same time, be non-attached to the ultimate object or outcome of your desires. After all, with a desire, you will want to see yourself in possession of it. You hope that what you wish for will come true. It seems hard not to be attached to the results that you wish to experience, especially when your desire is a strong one. And didn’t Law of Attraction proponents suggest that having a strong desire as important for manifestation?
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Detect Daily Anxiety Symptoms To Avoid Energy Leakage

money worries stress anxiety

Anxiety symptoms are pretty common, considering that we live in a fast-paced environment. Anxiety-ridden, we find it hard to cope with the stresses of life. We become anxious when we fear that we cannot catch up, feel overwhelmed by the amount of incoming information, do not know how to make a decision and perceive a looming threat to our security.

Happy Feet: Don't Worry Be Happy

Then again, anxiety symptoms are also known to be pretty normal, as they are part of the natural “fight or flight” reaction to stress or danger. Hence, there cannot be any human who has not felt anxiety at all. ‘

I certainly have experienced anxiety enough times myself. In particular, with what is going on in the world today, anxiety reportedly is at heightened levels once again. Many people are experiencing mental health stress.
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5 Tips to Practising Persistence for Success

success growth

There is a Buddhist saying that underscores the importance of practising persistence for success, “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength, but through persistence.” I like that it draws on nature to explain a fundamental idea about persistence.

Persistence Definition(From my art journal: On practicing persistence)

Notwithstanding, if you have been reading personal development books, you will realize that persistence is an important key to a winning mindset. Repeatedly, you have been advised to follow up on your dream until you have attained success.
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