
3 Major Signs For Pursuing Your Passion Full-Time

“Nobody can be successful unless he loves his work”. David Sarnoff

pursue your passion

Your passion – if it is found outside of your current job – can just remain as a part-time hobby…..

it can be something that you wish to pursue as a full-time vocation or as a business.

So how do you know when it is time to consider quitting your job and treating your passion more seriously?
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Remove Intuition Blocks for a Life of Passion and Purpose

“When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose.” – Deepak Chopra

Editor’s Note: Angela Artemis has a passion with helping people in developing intuition. It is her soul mission in life. Today’s article is part of a book tour that she is conducting in conjunction with the launch of her book, The Intuition Principle.

In this post, she addresses common obstacles that we often face when connecting with our intuition, a topic that she also covers in her book. For it is only when we can remove the blocks, that we find purpose, live with passion and joy, and heighten our success.
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What Is Creativity – 13 Bloggers Share Their Views

Creativity is the faculty by which our soul can seek loving expression and personal meaning through making a physical difference to the world. – Abundance Tapestry

Creativity has evolved to a higher meaning than just taking on a limited text-book definition. According to the common definition from Webster’s – Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create, to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new. However, as I see it, creativity means all that but it is also beyond just putting up a painting, composing a music piece or to invent something unique.
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5 Everyday Tips for Creative Living

creative living

Creative living is to allow for inspiration, love and meaning. Creativity is a conscious state. It is more about being, and not just doing. Certainly, it does not solely entail using your fingers to paint or your body to dance. Thus, it is not just about engaging in an artistic pursuit for a couple of hours.

“We are, ourselves, creations. And we, in turn, are meant to continue creativity by being creative ourselves.” – Julia Cameron

(Scrapbook picture: I am an artist. Photo: Min, my daughter.)

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7 Intuitive Mind Exercises to Crank Up Your Creativity

How is intuition related to creativity? In today’s post, I am featuring a guest article by Angela Artemis, an intuition coach, who will be helping us understand more about the relationship and also to share some of her useful exercises for cranking up creativity!

(Abundance Tapestry Photo: my art journal)

Read her contribution below….

When you create the intention to be more intuitive you automatically become more creative.

Intuition is defined as information that spontaneously appears in our awareness without any conscious effort on our part.
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15 Top Tips to Enhance Creative Thinking

“There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” – Edward de Bono

Many people experienced blocks to creative thinking. If you are engaged in work or in an environment that encourages repetitive work for instance, there is no opportunity to be engaged creatively. In the old economy, creative thinking is not considered as important as getting the task on hand done. You are rewarded based on fulfilling numbers, following guidelines and rehashing the old. You do not gain extra points for thinking out-of-the-box.
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Your Guide to Daydreaming

You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, “Why not?”
– George Bernard Shaw

(Min’s Secret World)

Daydreaming is a form of using your creative imagination. When you daydream, you go into an imaginary world. You imagine yourself as capable of being, having and doing all that you desire. You imagine an utopian world. You imagine a world that has wondrous innovations, superb technology or advanced creations. You imagine living a life without a single worry.
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