Awaken Your Inner Abundance Alchemist: Find Your Gold Within

Are you in the journey of abundance alchemy?
Are you a coach, healer, holistic entrepreneur or someone who is awakening in consciousness and hoping to create a full life?
Where there is the aim of finding treasure (seeking a life of abundance), you are aligning with the archetype of an abundance alchemist. Alchemists do not just exist in the past. The principles of alchemy largely apply in this modern day and age too.
Allow me to explain.
You are the hero or heroine in the story of your life. And in this story, you are on two adventures: the external adventure and the inner one. I depicted the two journeys in the diagram that I drew below.
Refer to the above diagram, in the external adventure, you are working on achievement. You are hoping to achieve abundance. Chances are you are busy working so that you can make enough money to meet contemporary living needs.
For instance, if you are running an online business, there is lots that you need to get to each day: such as, conducting sales activities, blogging, tracking your ad campaigns, getting through your 11,000 emails in your inbox and so on.
Then, there is also the need to create a balance in other important areas of your life too – family, friends, spirituality and to make time for recreation. Not wishing to be left behind, you are in a constant strife to catch up. Where you are not “there” yet, you may find it hard to step off the treadmill.
In your inner landscape (refer to the diagram), there is also a flurry of activities going on. Your mind is hardly at rest. What needs to be processed is a baggage of emotions, triggered by situations in your external adventure. You could be feeling disappointed with your slow progress, frustrated about your inability to attract clients, insecure about appearing in front of the video camera and/or experiencing lots of worry about meeting financial obligations.
Each day, there is an internal fight that goes on with your money gremlin. You are in conflict over some of beliefs that you are holding. While there is every desire to align with more expansive and positive thoughts, you find yourself reverting to self-deprecating patterns of thinking. Manifesting abundance is a lot harder than you would like it to be.
Your two adventures – both on the inside and outside are certainly intertwined. There is a rippling effect from the inside-out and from the outside-in. Which could explain why you are feeling overwhelmed as your energy system is being taxed.
Yet, you are becoming conscious that there could be a better way forward. You are already spiritually awakening. There is the awareness that you are more than your physical body, for a start. You have begun to align with your soul and you would like to manifest spiritual abundance into your physical world.
Your Work as an Abundance Alchemist in the Modern Day
As an abundance alchemist, you work on designing a life based on own terms, rather than be led by struggle or just getting by. There is NO cookie cutter model either, for you are to undertake your own hero’s journey. Using your unique gifts, you carve out work as expressions of your creative nature. You work on the dream of manifesting financial abundance from the work or business that you love.
Are you struggling? To reduce struggle, you want to work with the laws of universe, rather than against it. Master your skills in working with energy. Alchemy is in improving your relationship with everything that surrounds us, including money.
Answer to the call of transmutation. As an abundance alchemist, you are transmuting limitation into freedom, fear into courage and lack into abundance. It’s the powerful stuff that goes on in every great story. From The Alchemist, Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars series, Harry Potter or any real story out there. When you transform from the inside, you transform the results that you get on the outside.
Get the Abundance Alchemy Manifesto
What’s next? Get the Abundance Alchemy Manifesto as a companion guide for your journey. Receive powerful reminders so that you can stay on track as you work towards your dreams of abundance, with a lot less struggle.
Download Your Kindle Copy by Clicking Over The Image Below…

Abundance Alchemist – Let’s Connect!
I am on a mission to gather alchemists – those who would like to align both their spiritual and financial lives together – so that we can manifest our best life possible. If you are a coach, healer or conscious entrepreneur, I believe that you have the vision to share your message and make a difference too.
There is power when we support one another in a group. Let’s inspire each other to transmute the heavy lead of struggle into the SHINING gold of manifesting success.
Hence, I would like to invite you – the abundance alchemist – to join me in an exclusive group. Click over here to join – subject to approval!
I’m looking forward to connecting with you.
Love and abundance always,