Author Archives: Evelyn

Change The Words You Use To Reset A Negative Energy Vibration

Michael Losier, the Canadian National best selling author of “Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t”, offers good advice on how to change a negative negative vibration in the video below. He suggests that if you are not getting the things you want, you are probably vibrating it. Hence, you need to reset your vibrations by resetting your thoughts. You reset your thoughts by changing the words that you use.

Words that tend to be negative include Don’t, Not and No. When you use these words, you bring more energectic force into them.

Words that I would like to add to this list are Can’t and Cannot. These words have been ingrained in my mental dictionary since young. “I can’t do this”, “It is too difficult for me”, “I can never be rich or successful” — sounds familiar? For the longest time, these words had immense power over me. I was almost always crippled by them.

Let’s put the past behind. It’s time to focus on what we want – peace, success, happiness, love, abundance, wealth, spritual well being – for the right words to change the stories in our heads. Notice how your world starts getting better, when you become more positive. Mine has already begun to change 🙂

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Abundance Is More Than The 5Cs

Many of us think of abundance as having lots of money. In fact, I had also previously used financial income as the sole indicator of success. It is hard not to be in the same rat race as everyone else.

In Singapore, where I come from, the average person probably defines abundance in terms of having the “5 Cs”: Cash, Car, Condominium, Credit Card and Country club membership. The “5 Cs” arose as a popular joke based on certain truths attesting to the unstated Singaporean cultural ethos of materialistic obsession and aspiration. The “5 Cs” are so desired, because they are symbolisms denoting a higher social and economic status and used to impress others.

Cars, Condominiums and Country Club Memberships are expensive in land-scarce Singapore. So much so that most young adults would prefer to either give up or delay having the 6th “C” – child or children.

However, if you have been reading my blog and would know by now, having money alone does not equal to having abundance. Many wealthy people are cash-rich but poor in happiness and security.

If you look at the dictionary, abundance simply means an overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; wealth. It is also referred to as a lack of scarcity, and therefore, want.

Hence, going by this definition, abundance can also encompass better relationships, financial success, superior health or just about anything you desire to have in plentiful supply. Abundance is a state of overflowing with more than what is needed. It is also the state of aligning to our inner core.

With this in mind, I had recently decided to ditch the C that I had been dreaming of: a $1,200 Chanel clutch bag. To me, abundance is no longer so much a matter of the gaining the said Cs. It is also gaining in health, fulfillment, happiness and love.

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EFT: Feelings Of Inadequacy

Ever felt inadequate as a parent? I know I have. Even after some 7 years of parenting, I still get pangs of insecurity or not knowing how best to deal with a trying situation with my kids.

In fact, I decided to address these negative emotions during my therapy sesson with my EFT practitioner, today. Things have been pretty stressful for a few days in a row when my kids took turns to make unreasonable demands. The negative emotions were easily neutralized using EFT tappingin seconds. (Emotional healing work has been less of a strain and more of a breeze these days, now that I have cleared many of my negative blocks.)

My stress had also brought back a flood of memories. I have always wanted to have kids but nothing quite prepared me for the vast responsibility that comes with being a parent.

When I became a mother for the first time, I was extremely stressed. I did not know what to do or how to take care of a newborn. My husband was constantly away on business trips and I was left pretty much on my own. My mother dropped by often, when she noted that I needed help with Hui. But her babysitting skills were limited. When I was a child, I was taken care of by a helper. She had little prior experience with Hui being her first grandchild.

At that point in time, I had also decided to leave a full time career. On reflection, I must have suffered from post natal blues. I was depressed for a good many months after the birth of my daugther.

I got smarter as the years went by. I drew up schedules for my kids, so that they knew when is reading time and when is playtime. We set up certain guidelines so that my kids knew what is expected of them. Still, there will be situations that will come up unexpectedly with my kids and that require some ingenuity in dealing with them.

I recognise that I may get this wave of inadequacy every now and then. But the technique I can apply, when faced with two unyielding kids, is EFT tapping. I also make it a point to set aside time daily in quiet meditation and reflection. If things do get overwhelming and I cannot deal with the stress on my own, I make a note to deal with the specific negative emotions for my next therapy session. Parenting may still be one of the toughest job on earth, but it has gotten a whole lot easier!

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Gain Ideas And Inspiration From Your Creative Mind

Do you find that your best ideas always come from “out of nowhere”?

Well, the good news is that it need not be a case of mere coincidence that you get struck by a bright idea.

Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of “Think and Grow Rich” believed that the human mind was capable of tapping into universal fields of intelligence to access ideas and inspiration.

Napoleon Hill observed that….

The great artists, writers, musicians and poets became great because they acquire the habit of relying upon the still, small voice that speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination. It is a fact well known to people who have keen imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called “hunches”.

Napolean Hill shared about how one inventor from Maryland, the late Dr. Elmer R. Gates, came up with over 200 patents. Gates would sit in his soundproof laboratory holding a pad of writing paper and shut off the lights. In the dark, he would ponder on the known factors of the invention on which he was working for hours. He remained in the same position until ideas began to “flash” into his mind.

On one occasion, ideas came so fast to Gates that he was forced to write for almost three hours. When the thoughts stopped flowing, he proceeded to examine what he has written. He realised that they contained a minute description of principles, with no parallel among the known data of the scientific world. What was amazing was that the answer to his problem was intelligently presented in those notes.

Naaaaahhh? Don’t believe? Think that he is an exception?

Let me quote you another two examples.

The greatest inventor of our time, Thomas Alva Edison, used a similar technique and he apparantly did it through sleeping. Edison was awarded 1368 distinct patents and invented, the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the film projector, and the first motion picture. Edison had a secret – he would always take frequent naps in the middle of the day. Edison was known to have said, “Ideas come from space. Well, it is likely that he came up with several ideas while at the alpha state.

Then, there is Richard Bach, the author to the best selling book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull. He revealed in an interview in 1972, that he wrote two-thirds of the book in a dream-like state.

And there are plenty more testimonials provided by graduates from The Silva Method. In the Silva Method program, you are also taught how to use dreams to get answers to the problem that you are seeking for. At the alpha and theta level, you are tapping into sources of knowledge not available at the waking level. Ideas won’t just be coming to you by mere coincidences but because you programmed for them.

Knowing that the answers can possibly come from within has been a helpful insight to me. Previously, I have always tried to analyse problems logically. However, there have been times when I got frustrated because I could not come up with something viable. I would then try my best to force out a solution and hope for the best.

I am no genius yet – unlike Thomas Edison, Dr Gates or Richard Bach. However, through their examples, I have learnt that there is another way of getting ideas and inspiration and definitely a far better one. I learnt now that it is best not to hold on too tightly to a problem. The best ideas come from the creative or subconscious mind, which I am learning to tap more from.

I’m also hoping to teach these concepts to my kids. Min, in particular, has been producing beautiful art work. It is highly apparent that she is creative. I hope to be able to teach her to access her creative mind not just for doing art but for a whole range of practical life issues.

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Inspirational Quotes For Today

Inspirational quotes can help give us the uplift that we need when we feel challenged, facing some difficulties or simply to feel good.

Here is a video of inspirational quotes that is guaranteed to give you more positive energy today…

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The Silva Method: Mind Is A Faculty Of Human Intelligence

Watch this video by Jose Silva, the founder, on the basis of his research in developing The Silva Method.

The video is pretty short and I feel that more can be elaborated. Unfortunately, it is perhaps one of the rare footage of Jose, since he has already passed away.

Here is a summary of what he said in his video…

The mind is a faculty of human intelligence. Human intelligence is what others call soul (the form and shape of science) or spirit (energy of the matter).

We cannot seperate mind and human intelligence, as they form a unit. Mind focuses or tunes itself through the brain. Whenever the mind focuses or tunes itself, brain develops a frequency, vibration, which can be measured in EEG. Hence, we know at what frequency the mind is operating from.

We go through different levels from awake to sleep state. Brain is the biological computer, which can be programmed with our thoughts. Programming can alter state or condition in matter. You can, and it is very possible to, program your brain to act towards your desires.

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What Is Subliminal Messaging?

In my car, I would often play an audio with subliminal messaging on positive affirmations by Louis Hay. I particularly like to play it while my kids are in the car, as I believe that there cannot be too many times that my kids are told that they are loved.

Subliminal messaging is a helpful tool to change your internal dialogue. Subliminal messaging works far better than using positive affirmations alone, as it goes deep into the recesses of your subconscious mind. Often, you may not realize that your conscious mind and subconscious mind are saying two things.

Subliminal messaging can be used if you suffer from low self esteem. Play the audio daily for 30 days and you can find that your thoughts altering to more positive ones. Visuals can also be used to change the mental images that you have on a subconscious level.

According to Wikipedia, a “subliminal message is sub-liminal, beneath a limen (i.e., a threshold); a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception.” Your conscious mind is not aware that these messages are being told to you.

Advertising agencies or propaganda have been found to use subliminal techniques. However, if used unwisely, the effects can be dangerous.

View the video below on two guys from ad agencies who got caught with their pants down, when subliminal messaging was used on them….watch to the end of the video to find out the secret of how subliminal messaging made an impression on their subconscious minds…

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Blocks To The Law Of Attraction: Worry

Worry is a stream of negative thinking I know very well because I had lived with it all my life. Until recently, I did not realize that the presence of worry is not helpful for the Law of Attraction to work positively. After becoming more aware about my mental suffering from excessive worry, I observed that many of my friends suffering from the same. Worry can be over anything from health to money and at every stage of our lives.

I had worried about almost every little thing previously. I worried about how I would fare in my exams, when I was in school. Then, I worried about my career prospects, when I started working. I worried about not being able to find the person with whom I could share my life with, when I was single. When I got married and had kids, I started worrying about and for them. I also worried whether I would have enough funds to send my kids abroad for studies. I worried about not having enough money to retire.

My mind had chosen to ignore the fact I was already blessed in many ways but was constantly focused on what I did not have. The central theme running through most of my thoughts was worry about not going to have enough. I was undeniably miserable with having negative thoughts. My constant worries easily caused me plenty of sleepless nights many times before.

Does my life story sound familiar to yours?

Although you may argue that it is human nature to worry, you do not have to live in this state either. A good news to share is that you can do something about it.

An untrained mind tends to be preoccupied with thoughts of worry and it is important to realize that you can train it for more positivity. If you want the Law of Attraction to work in your favor, then you have to control what is going on inside your mind.

When you dwell too much on worry, you are in fact not confident that The Universe will give you what you want. You suspect that you may not get all that you seek. Worry is a negative thought. The Universe “hears” what you are saying. You put yourself in the position of attracting negative energy. This is the Law Of Attraction. You have to be aware that your thoughts can be brought into physical reality and come to past.

Hence, spend time training your mind to focus on the positive. Better yet, when it is focused on being in the present, it will invariably be blissful.

The secret of happy and successful living lies in doing what can be done now. You cannot go back into the past to undo the things you have done; neither can you anticipate everything that may happen as conditions are always in a flux and ever changing. This reminds me of a saying that I came to know when I started work at Citibank some years ago “Change is always constant”.

Kalidasa, a great Indian poet and playwright, wrote the following lines in Sanskrit on the truth of living in the present…

For yesterday is but a dream;
And tomorrow only a vision;
But today, well-lived, makes every yesterday
A dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow
A vision of hope and joy.
Look well then to this day.

You only have control over the time that is “in the present”. You have the power to build something today, as yesterday is past and tomorrow is dependent on what you do now. The ability to change your future lies in “what is” and can be exercised this current moment.

Additionally, when your mind is fully in the present, can you make clear decisions that will impact tomorrow. Beyond the shadow of doubt, a mind which is present is at peace.
At peace, the mind has no space for worry.

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Goal Setting: Boost Low Self Esteem With EFT

First, I would like to wish all the readers to this site a Happy New Year.

I would like to start off this New Year with more discussions on Goal Setting. For goal setting, you need to have a good understanding about yourself, where you are and what direction you would like to head towards.

In your reflection, if you have wondered about the lack of success in your life so far, perhaps you should ask yourself if you suffer from the fundamental problem of low self esteem. Ask yourself if thoughts like these sound familiar?

1. I can’t do anything.

2. No one believes I can do this.

3. I am no good at my work.

4. I will never be as good as somebody else.

5. Others are brighter than me.

6. I will never be good at it anyway; no matter how hard I try.

7. I am born unlucky.

8. I am stupid.

If you do, you are probably having low self esteem. With the start of a brand new year, you should strongly consider setting one of your goals towards developing self confidence. When you feel good about yourself, you are more confident in your own abilities to achieve whatever you want. How you feel about yourself is based on the person you think you are. The better your self esteem is, the greater the value that you attach to your own abilities, and the more successful in life you are likely to be.

You can have positive beliefs that strengthens you or negative beliefs that tear you down. A low self esteem can result in a poor attitude, difficulty in assertiveness and an inability to cope well under stress.

For goal setting, you need to be able to visualize that you are able to achieve your goals. However, if you have a low self esteem, you will not be able to imagine this possibility. Even if you do try to be positive, a subconscious belief that you can’t will sabotage your efforts for visualization.

With a low self esteem, you will find that you tend to give up easily, while trying to achieve your goals. You give up when you hit upon challenges along the way. Invariably, you will start to question your abilities.

Hence if you have low self esteem, you should really be looking into this part about yourself first. If you make the effort to address your low self esteem, then achieving your other goals will be much easier.

Good self esteem can be nurtured in a child and encouraged by parents and caregivers. When children feel good about who they are and what they can achieve; they grow up to be confident, happy adults who believe in what they can do to improve themselves.

However, it is never too late to work on building good self-esteem. It is better to start now than never. Remind yourself that you have to give yourself credit for every little achievement or success that you make in this new year. Celebrate your wins! Take time off to pamper yourself and know that you are worth it.

Set a goal to boost your self esteem. One effective technique to help you achieve it is with EFT tapping exercises. Here is how you can start: write down a list of things that you do not feel good about yourself (like the list at the top of this article). Then, tap your emotions away.

Also, do not expect yourself that you will no longer have pangs of anxiety about your self worth every now and then. During these moments, use EFT tapping to counter the negative thoughts that you have. This has been my experience: The more times you tap away your negative emotions, the more you will invoke a positive shift in thinking. The shift in thinking takes root and stays for good.

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