Author Archives: Evelyn

Mouths Are Flapping

(Mouths flapping during my kids’ Buddhist Class last Sunday; limevelyn)

Four monks were meditating in a monastery. All of a sudden, the prayer flag on the roof started flapping.

The youngest monk came out of his meditation and said: “Flag is flapping.”

A more experienced monk said: “Wind is flapping.”

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Ideas For Soul Growth In 2009

(A Collage of Images That Were Taken in 2008)

I started the new year in 2009 in contemplation: How would I choose to live it? What are my plans? Do I even bother with precise calculations for goal setting, since 2008 turned out to be pretty unexpected? A review of my experiences in 2008 is in order.

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How Validation Can Help You Attract Abundance

(Photo by gpwarlow on Flickr)

Christopher, a reader to this blog, sent me a lovely message late last week. In his email, he pointed me to a movie link entitled “Validation”. Initially, I did not quite know what to expect from the show. Boy oh boy….I soon found myself smiling from ear to ear!!

I thought it would be wonderful to share it on my site too. If your spirit needs an uplift, you definitely need to watch it!!! Get ready to tap to the beat of the show. You’d know why in just a second….curtains apart….click on the play button below….

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Affirm Universal Truths For Financial Abundance

(Photo by refracted moments on flickr)

Frederic, a reader to this blog, shared that embracing specific Truth statements can help in the healing of our physical bodies. He also said that the same concept applies to all areas of life i.e. relationships, finance, family, etc. On the blogosphere, I have been reading about how people are forced to make drastic cuts in their spendings, in the light of the recent financial turmoil. In the newspapers, I read headlines about pending wage cuts and retrenchments. Hence, I decided to interview Frederic to find out if there are Truth statements that we can use to improve our bank balance.
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7 Ways To Center Yourself In Gratitude

(Photo by aussiegall on flickr)

One of the best emotions to cultivate alongside a positive attitude is a feeling of gratitude and appreciation. In fact, these emotions are of the highest vibrational frequency and by virtue of the Law of Attraction, you attract more of what you are already thankful for.

Today being Thanksgiving Day (forth Thursday of November) in the United States, let us not let this day pass without any expressions of gratitude and appreciation. Even if some of you, including myself, do not come from the States, I believe that there is still every reason to celebrate!!

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Law Of Attraction Quiz

law of attraction quiz

I thought I’d do things a little differently for today’s post. Instead of writing an article, I created a little quiz. The quiz comprises a list of questions about the Law of Attraction. I believe that the best way of learning any subject is in a variety of ways: tests, quizzes, articles, books, discussions, etc. So if you are game for a little of challenge, take the quiz below:

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Create A Powerful Intent By Completing A Jigsaw

jigsaw for power of intention
(Photo by jhritz on Flickr)

According to the Law of Attraction, a powerful intent made up of clear, pure and focused thoughts will start to attract the very essence of your desires. Hence, the clearer, more specific and untainted you are in your thoughts, the more likely you can be in bringing them into physical reality. However, what happens if you do not have a clear idea of what you really want yet? Or what happens if it is a question of readiness?

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My Vision Board Tops Amazon’s Bestseller List?

My Vision Board made it to the Amazon’s Best Seller List?

Well….yes in a way!!

So here’s the scoop: The above background picture of my Vision Board made it to The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life, currently the #1 Spiritual best seller on Amazon since its launch on Oct 28!! Already, the book has been featured in The Chicago Sun Times, Foxbusiness News and on ABC TV.

More Buzz!! And in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past one week, there has been a buzz surrounding Vision Boards. Oprah Winfrey revealed that she created one, with the intention that Obama not only become president but that she would go to the inaugural ball wearing the dress she pictured on her Board.

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7 Keys To Law of Attraction Living For Kids

(Photo contribution: Wise Owl; left painting by 7-year-old Hui and right painting by 5-year-old Min)
Just imagine how powerful kids can be in applying the law of attraction, if they are given the right guidance in manifesting, as well as a chance to develop their creative, intuition and visualization skills! One of the loveliest things we can do for our kids is to hand them the keys to living a more empowered life.

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The Lipstick Indicator To Great Wealth

(Photo adapted from the original image by digital sophia on flickr)

Lipsticks are a woman’s best friends, so it seems. In good times or bad, they are always there for each other! The reason why I say this is because lipstick sales are expected to go up while the economy comes down. Don’t believe me? Well, I just found out about the official Lipstick Indicator, an economic statistic to watch out for. If the findings are true, I am now inclined to propose that new lipstick purchases may just be the ticket to attracting wealth and abundance! Before you protest, hear me out….

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