Author Archives: Evelyn

Slow Down To Experience More in 7 Ways

walking meditation: slow down

Do we ever consider slowing down for a fuller experience of life? Do we ever stop to take in the beauty of the moment before us? Do we make it a priority to connect – and truly connect – with someone else? Today’s post is about slowing down to experience more. Oddly enough, we will realize that in our fanatic rush to save time, we miss out on a lot of important things in life.

slow down to experience more
(Don’t just look straight ahead, notice the pretty flowers along the path)

“Slow down and enjoy life. It is not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.” Eddie Cantor

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How to Handle A Visit From Fear

say no to fear

Fear had been a long time companion of mine. We have had many conversations in the past over coffee chats and meditation sittings. At first, I listened to Fear intently. I observed how Fear was doing a great job in her warnings to me.

My mind went into calculating, analyzing and thinking with all the points raised by Fear. The more issues she brought up, the more she gesticulated; and the more, she spoke with emotion. Soon, Fear found herself in overdrive.

I noted Fear’s good intent. “Fear is telling me to play small so that I will feel safe”, I said to myself. Clearly, she did not want me to fail. I nodded, in acknowledgment of her pledge of support. Her stern advice went in a menacing voice “Surely, you do not want to be embarrassed? Any signs of failure are not going to look good!”

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Everlasting Tips To A Better Marriage Relationship

better marriage relationship 1Today happens to be my 10th wedding anniversary. We had a rocky start – one beset with frequent clashes over the silliest of things; our quarrels reflecting our very different thinking, upbringing and background. Yet, despite the rocky start, our marriage relationship is one that grows from strength to strength. So to have made through ten years is a celebration, don’t you think?

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Billionaire Song: Sing Yourself To Wealth

Dreaming about wanting to be a Billionaire sounds like a fun thing to do, when you are visualizing being on the cover of Forbes magazine, smiling next to Oprah, and talking to the President. And it now all comes in a song by Travie Mccoy. I first heard the Billionaire song two days ago on radio while driving my daughter to her art class and found myself liking its easy reggae beat.

What is best about the song, obviously, is its lyrics which resonates with the ideas of visualizing. So I thought I would publish the official music video that goes along with the song – which was only recently released – in my post today. Listen to it if you have not done so……it is likely to make you smile….

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10 Sure-Fire Tips To Making Creative Visualization Fun!

creative visualization mind

There are several things that you can do to make your creative visualization sessions fun. You already know how important it is to use the power of pictures to assist in manifestations. However, if you have left your creative mind languishing for a long time, you may just need a little help in getting started. A little imagination can go a long way in making visualizing exercises fun-filled….and far from boring.

I have put together 10 sure-fire tips to help you have lots of fun in your creative visualisation sessions:

Creative Visualization Tip #1: Spark Off From A Single Idea.

 You do not need to have a very clear picture at first. Starting off with a single idea is fine. Just follow your heart and see where it leads you. Allow your imagination some freedom as you follow your heart. Do not over-think or analyse. Nor feel like you have to restrict yourself when visualising the things you want.

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37 Abundance Affirmations To Manifest Your Dreams

abundance affirmations

Abundance affirmations are positive sayings that you can repeat like a mantra on a daily basis. Repeating abundance affirmations helps you to engage in positive states. They are also statements of intentions for attracting your dreams.

For your convenience, I am publishing a video with a list of 37 abundance affirmations. Simply play the video and repeat the words as they come up….

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How To Make Peace With Noise

One of the common complaints we surface about our poor ability to meditate is that we get distracted by our surrounding noise. Meditation is supposed to be done in silence, is it not? Since most of us live in close proximity with our neighbors or even our loved ones, whatever noises that others make can well distract us; even whilst we are trying our level best to be in touch with our breath.

Now, here is a story for you to ponder over on how you can make peace with each noisy moment….

Make Peace With Time Meditation
(From My Personal Art Journal: Make Peace With Each Moment)

The Story Of Making Peace With Each Noisy Moment

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Timeline Healing Story: A Journey Into Wisdom

I simply could not wait. I had the lights beamed me down. In the distance, I could hear The Voice. It said in a commanding voice, “Don’t get down yet!!”

timeline healing therapy
(Timeline Healing Story Illustration #1)

But it was too late! I was in a hurry. I was drawn to travel to this place ever since my spacecraft took flight. The lights beamed me down. I was out in the open. On a hill. My spacecraft hovered above, treacherously low.

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What Does Your Inner Money Script Say?

How does your inner money script look like? Does it say: I am a Money Magnet and I attract wealth easily? If it isn’t, let us discuss more about the self talk you have about money today.

i am a money magnet

(Source from my Personal Art Journal: “I am a Money Magnet” drawing)

A confession. For several years, I have had a poor money script. My script has since gone through many changes. In fact, the more I take on the director role of my life, the more I realize the importance of having excellent positive self talk.
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Draw A Creative Mind Map for Self Analysis

Many personal development experts share about the benefits of using mind maps. My post today takes it one step further with how I have used the concept of mind mapping for self analysis. I also share illustrations from my personal art journal that I created some time ago. I drew them as part of my pre-vision board exercises.

self analysis mind map

The (above) mind map picture that I did for self-analysis was my first. It may look simplistic but it has helped launched a myriad of creative ideas. Regarding self-analysis, awareness of who I am is important to help bring me into alignment with the vision of my future self.

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