Financial alchemists are those with the ability to make gold of their investments. They appear to have the Midas touch. And we all clamor to learn their winning strategies. What I have not been aware of previously is that it is equally – if not more important – to find out about the way they think, their beliefs and behaviour.
Successful financial alchemists have a lot in common, in terms of mindset, that we can also learn from. Knowing what these are can help us beat any financial market – whether they are trending upwards or downwards!
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I was being asked this question by a reader who emailed in: why do all the spiritual gurus and experts say that we are abundant when the evidence in our current financial situation appears to be pointing otherwise? The reader has been feeling utterly confused. She finds it hard to believe that she can become financially wealthy from working in a paid-by-the-hour job.
(Financial Abundance Wish: What Things Can I Buy with More Money?)
Well, the answer to the reader’s question is this: there is every opportunity to increase financial abundance. Opportunities are available because ideas are abundant. And it is possible for anyone to can tune into them. Yet, we have not been able to recognize ideas because we have little clarity. Our minds are clouded because we have bought into certain misbeliefs and at the same, we are being obscured by emotional clutter.
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Toxic relationships are those which have become extreme. You experience a sense of dread, misery, illness and nervous energy, whenever you have to handle people with toxic energy. They can be people in the office, friends or even family members.
Toxic people are either skilled in poking holes or dampening your aura. You cannot help but feel affected by their energy. It is possible to feel energetically drained even after a mere 10 minutes with them. I recall myself having to make excuses to go to the bathroom repeatedly, whenever a particular friend with lots of negative energy come over for a visit. My article today shares 25 ways on handling toxic relationships.
I almost forgot. Today is a special day. It’s a day to celebrate our love for that special someone. However, I’d like to also take the opportunity to extend my words of appreciation, love and hugs to all!
The thing is that in order to change our negative beliefs, we need to be able to first identify what they are. The obvious ones are easy to address. Because we already know what these are. But how do we identify the rest that are hidden in our subconscious?
I received a question about changing limiting money beliefs from D Smith, a reader to my newsletter, a week ago. His experience is a very common one. In his email, Smith asked….
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And so, you have bought a number of books and programs about how to be positive. You understand what the law of attraction says, that like attracts like. You know how important it is to be feeling good so that your vibrations are positive. You have dedicated time to saying affirmations – all 101 of them. You try your level best to be in an uplifted state. Yet…..somehow…..there are still periods when you feel like crap.
(Picture painting from my personal journal, “How to Be Positive”)
Certainly, life has changed ever since you started taking an interest on your personal growth. But you are still having on-going challenges. The thing is that as you tune into thoughts about your current situation and instead of feeling even mildly positive, you begin to sink into despair. So what’s that about keeping your vibrations up?
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Just a Quick Note. We begin next week with getting your questions about abundance answered. A few of you have written in, while others have posted their questions via blog comments. It appears that there is a common difficulty faced. It is to the question on how to keep feeling positive.
(Photo taken in Gold Coast Australia, “Let’s work and address our issues together before taking flight”)
You have already understood how important it is to be connected with better-feeling thoughts. You have understood that by virtue of the law of attraction, you attract vibrations of the same frequency that match with your inner state. So you have been hoping to be in a positive-feeling state.
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Tossing for abundance or “yusheng lohei” is a local customary practice that helps us draw good fortune for the year. For those who do not already know, I would like to introduce it here. “Yusheng” refers to a dish of raw fish salad. The practice of tossing for abundance during Chinese New Year has gained much popularity here in Singapore. If I may add, it might have worked!
(Photo: yusheng platter)
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Need some tips to create a more powerful and effective vision board? Well, I have just completed a report “30 Vision Board Tips” that you can have for free.
In case you don’t already know, I am a certified Vision Board Counselor. After having completed the course one year ago, I spent a lot of my spare time using my creative skills doing boards, affirmation cards and life coaching materials. More importantly, I continued to study the visioning process and have been learning from a few coaches. I have laid some of the tips I have gathered – both as a result from learning and applying them diligently myself – in this report.
If you are already a subscriber to my newsletter, you should get it in your mail pretty soon. If you are not already a subscriber, you can get it for free by clicking here – Download 30 Vision Board Tips Free Report.
Wishing you every visioning success,
A vision encapsulated in one power word is the single intention driver to what you hope to achieve for the year. Rather than get caught up in crafting lengthy goals, a single-word has its benefits in creating focus. What is great with using one word intent is that if aligned, it consolidates your efforts in energetic resonance.