Have you been following my 30-Day September Gratitude Challenge over on my Facebook page here?
It’s already Day 12 and I am still going strong! Yayyyyy!!
Here’s a copy of the day’s posting to my September Gratitude Challenge on my Facebook Page…
[Day 12/30 of September Gratitude Challenge]
Today, I’d like to thank Mother Gaia. We are blessed by her beauty, color, diversity and abundance. By her grace, we are able to heal, restore, rebalance and rejuvenate. She has offered us waterfalls, mountains, rivers, lakes, forests and beautiful lands. She is a Mother to all creatures big and small..including the dancing fairies in the garden, the unicorns in the deep forests and other mysterious hidden animals.
She has an open invitation for us to stay grounded, in the here and now. We are reminded that while we long to soar, we will always need a place to call home. Mother Gaia offers a warm embrace for the playground of our dreams; while we are alive, over many lifetimes and for generations to come. Thank you <3
Why Bother with a Gratitude Challenge
I have to admit that I was previously reluctant to join all 30-day or whatever-the-period-is type of challenges. My resistance came from an unwillingness to commit. I would feel as if I am adding more to-do items to my already packed schedule and it just wouldn’t do. So, my preference is to do any challenge – quietly at best. Obviously, I did not create enough focused energies on these initiatives.
However, this time round, I decided that a gratitude challenge is important enough. I would like to work on shifting my vibes even more, just by the mere fact of making my challenge public. Energy flows where focused attention goes, not forgetting. September is another awfully busy month but there is no better time to start for something like expressions of gratitude and appreciation.
And so far, so good 🙂
Half a month may be over but anyone can still join me on the Gratitude Challenge. Simply post under the day’s thread on my Facebook page. Make a commitment by putting this to-do-item on your schedule. What I found out is that if a task does not get scheduled, there is a great chance that it will not be done.
Acts of Appreciation
Article links that I have posted previously on Gratitude include:
7 Ways to Center Yourself in Gratitude
Gratitude List: 10 Thank You Items
Gratitude for the Law of Attraction to Work
Love and abundance always,
Abundance Alchemy Coach
P.S. Have you participated in any 21-day or 30-day challenge that turned out great for you? Please share in the comments below.
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” Dalai Lama
There is a lot that we can learn from the mosquito these days.
The mosquito may be small but it is striking fear.
In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a public health emergency for Zika virus, which is spread by daytime-active Aedes mosquitoes. As of 25 August 2016, 70 countries and territories have reported evidence of mosquito-borne Zika virus transmission since 2007. Brazil has reported the largest number of cases, estimated at over 1 million infections in 2015.
I have just posted my Tapping Video on Facebook Live. Yayyyy!
The topic that I covered is conveniently on How to Tap to Overcome Nervousness when venturing into something new or unknown such as Facebook Live 🙂
“Step into the Unknown and the Unknown becomes Known, no longer binding you in knots over What is Unknown.” #evelynlimcoach
As I understand from many bloggers and friends, most of them would like to do Live videos but have fear and resistance around it. And so, I thought that there is no more opportune time than this. After all, just last week, I was feeling very nervous myself with my first attempt. I had covered the topic on Essential Oils for Meditation and posted it to my Facebook group.
“Wisdom arises from integrating your soul lessons into everyday living.”
Buddhist Quotes: Words of Wisdom
“The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.”
– Artisa
Watch the Video Below
Love and Abundance Always,
P.S. What is Your Favourite Line from the Words of Wisdom? Share in the comment box below.
P.S.S. Please help me to share the video or this post. Thank you 🙂
Emotional causes to skin problems can be something that you want to look into, if your issues are persistent. While using steroids may alleviate your itch-scratch-itch symptoms, they are not cures. Also, long time reliance on drug medications can result in a “thinning” of your skin layer.
I know enough about dealing with skin healing issues myself. After all, I have had bad eczema outbreaks for many years until a few years ago. Recently, from working with clients, I noticed that there is a distinct relationship between those who are particularly energetically sensitive at the soul-level with also having a skin problem.
Skin disorders are like no other. Just as stress can result in skin problems, skin disorders can also cause tremendous stress. In cases of severe skin issues, those afflicted can become depressed. While it seems shallow, let’s admit that appearances do have an impact on first impressions. It can also affect our ability to find a mate, land that all-important interview or secure our next promotion.
Resolving accumulated negative emotions can prevent cancer or may even reduce its effects. Cancer invokes a lot of fear. It happens when the cells in your body divide in a way that is out of control. Many cancers form tumors, some of which can become life-threatening. Hence, it helps to understand early on what the emotional reasons behind it are. By knowing and understanding these factors, we can take preventative measures for cancer.
I’d like to reiterate that I am not a medical doctor nor profess to be an expert. However, I am happy to share the little that I know, so that those of you who are new to the information can have a starting point to finding out more.
The 10 Rules for Being Human may have been written years ago by Cherie Carter-Scott but they are universal guidelines that apply so long as you are in a physical life. You can find the 10 Rules in Carter-Scott’s book – If Life is a Game, These are the Rules: 10 Rules for Being Human.
“If life is a game, these are the Rules….” – Cherie Carter-Scott
{Review of the 10 Rules for Being Human are in this post below}
As someone who helps others discover what their life lessons are in their journey, I find myself appreciating these 10 Rules very much.
Helen Keller once said, “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” Indeed, once you become aware of the lesson that you have failed to recognise previously, a shift happens. Knowing the 10 rules keeps you alert to the lessons.
I would like to review the 10 Rules for Being Human and add some of my thoughts as follows….
“Life mantras are your guideposts to conscious living. ” Evelyn Lim
Life mantras are like guiding posts. They guide you in the way you live and make conscious decisions. You turn to them for reminders on how you choose to lead life. Life mantras can be about anything from managing work-life balance to creating success.
Life mantras – when applied – change your vibrational state of being. They help you shift positively. When applied, they help you move up the scale of consciousness.
I like life mantras to be punchy. And so, I have created a 21 Life Mantra video and posted it on Facebook….
If you have enjoyed the video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends 🙂
Love and Abundance Always,
Abundance Alchemy Coach
“Your doubt or your dream? Decide which you would rather feed.” Evelyn Lim
When it comes to manifesting your dream, do you find yourself facing doubt whether you are going to succeed or not?
I know I do.
I find doubt rising every now and then, especially when it comes to venturing into new ideas.
During such periods, I have learned to ask myself the very important question of which I would rather feed: doubt or dream.Continue reading
“Money flows to me as a result of having added value to other people’s lives.” Evelyn Lim
Having a positive money mindset is absolutely important if you are hoping to be financially well. A positive money mindset is one that is backed by empowering beliefs, rather than ones that are on lack and limitation. Very importantly, it is a conscious money mindset that you would like to cultivate. Setting the intention for a conscious money mindset enables you to integrate spirituality into your financial life.
To be financially well does not necessarily mean that you sit on truckloads of money. You can have loads of money but still be unhappy. Financial wellness simply means having enough to thrive and being in a state of fulfillment and contentment. As you are already aware, money struggles can bring on a lot of stress and stress is a huge contributor to major diseases. Thus, financial wellness is not something that can be ignored in this day and age. On the contrary, it is a vital component for holistic wellness.
Continue reading