Author Archives: Evelyn

How to Find that Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

“Don’t miss the beautiful colours of the rainbow while searching for that pot of gold.” Anonymous

pot of gold rainbow

In the pursuit for our dreams, we can become so occupied with our tasks or to-do items that we miss out on the colors, sensations and experiences that the present moment brings. We forget to “smell the roses”. Over time, we wonder why life seems to be such a drag, robbed of joy and void of delight in the simplest of things.

Many of us chase after our dreams, hoping to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The rainbow represents our hope for a bolder and more brilliant future. It forms a beautiful arch across the sky. Yet, it also appears to be beyond reach.

Well, going for our dreams is great! I support the idea very much. It’s important to have dreams, to eventually manifest our heart’s desires. However, the road to success may be paved with major difficulties….or even everyday challenges and times when life seems just like all work.
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Tapping Script for Self-Love: Overcome Self-Rejection

EFT Tapping for Self-Love

“The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power but self-rejection.” Henri Nouwen, Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian.

Are there parts about yourself that you reject?

When you look at yourself in the mirror, do you find it hard to get past your imperfection or flaw?

Is this imperfection or flaw the reason why it is difficult to love and embrace yourself fully?

You may be hoping to be better, smarter, richer, taller or more successful. Whatever it is, there could be something about yourself that you are not happy with yourself. On the extreme, it can be a case of self-rejection.

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Life Lesson: Learn to Rise Each Time We Fall

Falling is not failure. Falling is simply part of the learning journey to scaling new heights.

Falling quote
Many of us are afraid of falling. Falling happens when we move from a higher to a lower level. It is usually accompanied with the feeling of having lost balance or control. Many of us perceive falling as a disease, a sign of vulnerability. Including myself.

Well, I am anticipating that I would be falling a lot in a couple of weeks. You see, I am booked on another year-end skiing trip. If you had been following my blog in previous years, you would know that downhill skiing is not my biggest strength. In fact, I have a lot of fears surrounding it.

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How Not to Give Up On Yourself

_1_the_only_failure_in_life_is_giving_up_on_yourself__your_hopes_and_dreams“The only failure in life is giving up on yourself, your hopes and dreams.” #evelynlimcoach

What happens when you give up on yourself?

It can literally mean death. You are basically saying “no” to life. On the contrary, as long as you are in the game, you are still participating in the here and now. Of course, it does not mean that you have achieved worldly success but neither, have you failed.

If you have intense thoughts of giving up on yourself, know that you are not alone. I have walked the alleys of darkness a few times in my life and it is definitely not a place to dwell in. Over the past few years, as an energy healing practitioner , I have also discovered that there are many who are afflicted with depression at one point in their life.


Do know that depression over prolonged periods of time can lead to thoughts of suicide. Please seek professional help. Do not procrastinate. To get well, you definitely need love and support.

It is best to arrest the situation early when you feel as if you are draining of hope. Lean on the survival instinct that is innate and trust that you have got what it takes to figure a way out. You don’t give up yet! Bear in mind that everyone has a choice. We can choose to see the stars or we can choose the mud. The choice determines which thought we pay attention to.

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What Money Can Buy or Can’t

“True Abundance is felt in the Richness of Being and experienced in the Fullness of Living.” #evelynlimcoach


It’s a myth that money can solve all our problems. It can’t. Money is simply a medium of exchange.


What Money Can Buy….or Can’t….

A house but not a home.
A bed but not sleep.
A clock but not time.
A book but not knowledge.
Food but not an appetite.

Medicine but not health.
Friends but not love.

Essence of True Abundance


The true essence of life is not found in material things but in the experience of well-being. Abundance is not about having but it is in the being.


To experience heaven on planet Earth, abundance has to be embodied in our physical existence. Otherwise, it will just remain a concept, a good-to-know.


Hence, it is why I wrote……

“True Abundance is felt in the Richness of Being and experienced in the Fullness of Living.”


What is true abundance


Your comments please. What can money buy or can’t for you? What is your understanding about true abundance?

Abundance always,

Evelyn Lim Signature



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How You Do Money Is How You Do Everything

How You Do Money is How You Do Everything

How you do money is how you do everything. How you do everything is how you do money.

How you do money is your financial behavior. Your financial behavior is a function of how you have been responding in the world. Your response is found in your emotions and thoughts. From your external actions, you are likely to find a common pattern or a set of beliefs that underlie every aspect of your life.

Everything is inter-related. Thus, how you do anything is how you do everything. Your external world mirrors your internal one. Your inner world influences how you are showing up in the world. A process of self-inquiry will lead you to uncover what perceptions you have about the world and about yourself. You can dive in to find out what your core beliefs are, whether through a money situation, relationship situation or any other life situation.

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Why Love Yourself Unconditionally: In A Note

“One Big Reason Why many women have challenges leading a balanced, fulfilled and radiant existence is a lack of self-love.” #evelynlimcoach


While rummaging through my journal notebooks, I came upon what I had written two years ago. And so, I decided to post it…..

Can’t help but feel empty, wounded and discontented?

At some level, you have the awareness that there is something inherently missing; although you may not consciously know what your core issue is or where your real problem lies.

Even as you occupy your life with an endlessstream of activities, the hole inside remains.

The hole could be affecting every aspect of your life; from family, work, relationships, play etc.

And so it is that you have never been fully present. 

You are there for everyone else…..EXCEPT YOURSELF. 

Over time, the gaping hole manifests into deepresentment…and ultimately, a pervasive sense of unrealized potential and disempowerment.

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Why You Need to Start with Why: Book Review

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek

Start with WhyStart with why is something that I have heard over and over again in leadership events. Almost every speaker dishes out this advice, to which I nodded dismissively. After all, as someone from the personal growth field, wouldn’t I already know why I am doing what I am doing?


Well, it finally took a book to get my attention on the finer details of Why Start with Why. I received a free copy of Start with Why by Simon Sinek by virtue of a winning ticket during the Silver Retreat in Utah that I was in last week. As I turn its pages during my 25-hour journey back to Singapore, I was intrigued.

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Create Vision Board for Travel Dreams

“Visioning is the practice of visualisation with belief, focus and consistency.”


It has been a long time since I shared about visioning in a blog post. Well, I had been working hard at mine. One of my travel dreams is finally coming true! It’s been a long wait.


Young Living Photo Vision Board


I am flying to Salt Lake City in the U.S. to visit a lavender farm in a few days’ time. The best part is that the air flight from Singapore and accommodation at a luxury hotel in the city for my stay are completely free! I will also be attending leadership training workshops organised for attendees to the Silver Retreat as well as having time to explore the city. Hurray!!

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My Ho’oponopono Letter to Money

Dear Money,


“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

Money Hooponopono
I am writing to you because I would like to acknowledge you for the major role that you have been playing in my life. You have been highlighting divine lessons for my awareness. As I reflected over this, I realised that what I would like to express is Ho’oponopono in the following words: 

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”


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