Aroma Health is Wealth
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Health is a Blessing. Health is Wealth!
I would like to announce the launch of my new site that espouses: Aroma Health is Wealth. My new site is created so that I can share about tips on essential oil healing. I am excited as it is my first mobile-friendly site, making it easier for all to read about essential oils on our handphones. Despite a one-month delay due to technical issues that cropped up, the site is finally up. Yayyyy!
My journey really started more than 2 years when I was first introduced to essential oils. However, when I first began, I was largely skeptical. The oils were introduced to me as part of a complementary program because indications of cancer cells had shown up in a biofeedback scan. Even though I healed in less than 6 months, I was still unsure about the part that the oils played in my recovery. Was it real or was it psychological?
It took three health episodes for me – from indications of cancer cells, eczema and cysts in the womb – to be finally convinced. Essential oils played a huge part in my healing process.
Yet one more hurdle – making the intention to pursue the network marketing of essential oils.
I could not envision myself promoting the use of essential oils to others. It didn’t seem like it was my thing. I had shared more about my doubts in this post previously. Eventually, when I became aware of my self-talk, I realized that I was setting up limitations on what I can or cannot do. So I proceeded to clear some of my blocks; in fact anything that will place a cap on my potential, or obstruct opportunity and abundance.
I remember clearly that I experienced an energetic shift one day. Those who have experienced shifts may know what I mean by experiencing an inner shift. The experience was akin to the sensation of losing deadweight, opening my heart, a tingling sensation on the crown chakra and an expansive feeling of freedom. With the shift, I became aware that I was more open to possibilities.
Not long after, during an oracle card reading, I drew an Earth Angel card. It described my connection to Mother Earth and that my purpose being tied to it. But of course! Things started to make sense to me – essential oils will make a great tool for me to channel this purpose.
After the shift, I started to incorporate the use of essential oils more regularly into my life, coaching practice and sharing with my personal friends.
It is cliché but still, I believe that stress is a main contributing factor to my health issues. And so I started my Aroma Health is Wealth report with writing about stress. If you would like a copy, simply download it here. In my report, you will discover:
* How Do Essential Oils Work
* Why You should Absolutely Consider the Use of Essential Oils
* Key Criteria for Selecting Best Quality Essential Oils
* How to Buy Essential Oils at Wholesale Prices
* And more.
I look forward to seeing you on my new website. Do join me on an oily adventure by downloading a copy of my Aroma Health is Wealth Guide and subscribing to my free tips!
Love and Abundance Always,
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