Are You Spiritually Rich but Financially Poor?

Are you spiritual but feeling broke?
Many spiritual people have problems reconciling their wants for spirituality and money together.
It could be the same for you too.
You have been reading spiritual books, going for Reiki sessions and attending meditation classes and so you do know a lot. As a result, you may even have experienced vibrational shifts. You are already more aware. Yet, despite all the spiritual and personal growth made, you are finding that your financial life is lagging behind.
Well, I’ve been surveying my newsletter subscribers to find out more. Typically, they share the interests of spirituality, law of attraction and personal growth. What struck me was the same energy of struggle or confusion.
We have already learnt from our spiritual teachers about letting go of craving and greed. It takes us hours to sit in meditation as we contemplate about letting go. We also know that we suffer when we make money the master in our lives. Hence, we could be led to believe that we shouldn’t be placing attention on making money. However, mistaken ideas can create enormous stress for us.
You may not in dire straits but let’s admit it?—?modern day conveniences can cost. There are expenses that you need to pay and you are seeing that you need to keep working without a break. It’s why you are experiencing…
* the Pit in the Stomach when you file taxes,
* the Sinking Feeling in the Heart when you review past year earnings,
* the Tightness Around the Head when you are about to pay a bill,
* the Grey Cloud of Disappointment when you think about your money situation.
Chances are if you are reading this article (and therefore have a wifi connection), you are not below survival rate. You are likely to be living in a fairly developed country with modern day living expenses: rent, food, family, health, internet connection etc. Yet, there is the stress that you feel.
It may be the case that paying for family needs takes priority and you don’t have much left for fun. Traveling to the places you would like to go to is at best just a wish, not something that you truly believe that can happen. Revamping your wardrobe for better fitted clothes is an idea that can wait.
Your everyday buying decisions may also be affected. You often deliberate over a $2 dollars difference when selecting which brand of cereal to get in the supermarket. Never mind if it means having to go for something that is not organic or has fructose in it. You set aside the choice that you would have made, if it weren’t for the money that you can save.
Hold on a second, wouldn’t it be great to have more breathing space in terms of finances?
Let’s Remind Ourselves…
Money is not bad or good. Money is simply energy.
You only mess things up when the intent behind money making is negative.
Your Soul Purpose
I bet you are doing amazing work and that you have the ability to change the lives of those that you touch. Not everyone needs to be a spiritual practitioner, intuitive healer or personal development blogger in order to create transformation. You may be a social media expert, real estate agent or branding consultant with a giving heart.
Hence, it doesn’t matter what you do. You’re someone who has experienced conscious awakening. You care about the people that you serve.
Here’s the truth: you are NOT meant to struggle. Your purpose is to live joyfully even as you serve others. You are meant to draw on your sacred gifts and natural talents to create an abundant life.
“A spiritual intention is a resounding YES to awakening to your fullest potential. It may include several of your life structures: mental, emotional, financial, relational?—?because there is no aspect of your life that is not spiritual.” Michael Beckwith
What’s Stopping You From Being and Having More
I bet you are doing amazing work and that you have the ability to change the lives of those that you touch. Not everyone needs to be a spiritual practitioner, intuitive healer or personal development blogger in order to create transformation. You may be a social media expert, real estate agent or branding consultant with a giving heart.
Hence, it doesn’t matter what you do. You’re someone who has experienced conscious awakening. You care about the people that you serve.
Here’s the truth: you are NOT meant to struggle. Your purpose is to live joyfully even as you serve others. You are meant to draw on your sacred gifts and natural talents to create an abundant life.
“A spiritual intention is a resounding YES to awakening to your fullest potential. It may include several of your life structures: mental, emotional, financial, relational?—?because there is no aspect of your life that is not spiritual.” Michael Beckwith
What’s more, if you are someone from the healing or transformation field, you may eventually feel like a fake if you can’t live the freedom and fulfilment that you often preach about. It may even explain your love-hate relationship with money. Hence work on getting congruent!
Align Your Financial and Spiritual Life
Which leads me to… are far better off resolving that knot in your heart and embracing your soul aspirations for growth.
To be able to inspire the people that you serve is to be a shining example of the transformation – even in the monetary aspect of things.
So here are 3 things that you can start to do:
1. Claim your self-worth. Recognise that you are fundamentally worthy and be open to receiving fair value in exchange of your services. Lead the way in showing that it’s possible to integrate financial and spiritual lives together. They are not separate!
2. Bust your mistaken beliefs. Work on the limiting belief that you cannot be spiritual and successfully rich at the same time. Just imagine how different life will be if you live according to your own rules and terms, rather than buy in to a belief that is outdated and untrue.
3. Take action. Just because you have been advised to slow down and meditate, does not mean that you no longer take action. You can sit in contemplation the whole day but if you don’t take action to follow through on your ideas or projects, nothing is going to change.
Grow Both Spiritually and Financially
Money serves as a perfect mirror. It reveals the beliefs that you have on the inside. Your financial situation offers a wonderful opportunity for you to work through your issues and to experience a breakthrough.
Even if you are someone working on your spiritual growth, you can also be an action taker. When there is a problem and it is time to spring into action, you are able to follow through quickly. Adopting a spiritual growth mindset to support aligned actions, is key.
With excess funds, you can make the conscious choice of directing money to the causes you support. Money is an aide for your personal spiritual growth too. You can have funds available for investing into books, attending meditation classes and for your healing. Also, you can afford to be more generous with others.
Struggle is really not necessary. You can choose to find ways that will support your total well-being. Work on aligning your financial and spiritual beliefs, so that you can manifest true abundance into physicality.
Are you an action taker? Do you have a growth mindset? If you are spiritual but find that you are financially stuck, request for a 30-minute Clarity Session to get your financial health back in order!
Love and Abundance Always,
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Alchemy Coach
Life Coach for Women
Evelyn Reply:
March 22nd, 2017 at 11:36 pm
There has to be a block somewhere which is why you are struggling with financial abundance. It just does not make sense because if there is nothing in the way, things should flow a lot easier.
Often enough, the block lies in the subconscious, that is we are not aware of what it is. It takes investigative work to find out and unearth it. Then, there is also the matter of integrating a change. It’s when a shift begins. And it is only the start of a shift. All these may seem complicated but it won’t be that way with the help of someone trained. It’s very experiential, you can only know what it truly feels like after doing an integrative energy healing session.
Great questions to ask ourselves is: Is the pattern of waiting and hoping that things will turn around “soon” occurring in many areas of our life? Do we tend to stay in situations that do not serve us way longer than we should? If the answer is yes, take decisive action right away rather than wait.
All the best,