
Align with Abundance

align with abundance

To align with abundance is to realise first and foremost: We are all Energy.

We come from the same Source. Our physical BEing is an expression of Source Energy wishing to know itself. Source Energy can only know itself experientially. It cannot know its essential nature without the benefit of experience. For instance, it cannot truly know that it is Divine Love without an experience of love or its polar-opposite, fear.

The essential nature of Source/God/Universe is love, peace, compassion. It is of pure intelligence and infinite abundance. It is ever-present, eternal, expansive and never-changing. Since we are Source expressed in a physical form, our basic nature is one and the same.
However, in the third dimensional world, many of us are not remembering that we are all part of the same life force – the same Oneness. We experience separation and as such, hatred, anger, fear and sorrow towards self and others. Instead of love, we experience fear. Lack is an energy very much based on fear. In short, we are very much out of alignment to who we really are.

We have been conditioned and ingrained by habit that we may find ourselves in resistance to the Truth. What is not helping are the myths that reside in collective consciousness that we buy into. Without self inquiry and a process of investigation, we have long accepted these beliefs as truth. Yet, many of these beliefs run contrary to our true nature. For instance, limiting financial beliefs like “we must struggle hard to make a living”, “money is the root of all evils” or “we cannot be rich and spiritual” can create a lot of havoc in our lives.

Neither have we been taking negative events that happened in our lives in the right spirit. We view them as failures rather than as feedback. We are largely unaware that every negative event highlights a potential life lesson for us to correct the misalignment. Our perspectives on life are limited and distorted.

Our reality is very much created and directed by our vibrational state of Being. With focused thoughts, we bring Source Energy from the unmanifested to the manifested. It is possible, therefore, to bring forward much abundance into our lives. When we work with Divine Laws of Source/The Universe, there is no need for unnecessary struggle.

Put in another way, how abundant we are is a good indicator of the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that we have. To align with abundance is to become aware of our internal world and to shift vibrationally. About 90% of mindpower lie in our subconscious mind, out of our conscious awareness. So if we are experiencing more negative outcomes or situations of lack, we can have a good idea of what our subconscious mind is saying.

In short, situations of lack reflect our misalignment to our true divine nature. We are a naturally expansive Source and hence we are abundance. Our resistances in the form of negative emotions, beliefs and thoughts – are contractions to a naturally expanding force. Our awakened consciousness allows us to realise that they are really illusions. With awareness, they dissolve miraculously!

At the same time, we are likely to have accumulated lifetimes of conditioning and programming that we need to shed. We have existed in a paradigm of false beliefs. As we make that shift, we make the choice to transit from the old paradigm of false beliefs to one of Unified Consciousness. In the process, we lose our false self. We shift steadily towards full assuming. The sense of knowing is deep: We are co-Creators. We are Light. We are Source. Through our experiential knowing, we Align with Abundance.

Note: The content in this article are gathered from insights shared from the retreat I have just attended with a dose of my own personal experiences. I just love the constant reminders to shift into a paradigm that reflects our true being. With the constant reminders, I hope to be in continuous awareness of who I really am. I am glad to be home!

Share Your Thoughts

How do you align with abundance? What does it mean for you to be in a vibrational match with source abundance?  Share your tips, suggestions and ideas of how we can better be aligned with abundance.

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Daphne @ Joyful Days - August 10, 2009


I’ve missed you, and have wondered several times how the retreat was going for you. Still, I knew I’d hear about it when you got back, and was very happy to see this post in my reader.

“…how abundant we are is a good indicator of the thoughts, beliefs and emotions that we have.” This is such a good reminder, because often we let our abundance (or lack thereof) shape our thoughts, beliefs and emotions rather than the other way round.

Welcome back!

Evelyn - August 10, 2009

Hi Daphne, thanks for your warm welcome. I have been unbelievably busy before and after my return. I did not have much of a chance to go round the blogs yet. Hope all’s well with you?

Yes, many of us tend to respond to external situations rather than exercise control of how things are happening in our lives. It’s never too late to start taking charge! Amazing things unfold when we start to do that!

Do stay connected!! Hope to have a chance to have coffee again with you one day! I had such a lovely time getting to know you better 🙂 and it was after your “coffee” post…LOL!!

With love,

Lance - August 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn,
It’s so good to have you back! Welcome home…

And I love what you’re sharing today. I’ve really come to believe this more and more, as I’ve evolved to where I’m at today. At our core, we are spiritual beings. The thing is, that spiritual part of us can too often remain hidden when we become consumed by the “noise” in our daily lives. I believe this very deeply, that we connect with our soul (and our true spirituality) when we quiet ourselves and listen to those voices coming from within us. So, so good to do. And also – so easy to put off… I wonder why it’s so easy to put off, maybe because we don’t want to take the time to really listen, maybe we’re afraid of what we’ll hear? I know for me, when I listen to the inner voice, it feels so connecting with my being, and that is so good for me…

Marelisa - August 10, 2009

Hi Evelyn: I like the idea that lack is manifested when we are not in alignment with the true essence of our being. Like a musical instrument that is out of tune. Glad to have you back!

Dot - August 10, 2009

Welcome back! I’m glad you enjoyed your retreat. As you move further in the direction you’re heading, I’ve been moving further in a different direction, so I may not be as present here as in the past, but hope we can continue to enjoy each other’s blogs.

Avani Mehta - August 10, 2009

Evelyn, welcome back. You were missed.

Your article reminded me of something similar I had read somewhere – Initially there was just love & light. And it couldn’t appreciate who it was since it hadn’t experienced anything without love/light. In order to find itself and understand itself again, it sent out parts of itself on the path of discovering who it is. Since whatever the part feels and discovers, it does so for itself.

We all are the parts. And our journey is to remember ourselves and to find ourselves again. As we find our true identity – love and light, and become one with it, we merge with the one (it) and become whole again.

Jodi at Joy Discovered - August 11, 2009

Great thoughts here. I like your idea of abundance being a sign that we are in alignment with the universe. I love that feeling of “flow” – there is nothing better!

Kaushik - August 11, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

Great pointers, thanks! In my experience, as I release thoughts and emotions, awareness expands, and alignment with Source is already there, waiting for me.

“We view them as failures rather than as feedback. ” Beautiful pointer! Thanks.

Vered - Blogger for Hire - August 11, 2009

I love the distinction between “false self” and “real self.”

carla - August 11, 2009

The lives we live are extremely distracting. From the full-time jobs we barely stomach on a daily basis to mindlessly surfing the TV or internet, we are not in lined with our source. Other distractions includes organized religion, financial pressure, family, materialism and the list goes on. For me, meditation is what keeps me in line. Do I practice on a regular basis? That’s the question I need to address!

Lisa (mommymystic) - August 11, 2009

Thank you Evelyn, glad to have you back. And what a great post, tying together the different levels and ways we resist source and the ways we can align with it, from the material to emotional to spiritual and back. This theme that our sense of lack or limits comes from fear is such an important one to understand I think, and you expressed it wonderfully.

Evelyn - August 11, 2009


Thanks for the warm welcome back!

I am just so amazed on how much you have evolved. It’s wonderful that you have been listening to your inner voice rather than the noise on the outside. I’m glad to know that you are in a place of greater peace and harmony.

Love and light,

Evelyn - August 11, 2009


I like what you said about “musical instrument out of tune”. How poetic! Mind if I borrow the phrase when I describe what does misalignment mean?

With love,

Evelyn - August 11, 2009


I just went over to your site to check the latest news. I’ve just posted a comment. So sorry to read about the recent events!

Oh yes…I will most certainly keep your blog on my radar. It’s the same for me. I may not be on your site as often but I will swing by whenever I can. Work has been increasingly more for me recently; which keeps me from having the time to doing blog commenting.

Love and hugs,

Evelyn - August 11, 2009


Thank you for your warm welcome. I just went over to your site to say hello.

Oh yes…the thoughts in this post are nothing new. It is written as an affirmation to what has already been published in various bits and pieces on this blog. Much of the thoughts can be found in books on new age spirituality. In case you are interested in reading something, Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch is a great place to start!

Love & light,

Katie West/The Levity Coach - August 11, 2009

WOW. The light shining through your email is powerful. It is such a joy to read your message which radiates such depth and truth.
Your post made me smile deeply in the way we smile when we have suddenly remembered something or some part of ourselves we had forgotten along the way– such a harmonious and delightful way to wake up this morning.
It is clear your retreat was nourishing…thank you for sharing the fruits with us.

Nadia - Happy Lotus - August 12, 2009

Hi Evelyn,

Welcome back! Abundance definitely does exist in the world and I think our experience of abundance depends on how we view the whole concept. If we think the Universe is full of resource, that is our experience. If we think life is tough and we have to fight to get what we want, that will be our experience. The more in tune we are with the world and ourselves, the more we will experience abundance.

Robin - August 12, 2009

I love this Evelyn – it never hurts to be reminded that we are naturally expansive and therefore naturally abundant – all we need to do is remove the sad old repressions. Thanks! – R

Megan "JoyGirl!" Bord - August 12, 2009

Welcome back!
I love this post on abundance, and one of the ways that I connect to Universal abundance is to see it all around me. When it rains, there is an abundance of water coming from the clouds. When I’m lying in the grass, I look around at the trillions of blades of beautiful green surrounding me.
I have a perfect abundance of body cells keeping me alive and moving in perfect rhythm.
When I recognize the perfect abundance all around me, I realize I can apply that to anything in my life – whatever I wish.


Evelyn - August 12, 2009

@Jodi, oh yes….I am very much liking the thought of bringing myself into greater alignment with infinite abundance!! There is really no need for unnecesary struggle!

@Kaushik, I enjoyed that you said “as I release thoughts and emotions, awareness expands, and alignment with Source is already there, waiting for me.” Beautiful!

@Vered, 🙂

Evelyn - August 12, 2009


Me too! Meditation keeps me centered. I make it a point to meditate or spend time in inner space by switching off my laptop at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. I try not to waste time on unhelpful activities like mindless TV. Agreed that meditation helps us align with source.


Evelyn - August 12, 2009

Hey Lisa,

Thanks for the welcome back! I am glad that you like the post. I learned the important point that fears are really contractions to a naturally expansive force and thought that I should share it with readers who are hoping to experience more abundance in their lives.

With love,

Evelyn - August 12, 2009


It is nice to come back and see the lovely smile in your photo on my site. I am glad to know that you are remembering the beautiful essence of who you really are! Katie, you have got so much beauty that you radiate and touch more lives than you ever know!

Shine always!

Evelyn - August 12, 2009


I like your thoughts. If we do think in terms of lack, then we are manifesting a world that has scarce and dwindling resources. You said “The more in tune we are with the world and ourselves, the more we will experience abundance”….I can’t agree more 🙂

Abundance always,

Chris Edgar | Purpose Power Coaching - August 13, 2009

Sounds like you had a powerful experience. It’s always amazing to me how little foundation there is for most of our beliefs. Lately I’ve been focusing on how the way I breathe can change the limitations I see in the world — if I breathe more expansively, my boundaries expand and I feel less limited, and vice versa.

Sara - August 14, 2009


WELCOME BACK:~) I’ve missed you, but it sounds like this retreat was really healing and affirming for you. I like these words (taken a bit out of context) but they are so affirming to me…”we are all part of the same life force – the same Oneness.”

It is easy to forget this, which makes me all the more pleased that you are back. With you around, I know we’ll be reminded to feel our connections to each other!

Hilary - August 14, 2009

Hi Evelyn – welcome back .. and the Retreat has obviously been wonderful for you .. refreshed you and given you new perspectives.

I need to come back and read more of your articles .. and this one again … though the one thought that seems to come through is about the negatives being taken as feedback (not failure) .. thinking differently and having a new perspective on things happening around us.

Welcome home .. that’s important to you!
All the best –
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Jen - August 15, 2009

hi Evelyn,
this blog was delightful! Exactly what I needed for reassurance today!

Evelyn - August 15, 2009


Yes, how we breathe can have an impact on how we feel. We were also taught how to breathe properly during the retreat too. It was funny that we need to be taught something that most of us take for granted.

For me, I practice breathing in – drawing universal life force into my body and breathing out – the release of toxins and negative emotions.

Have a great weekend,

Evelyn - August 15, 2009


Thank you for your warm welcome back. You folks are never far away from my mind. I cannot help but think of my readers sometimes during my meditation sessions.

I need to be reminded about our connectedness as much as anyone else too. Writing keeps me reminded…LOL!! Hence, when I share, I am also doing it for myself!

With love,

Evelyn - August 15, 2009


Yes, please do come back and read the articles. I put careful thought into them. As I have shared with Sara, I like constant reminders. We have been operating in a paradigm of limited beliefs and negative perceptions. The extent of how much we see things in a bigger perspective and the depth of knowing of who we are determines if we have moved into the paradigm that reflects our true nature.

With love,

Evelyn - August 15, 2009


Thank you for your feedback 🙂

Blessings always,

Stacey / Create a Balance for Moms - August 15, 2009

Hi Evelyn, Since we have last “talked” I have started my daily meditation practice. I love it and it has been bringing me closer to the essential nature of love, peace, and compassion. Life is still chaotic but my meditation practice is bringing me so much more peace and tranquility.

Evelyn - August 15, 2009

Hello Stacey,

Good for you!! It is great that you can commit to meditating on a daily basis. Regular practice helps to still the mind, in a sea of chaos.

Love & light,

Evita - August 16, 2009

I am glad that you enjoyed your retreat! Welcome back!

This is a fantastic article as I feel it sums up what the essential truths are (if I may call them that) when it comes to our being, our purpose and life here on this planet.

It is so clear, concise and beautifully worded – thank you!

Jocelyn - August 16, 2009

God is indeed the Source of all abundance and prosperity, if we could only focus on Him/Her and keep our faith despite the darkness we see. For many people, this is very difficult to achieve, especially those in poor and neglected environments where all they see everyday is hopelessness and they have no money or mobility to find new places to breathe and see a different perspective.

Victor Tan - August 17, 2009

Hmm.. Evelyn..I have a little question here..How can we align with abundance?

Tim Moon - August 17, 2009

Hey there Evelyn, looks like you have a lot of good information here. I found your site from a comment you left on Celestine Chua’s article about relationships.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and I enjoyed reading a few of your articles.

Evelyn - August 17, 2009

@Evita, thank you for your warm welcome back! I am glad that you like my article!

@Jocelyn, your comments are certainly true! While working with some of my clients, I can see how difficult it is for them to remain positive. Therein lies the challenge if they wish to change the circumstances for the better!

Evelyn - August 17, 2009


The first is to recognize that we are out of alignment. Next, we work through our feelings and emotions. We can use techniques such as EFT, the Sedona method, visualizations, meditation etc to accelerate our progress. The more we shed off the layers of our negative stuff, we will find ourselves moving into closer alignment. Abundance in the form of financial wealth is one indicator! The amount of joy, love and peace that we are newly experiencing is also another!

All the best to you,

Evelyn - August 17, 2009

Hey Tim,

Welcome to my site! Thank you for your lovely feedback. I have just visited your site. You have an awesome theme yourself!

Do visit us more often here!

Abundance always,

Liara Covert - August 18, 2009

Evelyn, inner light always shines bright. Yet, not every energy being is ready or willing to reclaim the inner power and timeless insight. To begin to awaken to the blessings in abundance and in every experience is to awaken to far more going on than the human side of you tinks possible.

Vicente de la Fuente - August 26, 2009

YES!Everybody wants to have a lot of everything. We all want a lot of love, a lot of money, a lot of success, etc. We will often meet people who have a lot of everything and we’ll also meet people who don’t have a lot and who are likely struggling just to get enough of what they need.

Evelyn - August 26, 2009

@Liara, I love what you said about awakening to the blessings in abundance. Yes, when we connect to the essence of who we really are, tuning into infinite abundance is almost effortless.

@Vincent, definitely very true! We can certainly create a lot of changes to our life situation if we can change the vibrational state of our being. Also, success leaves trails. We can do more by learning from those who lead a successful and well-balanced life!

Alain Goormaghtigh - August 29, 2009

Hi Evelyn

Since my name is written above
I will accept the kind and subtle invitation
to put some contrast in the blank space
and let colorful words mix freely
just to let you know
that your site is one of a kind
and I´ve seen many
without ever perceiving
anything close to this quality
insight and transparency
as a channel of Divine Communication with this needy world

Cusco – Peru

Evelyn - August 29, 2009

Hello Alain,

The Exquisite Light in You Shines
With Love, Beauty and Grace,
In Deep Knowing Of
Your Oneness
With All.
You Are Simply Divine!


Cindy - September 8, 2009

Hi Evelyn. I have been keeping abreast of your posts/articles for a while now. I am just going with the flow. For me abundance equates to being blessed; having one’s thoughts so aligned with the universe that manifestation is instantaneous. There are instances where that this has happened to me but mastery of the universal laws is a lifelong process. Thanks to these principles, I have mad quantum leaps in my life. I am open and ready to receive all the abundance that is to come.

Evelyn - September 8, 2009

Hello Cindy,

Thank you for your sharing and for reading my blog. Thumbs up to going with the flow! Also good for you in having quantum leaps in your life!

So am I! I am open to receiving loads of abundance!

All the best in your journey!

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