Accessing The Alpha State
I personally had the most amazing discovery about accessing my subconscious mind just 2 nights ago. Although I’ve not finished the book on The Silva Method, I could not wait any longer. I decided to put what I’ve read so far to use.
I sat down to meditate. With counting backwards from 100 to 0, to my amazement, I reached the alpha state (the state between sleeping and waking). I recognised it immediately as the same state I was in when I tried hypnosis some weeks back. I would have been happy to be in this peaceful state. But I’ve read far enough in the Silva Method book to know what mind control can do.
With great reluctance, I forced myself to move from the peaceful state to visualize what my current lifestyle is and what I would like it to be, using the techniques as taught from the book. It was truly an amazing experience, one that is peaceful and at the same time, filled with images of joy and hope. The feeling was overwhelming: a happy family with my two beautiful girls, having personal freedom and at the same time, enjoying a life of abundance.
After coming out from the alpha state, the lessons from the Silva Method became clear to me. It dawned on me that I’ve not been practising positive visualization in the best way possible since watching the “Secret” movie. While I had tried to visualize what I wanted, I was only doing it at the beta state (the waking state). As the Silva method clearly demonstrated, much more can be achieved in the alpha state. It is the state where your mind is clear and receptive to information. Accessing this state can help remove negative thoughts and beliefs and empower you with new positive ones.
I’m embarking on this experiment. It will be interesting to find out a couple of years from now, whether what I’m visualizing comes true.