How to Eliminate Negative Self-Talk with Self-Love Meditation
“Relentless, repetitive self-talk is what changes our self-image.” Denis Waitley
Reportedly, we can have as many as 70,000 thoughts in a day. If we minus off 8 hours of sleep, it will work out to having a thought every 1.2 seconds. In the constant stream of thoughts, we are interpreting situations through our filters. There is a conversation going on in our minds. Psychologists call the conversation “self-talk”.
According to studies, about 70-80% of our self-talk is largely negative. And so, if you have low or little self-love, then it is highly probable that your attention is placed more on the things that you do not approve, appreciate or like about yourself. The voice inside can be a highly critical one.
Negative Focus of Your Mind
Ever notice how your mind has a tendency to zero in on your perceived imperfection? You may be facing your own reflection in the mirror or you may be reviewing your past. Whatever it is, you can’t get past the one thing that diminishes the perfect self-image that you would have otherwise liked to uphold.
I remember what Ajahn Brahm, a Buddhist monk whose talks I have been attending for more than 10 years, often points out: there can be 999 things that happen well but our minds have a tendency to focus on the one thing that has gone wrong or that is imperfect.
I have often observed this true of myself too. It used to be worse previously. My mind would just not let up on the one fault that I perceive I have. My inner critic spoke loudly, harshly and cruelly.
It did not matter what others say. I recall that there were times when my husband tried to convince me differently. However, I refused to listen. I would think, “He is just saying this because he loves me”. I simply could not focus on the good parts about myself because the inner critic in my mind was obsessing over the tiny detail that made me less than perfect.
The Harmful Effects of Negative Self-Talk
Some people think that negative self-talk spurs them to improve themselves. After all, it has gotten them to where they are today. However, I have a different perspective. Negative self-talk is largely driven by fear. Excessive fear can paralyze instead of motivate. For motivational reasons, why not use positive self-talk instead?
Negative self-talk is harmful. It drains us of our spirit. Think of it this way – how can we possibly succeed or function well if the conversations in our mind go like this:
“What a failure I am. I am so angry with myself. I look horrible. I can’t get past this part about myself. No one loves me. I am unworthy of receiving. I feel sick about myself. I hate myself.”
If true, we carry a toxic baggage in our minds even whilst we are desperately trying to achieve success on the outside. We are in conflict. Needless to say, it is impossible to meditate when this happens.
Embrace Positive Self-Talk with Self-Love Meditation
Meditation is a practice that ultimately brings you into a state of deeper self-awareness. You learn to quiet your mind that is preoccupied with one thought after another. You relax into a peaceful state of contemplation.
With self-love meditation, you are like a silent witness or observer to what goes on in your self-talk. You choose to accept yourself no matter what your inner critic says. You let go of the harsh judgments you have towards yourself.
Instead, you practice compassion, forgiveness, care, trust and respect inwards. You are able to do this because you see yourself from the space of your spiritual heart center during meditation. You are able to embrace your personality or ego-self completely.
Taking the additional step to reprogram your mind with positive self-talk is something that you can do while you are in a meditative state of relaxation. Just imagine what can happen when your inner conversation goes like this….
“I love who I am. I feel good about myself. I like how creative I am. I enjoy taking care of my own well-being. Love is my natural state. I am worthy of receiving love and abundance. Life is good to me. I trust my inner guidance.”
As you embrace yourself unconditionally in the body, mind and spirit, you change the vibrational state of your being. The awareness of your natural divine state deepens.
Love and Abundance always,
Life Coach. Energy Healing Practitioner.
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Share Your Story: What Does Your Self-Talk Say?
Over to you. Is your self-talk largely a positive or negative one? Share what it says in the comment box below.
Evelyn Reply:
April 2nd, 2013 at 11:02 am
Hello Suzie,
Thanks for dropping by.
How wonderful! Glad to know that you are finding the self-love meditations helpful!
Love and blessings,