
How to Mend a Broken Heart and Move On

“It’s not hard to move on, it’s just hard to leave behind what you’re not supposed to bring along.” – Unknown

“Maybe it’s not always about trying to fix something that is broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.” – Unknown

You are in excruciating pain. Your heart has been broken into a million pieces. As a result, you have been walking around, with a gaping wound. Like a broken recorder, your mind keeps replaying what has recently happened in a mental movie over and over again. It plays one of the following:

– You have been dumped by supposedly “the love of your life”…ouch! Your lover just cited some vague excuse about the two of you being incompatible. You tried to win him or her back but to no avail.

– You are sick in the stomach because you are feeling betrayed. You have just found out that your lover has been having an affair with someone far more attractive than you. It hurts like crazy!!

– You are in anguish. You have been secretly pining for your ex but you have just discovered that he or she has had a recent change in status on Facebook to being engaged or married. Your dreams of ever getting back together are totally shattered.

And so, you have been emotionally eating. You have just spent Valentine’s Day alone, moping and feeling so alone. Mostly, you can’t bear the sight or thought of some happy couple professing their love for each other on Facebook.

Your self-esteem has sunk to an all time-low.

The pain is so intense that you declare that you cannot love again.

There is Hope

I completely understand.

I have been through a number of relationship breakups myself. I cried buckets. During the grieving period, I had no idea how I was going to survive the days. Needless to say, I suffered from insomnia too.

And so, I went partying with friends to dull the pain of feeling lonely after office hours. I was out a few times a week. It did not matter that I had to crawl out of bed early the next morning for the office. I considered not having any plans on Friday nights a disaster. Not to mention, I was secretly hoping that I would meet someone special at drinking spots.

Even though it was difficult, I made it through the pain every single time. Then, after picking up the pieces, I went on to having a great time as a single. I was a happy single, when I met the guy – who eventually became my husband. And no, I did not meet him at a bar.

Sure, my reflection now is written based on hindsight. What I hope to suggest is that it is possible to mend and move on.

7 Tips to Mend Your Broken Heart (and Move On)

“Don’t tie your heart to a person that has nothing left to offer you. Let it go. It might hurt for a while, but when you get over it, you’ll see that it’s better.” Unknown

As a life coach, I often get questions about how to mend a broken heart. The wounded soul usually feels as if the world has ended. He or she perceives moving on to be an almost impossible task!

So I thought it will be a great idea to write my answers in a post. Hence, if you want to know how to move on quickly enough from a relationship that is broken, here are some tips:

1. Let go of the past. Mulling over the pain keeps it alive. Yes, grieving is helpful but avoid turning the process into a year-long soap opera. Put away or burn the photographs that you have taken together with your ex.

2. Don’t waste time stalking your ex. Preserve your dignity. You have got better things to do than waste any more time on someone who obviously don’t reciprocate your feelings any more. Ten years down the road, you will feel less awkward if you bump into your ex again. You won’t be able to thank me enough for this piece of advice 🙂

3. Accept that the relationship is over. You can’t move on until you accept that the relationship is over. Period.

4. Accept that you can’t be friends immediately. If your relationship did not end on a good note, you may need to accept that you can’t be friends immediately. Mistakenly, you may agree to be friends in the hope of keeping the relationship alive. However, there is nothing worse than hanging around by the phone, waiting for him or her to still call you like the way it used to be.

5. Be open to meeting others. It is hard to move on completely when you are still pining for your ex. Free up space for something or someone better to come along.

6. Get a make-over. There is no better time to getting a make-over. Note also that beauty is a state of the mind. Take up a course for building self-confidence, for instance.

7. Turn to exercise. Exercise releases endorphins that reduce stress. Endorphins make you feel-good. They are proven to help remove pain. Through exercise, you turn your attention to doing something healthy.

I certainly did lots of exercise as a single. My calendar was choke-filled with activities. I took up windsurfing, diving, waterskiing, wakeboarding and sailing. The adrenalin rush kept me going. I was out at sea for several hours every weekend.

Best Advice For Moving On

“Move on. It’s just a chapter in the past. But don’t close the book, just turn the page.” – Unknown

Making the decision to move on is about putting yourself in charge. It is about healing yourself. You let go of your ego games, thoughts for revenge, and ideas to drown your sorrow.

It is less about your ex. It is more about you. You come to the realization that you are strong enough to love yourself, without the need to rely on someone else to fulfill your needs for love.

You might have been mistaken into thinking that you had found your best friend in your ex. But as it turned out, this is no longer the case. Instead of lamenting over the loss, consider building a solid relationship with yourself first.

You build a solid relationship with the self through self-love.

For it is when you open your heart to loving yourself no matter what, that you will discover what it means to love another fully.

And chances are…..

Radiating love from the inside, you attract true love on the outside.

Shine on always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

Free Teleclass: Heal Yourself with Self-Love

Don’t forget to listen in to my free teleclass on “Heal Yourself with Self-Love” this week. Get the full details here. Limit of 100 phone participants only!

You can also submit your questions prior to the event here >>>


Share Your Tips Below

Ever experienced a broken heart? If so, what helped you to move on? Share your tips below for those who are in pain now.

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Annie - February 18, 2013 Reply

Ah how the Universe supports us 😀
This popped into my email box this morning after my decision a few days ago to end my engagement. Boy does it hurt! But – every day brings a new feeling, a new message from a friend, a cheery phone call – more clarity.
Taking baby steps and loving me first


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Anne,

I’m sure that you have got good reasons to end your engagement. Yes, it does hurt and it is important to acknowledge that. But I am glad that you are already aware that everyday brings about a fresh start. There is that whisper in the wind that says: everything will be okay.

Take care and hugs,


Angela Artemis|Powered by Intuition - February 20, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
I haven’t had a broken heart in a while – thank goodness but, I do remember how horrible it felt to be in that space. My first true broken heart was at 18 when my high school boyfriend and I broke up. I couldn’t eat or sleep for weeks and lost 20 lbs. It was awful.

As I look back on it now I realize I was much too attached to him and in a co-dependent relationship. Lack of self-love had a lot to do with this relationship and several others I had throughout my life. Thanks to your wonderful book, “Self-Love Secrets” I have to learn the difference between healthy self-love and conceit. Realizing how important it is to love yourself first has affected me deeply. Thank you!


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Angela,

That was quite a lot of weight you lost! It sure sounded like you took it rather badly.

I am glad to know that my book has been of help. Oh yes, when we are not experiencing the relationships that we would like to have, we really need to look inwards. You are already very very beautiful, I’m sure that you can see that now!

Love and blessings,
Evelyn xo


Sandra Pawula - February 21, 2013 Reply


Wise advice! It’s amazing how even Facebook can contribute to our pain.

I love #4, the reminder that we can’t always be friends again right away. What helps me is remembering that impermanence is a natural part of life. Nothing stays the same forever. It can be liberating to realize this very deeply. Not that I have, but I feel the potentiality.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Sandra,

Facebook sure can!! People are known to stalk their exs on Facebook LOL!

Well said! I like to use the saying “this too shall pass” to convey the meaning of impermanence.

Thanks for dropping by!

Love and abundance always,


Harleena Singh - February 21, 2013 Reply

Well written Evelyn!

I’m just so glad that I’ve never had a broken heart, but just as I keep mentioning in my relationship posts, which you too mentioned here – it’s best to accept that the break up has happened and learn to let go of the past – that’s the only way to move on – there can be no other way.

Yes, things do take time, and for those who undergo – it’s easier said than done. But, once they are able to accomplish this hurdle of accepting the break up and letting go of their feelings they had for the other person – they would be more at peace with themselves, which will help them overcome the pain and move on – isn’t it?

Thanks for sharing, and nice to be at your blog too. 🙂


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Harleena,

Welcome to my site.

Oh yes, the grieving process is necessary for we do not want to end up in repression. Yet, there will come a time when we need to let the past all go. We will keep ourselves stuck if we are not able to let go. Releasing the attachment to the past is one of the biggest lessons in life.



Kelly - February 24, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn

I agree with your points and I think acceptance that something valuable has ended is key, as is self love. Too often we our upbringing and society as a whole sells the story that the only real love to make us complete is romantic love. When really loving ourselves is the only path to feeling whole and at peace. Romatic love is just one kind of love. When romantic love is gone we need to focus on the other types of love we have in our lives. Be grateful for it and focus on its abundance. But that being said, all of this and your examples are much easier when it is a relationship that has ended versus a relationship and a FAMILY. Losing our long term partner and our family dynamic and all the hopes we had for that family in the future cuts deeply. And it can be very hard to get over someone when you must continue to have them in your lives because of shared children. Then you really know how hard it is to get over love. It plain sucks!

Love your work as always.
Kelly x


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Kelly,

What a surprise! Thanks for dropping by.

To move on and to put our lives in order certainly applies whether we have a family or not. But of course, things are a lot harder where there is a family.

Understandably, you still have to see your spouse. All the dreams and hopes you have invested are now dashed. It is hard to move on when there are children. You are feeling disappointed and sad. *Hugs*

While I have not gotten to the point of a marriage breakdown, I had faced challenges with mine. I have children myself. My experiences are of a different kind: working through the challenges step by step, using energy healing (lots) and spending time communicating (lots and lots) and resolving differences. Since I can only write what I have gone through, I will perhaps share more of these experiences in other articles.

It is often quoted that the best gift we can give our children is a set of happy parents. Well, in the case of a marriage breakdown, it will be nice that both parents can eventually be happy even though they have separated. And thus, my message: heal through self-love and be happy. Not an easy process, I know….but the process of healing needs to be done with as much gentleness, forgiveness and compassion as possible.

Always remember: You are loved.

Thank you for your support,
Evelyn xo


Steve - February 27, 2013 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

This post reminds me of a relationship that ended for me several years ago. She moved away and we drifted apart until one day things just wouldn’t work anymore. It was hard, but enough time passed to heal.

I actually had a similar experience to you. It hurt for a while, but eventually I got through it. I met a lot of women at the bar and in daily life. Then I met a woman and married her.

You give some great advice, but I think your third point is especially good. Accept that it’s over. That’s important to be able to move on with your life.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Steve,

Thanks for sharing about your experiences.

Yes, acceptance is key. Otherwise, we can possibly keep ourselves trapped with wanting to relive the past. It is hard to move on, when we cannot let go.

Love and blessings,


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