
How to Beat the Blues of Melancholy

“It’s a brooding melancholy that haunts me.” – David Guterson

beat melancholy

Melancholy gnaws at us in an incessant stream of negative self-talk. We are not happy because of something we perceive about ourselves or our lives. Our unhappiness builds up. After some time, we could also be masked from knowing even what our true issues are really about. We do not feel tip top because “something just does not feel right”.

Back years ago, I did not notice the presence of melancholy because it would usually lurk in the background. It hung like a veil with a dreary undertone. Consequently, I experienced a lethargy that drained me of energy.

I have since found out that melancholy can strike us more than we know. Some of us, perhaps, more than others. We wear melancholy in our face, a shadow behind our smiles.

Once aware of its presence, you become awake to the fact that you have been locked in a constant and pervasive stream of pensiveness. The dreary sense does not really go away. Like grey smoke that gathers in the form of a slithering snake, melancholy creeps back at you over and over again. It never leaves you long enough before it visits you once more.

“Melancholy is as seductive as Ecstasy.” – Mason Cooley

At first, you may be tempted to brush it aside. You reason that everyone gets blue every once in a while. However, be aware that melancholy can be secretly potent. Gradually gathering strength, melancholy lures you into its lair.

As you dive in to uncover its secrets, you will realize that it is more than just hollowed sadness. The grey smoke gives way to an underlying stream of despondency. Suddenly, you become aware of the exact issues that have been sapping you of energy. As misery builds up in intensity for the afflicted, medical depression can set in.

“Depression is melancholy minus its charms – the animation, the fits.” – Susan Sontag

Awareness is a good thing. Or is it?

When you become aware, you are awakened from your deep sleep. However, in your awakening, you also become very conscious of the suffering that you are in.

It may not be just about your own personal troubles. You tune into the stream of suffering in the collective conscious. In an instant, you become very aware that humanity is afflicted by the same mental condition, robbing many of complete and true happiness.

“Melancholy has ceased to be an individual phenomenon, an exception. It has become the class privilege of the wage earner, a mass state of mind that finds its cause wherever life is governed by production quotas.” – Gunther Grass

Probably, no one ever told you that happiness is a choice. Certainly no one ever told me this for a good part of my growing years. I eventually realized that even though love is our natural state, we still have to make the conscious choice for happiness. And so it is that awakening leads us to making that choice.

It is not like we need to be in the clouds the whole day. But clearly right here in the physical dimension, we need to make a firm decision to live differently especially if we have been in mental misery. We start by exercising the choice for happiness.

Beat the Blues of Melancholy

So, how can you rise above the stream of melancholy?

How can you remove the underlying brooding sense of melancholy that has been secretly and slowly robbing your soul of its joy?

How can you dissipate the shadows of melancholy forever?

I am not there yet but I discovered an answer that will beat the blues indefinitely.

Melancholy starts with the letter “M”;
The answer starts with the letter “M” too.

Happiness always,
evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

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Sile - January 28, 2013 Reply

The answer is ‘ME’ – am I right?


Evelyn Reply:

Great guess!

Actually, I realized that there was more than one “M” that could help alleviate Melancholy when I wrote the article. But I believe there is only one ultimate answer. The “M” I am referring to is more a practice than anything else. I shan’t say more less I give the secret away!



Pam - January 28, 2013 Reply

hi Evelyn ,I just subscribed this morning and your post about melancholy is just what I need .I have healed long standing depression but so often I’m swamped with this feeling and it seems to switch off the motivation to do anything .

I’m guessing ,is the word move /movement


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Pam,

I know. Melancholy can creep back over and over again. It is important to be aware when it revisits. You want to be ready when it comes back. You want to be able to bounce back much faster than the one before.

To get rid of it forever will need a stronger M than just movement. Yes, M for movement is one of the three solutions I had in mind. But it is not the ultimate answer that I believe will resolve melancholy indefinitely.

May you be well and happy always,


rita singh - January 28, 2013 Reply

Hi….GREAT post n sounds VERY FAMILIAR n DREARY……have BEEN ‘THERE’ n do exit that state occasionally ONLY to be DRAWN BACK by MELANCHOLY’S TENTACLES….am AWARE that this FEELING needs to be done away with but IT just refuses to go away PERMANENTLY….well I guess the M word is MOTIVATION or maybe MAGIC…..am awaiting to get the FORMULA to get rid of it so PLEASE hurry up n let us KNOW…..THANKS n GOD BLESS………..””””””’


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rita,

Your metaphor of the tentacles is a great one!

There was once when melancholy crept back and I saw the billowing grey smoke formed in the shape of a slithering snake. That is why I used that metaphor for my post. I tried to fend off the “snake” at first….but I soon found myself drawn to sinking into a low state. Luckily I had a level of awareness that this was happening to me.

Awareness really helped! I quickly made notes in my journal, postulating that one fine day, sharing my notes might be able to help others. The above post is written in memory of the “snake”. A timely reminder as this is also the zodiac year of the snake.

Magic won’t be able to get rid of melancholy. We can’t wish it away. Neither can force or will. Answer to be out soon!

May you be well and happy always,


Kathy - January 28, 2013 Reply

I’d say the M is for meditation – letting go, connecting with something greater than us. Meditation for me is a knowing that there is something undefinable in charge of all.


Karen Beth Reply:

Totally agree with Kathy.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Kathy,

Great guess!

I will be publishing the answer in the next post.

Love and blessings,


Stacey M. Curry - January 29, 2013 Reply

I would think Kathy has it…meditation and movement were what came to mind for me…


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Stacey,

Love the “Ms” mentioned here!!

With love and blessings,


Galen Pearl - January 29, 2013 Reply

I have felt like that before but not for such a long time. Oh, I still feel sad sometimes, but not that draining melancholy that saps our strength and joy. Lots of M answers–all good answers. I’m going with meditation, though, as the one you were thinking of.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

Good for you in being able to beat the blues!

The answer can be found in my next post 🙂

With love,


Ben - January 31, 2013 Reply

Hmm the first thing that come into my mind is ‘meditation’ which can definately help.

I’ve found that since i’ve had something to work towards consistently even though some days have been hard i’ve felt much happier in general.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Ben,

Yes, persistence to the vision definitely helps. Without persistence, we would have long given up especially when we hit a tough patch.

You have made a great guess 🙂 Read my next post!

With love,


Knowledge-Empowers - February 6, 2013 Reply

I’ve felt really depressed when I have experienced a very rough patch a few years back.

Talking about ‘Ms’, the first thing that came to my mind and what really helped me then was motivation. Admittedly, I have experienced an unusually prolonged period when I got really demotivated but thanks to having a solid foundation and mental list of motivations, I came out stronger in the end.

People experience good and bad cycles, and we just need to sail through it and do our best no matter what.


Steve - February 11, 2013 Reply

I think you described melancholy so well. The way you put it, “a shadow behind our smiles.” That about sums it up for me. The worst thing about melancholy for me is that it sometimes comes out of nowhere and feels as if there’s no reason for it at all. At least that’s the way it feels for me. That makes it hard for me to battle. Usually I just calm myself down with some light music and relax for awhile. That seems to help quite a bit.


Ferdinand Rwegena - December 15, 2016 Reply

Thanks for your insights on melancholy. i wish to learn more on how to tackle melancholy.


E - September 28, 2018 Reply

the M is for mindfulness. it is the one thing that brings you out of your head and into a grounded, centered, peaceful reality.


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