
How to Find Out What Your Passion Is

“The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.”
– Earl Nightingale

passion do what you love

Not everyone knows his or her true passion right away. I certainly did not. It took me a long time to discover what mine was. What is great is that having that contrasting experience from not knowing to knowing what my passion is allows me to treasure what I do now even more. I can safely say for sure that finding passion has made me a happier person.

Passion is something that you love doing intensely, whether it is just as a hobby or a way to make a living. Having a passion will help you live your life to the fullest. You will have the motivation to get up every day. Having the passion in what you do helps in the handling of stress, anxiety and frustration much better. There are certainly many benefits to finding your passion.

If you are one of those who still have no clarity in what your passion is, don’t give up your search. In my search, I had previously asked myself over and over again the same questions that would lead me to knowing my passion. And even till today, I have found the answer an ever-evolving one. The answer to how I can best express myself continues to unfold in its clarity and grow in its richness.

Not sure how to proceed? Here are some tips that can help you discover your passion…

What Do You Enjoy Doing?

When you have a day off work, what is it that you enjoy doing? Do you enjoy taking walks in the countryside? Do you love taking photographs?

Everybody has something that they enjoy doing and would love to do on a daily basis. If you have not got one, you need to start finding out what excites you. Life is not just about reporting for work at 9am or hitting the bar after work on a Friday evening. You need to know what makes you come alive.

Chances are that you already have a hobby; something that you do on a regular basis and would like to do more of. It does not need to get you out of the house. Some people enjoy reading comic books while others enjoy collecting items. Think about the things that you did when you were younger and find something that you loved to do.

What Do You Read About?

When you have some spare time, what do you enjoy reading about? Is there a certain type of fiction genre that you love, such as romance or sci-fi? What about the non-fiction interests? There are some people who enjoy reading more about history and looking into their family’s past or the history of the country. There are others who enjoy reading about gardening topics.

The best thing about enjoying to read about something is that you can take it further. You can make a career out of this type of passion. Or if you prefer, you can always keep your passion as a hobby. The choice is completely up to you.

Make a List

You may not come up with answers to the above questions right away. The question of what you are passionate about and what you love doing is not something that people ask every day. If this is you, take the time to make a list. Include everything that you enjoyed doing as a child and anything that interests you now.

Once you have a basic list, you will be able to mark those that interest you most. You will find the ones that you love to do or the subjects that you love to read about. This will give you a good indication of your passion.

Ask Others

It is possible to miss out on something when making a list so ask others about their passions. This will help you cover all your bases. However, avoid falling into the trap of trying to like something because someone else close to you does. You are after your passion and not someone else’s. This questioning phase is just to gain some ideas.

Interest Versus Passion

It is possible to have a lot of interests. I certainly have many. Yet, I would not consider every interest as a passion. Additionally, even if I am passionate over something, it does not necessarily mean that I would want to turn it into full-time work. As I mentioned, it took me quite a while before realizing my true passion.

What is important is to distinguish between what merely interests you for a while and what truly sustains your interest. My way of knowing is that if you can find a higher purpose to it and feel it deeply in your heart that this is what you are meant to do, you would have found a passion that matters. Thereafter, it is a natural process whereby you make the intention to find a way to carve out work out of your passion and that also serves the greater community.

Once You Know Your Passion

Once you have figured out what your passion is, give it more thought. Find out if you can turn it into a career path – if this is something that you want to do on a full-time basis. It will be great if you can find a way to carve out your passion into something that adds value into the lives of others.

Finding your passion will help to motivate you every day and could help you change your career path to something you truly love. Take the time to find something that you do enjoy and not just something that close friends or family members like. What others are passionate about may only be your interest, thus you need to find your own passion.

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
– Oscar Wilde

How to make money from your passion may be a secondary consideration as compared to ensuring that you love what you do but nonetheless, it is an important one. It is important especially if you have got financial obligations to fulfill. The good news is that when you start to do what you love, opportunities can magically show up. You simply need to follow through with inspired actions.

Love and abundance always,

evelyn lim signature
Author. Adventurer. Life Coach. More About Me.

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Mel Clifford - June 26, 2012 Reply

Good Post Evelyn
Chase the passion and not the money.
KInd Regards


Evelyn Reply:

Great, Mel!


Fran Sorin - June 26, 2012 Reply

Evelyn….What a great post. Passion is a word that is kicked around a lot in our culture today. I think your point about what interests you vs. passion is an excellent one. As you said so well, for a lot of us it takes time to discover our passions 🙂 Fran


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Fran,

Thank you for your feedback. Indeed, we don’t want to jump into something which is merely our interest….and then find ourselves losing our enthusiasm.

Love and abundance always,


What You’ve Always Wanted To Do! | Quotes, Poems, Prayers, Words of Wisdom, Advice, Relationship, Broken Heart, Inspirational, I Take Off The Mask - June 27, 2012 Reply

[…] This is your truth This is your song This is you and this is what you’ve always wanted to do!What Do You Really Want To Do? There is something that you really wanted to do Something that whispe…lways wanted to do" width="460" height="306" />What Do You Really Want To […]

rob white - June 27, 2012 Reply

Indeed Evelyn. Fulfilling our passion is the key to living a vibrant life, isn’t it? I’ve found that I know I found my passion because I love to work hard at it. And when we work hard at our passion, it is not hard work at all. If one can imagine themselves “working hard” at their passion, day in and day out the rewards will follow.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Rob,

Yup, work is comparatively less of a struggle. We enjoy what we do and when we put focused attention on it, our ability to succeed increases.

To your success,


William Veasley - June 29, 2012 Reply

Evelyn: I wish I had of found my passion at an early age. Who knows where I would be right now if I had of found it when I was a little kid , but I cannot focus on the past because that does not get me anywhere.

It took me a long time to find my passion. I went through many things that I though/ was trained to be my passion, but only ended up being a time waster.

Luckly, I found what truely brings me happiness and what I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. I just want a simple life where I can be happy and at peace. Someday, I will turn that dream into reality.

Best wishes,
William Veasley


Evelyn Reply:

Hello William,

You still look young to me 🙂

I have the same thought myself but I believe the vast majority of us are not so lucky to know what our passion is at a young age. My husband knew his from the age of 3 and that was great for him. He managed to achieve his long-held dream and is now moving on to a new dream but based on the same passion.

When I talked to others, I found out that people like my husband are in the minority. Many – even at the age of 40 plus – have little clue about what they really like to do.

It’s awesome that you have finally realized what your passion is. You now belong to the group of people who are on the way to realizing their dreams and live a life of passion and happiness.

All the best to you,


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