
Law Of Attraction Quiz

law of attraction quiz

I thought I’d do things a little differently for today’s post. Instead of writing an article, I created a little quiz. The quiz comprises a list of questions about the Law of Attraction. I believe that the best way of learning any subject is in a variety of ways: tests, quizzes, articles, books, discussions, etc. So if you are game for a little of challenge, take the quiz below:

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Dot - November 24, 2008

Beautiful photos!

mohamedhaneefa - November 24, 2008

helloo im mohamed haneefa s/o kunhi mohamed areekara howus
p o aylakkad via edappal d s t c malapurom s t kerala

Gemma - November 25, 2008

Great quiz Evelyn … really enjoyed it!

Stacey / Create a Balance - November 25, 2008

I can’t find the link to take the quiz.

Vered - MomGrind - November 25, 2008

I’ll confess that I’m not into the Law Of Attraction so don’t necessarily want to learn more. (Blush).

Also, as Stacey said, the link doesn’t seem to be working?

Lance - November 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn!
Well, that was fun! I did better than I thought I would! And…more than that – I learned some things along the way! Good stuff!

I had trouble with the link at first, but came back about an hour later and it all worked fine.

joel - November 25, 2008

GREAT QUIZ EVELYN!!!thank you!

jenn - November 25, 2008

Loved that dear!!! thanks 🙂

Marelisa - November 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn: I took the quiz, I got two wrong (one I had no idea and the other one I read something different, I’ve read you have to hold a thought for 17 seconds to have it manifest). And today I wrote a list on my blog about things to be grateful for, so I guess my post is in line with the LOA 🙂 What a great idea to create a quiz.

Mary Madeline - November 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

Loved the quiz – Been reading about LOA for quite sometime and got every one correct – Jippi! = ) Great to know that I know my stuff, since I use it in my own Eft practice.
Thank you.

Rev. Mary Madeline

Robin - November 25, 2008

That was good fun, Evelyn! You did a great job! (The quiz isn’t a link for me – it is just on the page.)

I actually don’t know much about the specifics of the LOA (eg the 17 sec question), because I got into this sort of thing before the LOA was talked about – how long has it been around, I wonder? (I mean, the principles are timeless, but the name LOA has been invented and publicized relatively recently.)

Conrad Hees - November 25, 2008

Fun quiz Evelyn. I really liked how you linked to relevant articles in the answers, I found some great articles!

Mike Foster - November 25, 2008

Hey, I am still recovering from my shoulder surgery, but wanted to drop by and comment on your latest post. I still read lots of posts but cannot type for extended periods of time, so my commenting is limited. I enjoyed this post and I am glad I dropped by.


Irene | Light Beckons - November 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn,

I also had some problems accessing the quiz last night so I had to come back to do it this morning. This is fun! It encourages reader participation so it’s probably an effective way to teach. 🙂

Kelly@SHE-POWER - November 25, 2008

That was fun, Evelyn. I got one wrong, but i had no idea about the number of seconds to manifest something. Also loved the photos. After my anniversary weekend away I’m keen to manifest a permanent ocean view like the one I enjoyed in Avoca. I can still hear the crash of the waves now. Bliss.


Matthew Dryden - November 25, 2008

Cool quiz. I started off strong, then it tapered off around question 10. Yikes!

PeaceLoveJoyBliss - November 25, 2008

Evelyn, that was fun! What a great idea for educating readers on the LOA. The quiz format is smart. Got a few wrong (I was racing through it), but achieved a new high score of 1475. Yes! Do I get a prize? *wink*


Evelyn - November 25, 2008

Hi folks, apologies if the site for the quiz was not working well earlier on. I could not get to my laptop until now. It was late by the time I publish my post and I was away for more than half the day for appointments. My schedule has been increasingly crazy recently. Pheeeewww!! I’m so glad to learn that the quiz is now working alright now!!

@Dot, thanks for liking the photos.

@Gemma, I’m glad to know that you managed to take the quiz.

@Stacey, would you like to try again?

@Vered, it’s fine if you don’t feel like taking the quiz. You can always come back to me if you ever develop the interest….LOL!!

@Lance, I’m so glad that you participated. You should do well if you’ve been reading my blog posts faithfully….LOL!!!

Evelyn - November 25, 2008

@joel & jenn, thanks for liking the quiz!!

@Marelisa, you are right about the 17sec to manifest. But for a major miracle, it is at least 68secs. Having said that, I hope I’ve framed my question properly for the quiz. I have to go check it later!! Thanks for taking it!!

@Rev Mary Madeline, you got the questions all right? Awesome!!

@Robin, oh yes…much of the ideas in relation to law of attraction have been around for years already. I’m not sure how many myself, though. However, the Secret movie sure did a great job in making the concepts popular in recent times!!

Evelyn - November 25, 2008

@Conrad, I’m so glad that you managed to unearth some of my older posts.

@Mike, thanks for commenting!! I sure hope that you are doing well after your surgery. You really ought to be resting!!

@Irene, thanks for coming back to take the quiz. Initially, I thought that creating a quiz would be faster than writing a post. And then halfway through, I realized I was terribly wrong!! It took me an entire day to gather pictures and think of questions to ask. But I was glad to have tried creating one. I was thinking what a great way to test if readers like this mode of learning!!

Davina - November 25, 2008

Hi Evelyn. That was fun! I got the highest score now! Ha Ha! 🙂 My ego loves to do quizzes… But I got 4 wrong though; one I knew better but answered too fast, and one I misunderstood the question.

I shouldn’t have gotten any wrong, because I’ve been reading about the LOA and have spoken about it in my upcoming post. This learning is good — thanks!

How did you create this quiz?

Evelyn - November 25, 2008

@Kelly, it’s great that you are having a wonderful time at Avoca. Thanks for taking the quiz even while you are on a weekend getaway!!

@Matthew, well at least you got the first 10 right!!

@Christopher, I’m glad that you had a great time taking the quiz. Hmmm….I wasn’t thinking of giving out prizes for high scores. How about some loving and healing energy sent your way when I meditate next?

@Davina, go to mystudiyo.com to create a quiz. My finding is that this site, being in beta, is not very stable. However, the trade-off is that it is interactive compared to a lot of other quiz sites. You get to know what is the correct answer rightaway, whereas you have to complete all 10 or 20 questions in a quiz on other sites before finding out where you’ve got right or wrong. For learning purposes, I prefer a more interactive and real time interface.

sharon - November 25, 2008

Evelyn that was fun to do, I got two wrong.. drr..! Enjoyed that.

Tom Volkar/ Delightful Work - November 25, 2008

Good fun. I also missed the trick question 17 seconds. 🙂 Should have read it more carefully. Knew it was from A-Hicks.

I also love it as a teaching tool.

Melissa - November 26, 2008

Hey this was fun! Thanks for putting it together Eveylyn!

Momisodes - November 26, 2008

This was fun! I think I scored really well. My friend has been telling me so much about the LOA recently 🙂

Katie West - November 26, 2008

That was fun and such a clever way to introduce this idea! Thanks. ..I ran in to do it before I put the kids to bed!
I am working to attract thoughts that get them to sleep through the night 🙂

Jannie - November 26, 2008

It was a very interesting quiz but I am wondering why the percentages were often much higher than 100% ? I did not understand that aspect.

Evelyn - November 26, 2008

@Sharon, only two wrong? That is awesome!

@Tom, I’m happy to know that you think the quiz is a wonderful teaching tool too!

@Melissa, glad that you like the quiz too!!

@Momisodes, it’s great that you scored real well!! You can tell your friend about how well you did 🙂

@Katie, I hope you managed to get your kids to sleep through the night. I’m trying to get mine now to get to bed!

@Jannie, hmmm…I’m not sure too. I have to go and check out the quiz. More later!

Cath Lawson - November 27, 2008

Hi Evelyn – great quiz. But I thought that quote was by Napolean Hill, as it was in his book. Maybe he forgot to attribute it to the original quoter?

tonya - November 27, 2008

Love the quiz!!! can’t wait to tell all my friends to come here and try.

Ariel - November 27, 2008

Fun quiz! Thanks for this, Evelyn! 🙂

Evelyn - November 27, 2008

@Cath, which quote is this again? I have to go check this quiz later.

@tonya, hey thanks for helping me to spread the word!!

@Ariel, thanks for finding the quiz fun!!

Evita - December 4, 2008

What a great idea Evelyn! That was so much fun!

law of attraction - November 9, 2009

How do you learn to use the law of attraction to attract love into your life?

Law of Attraction Coach - January 10, 2010

Nice quiz. Learned a lot about the law of attraction. Hope to have more quiz like this. Good job!

pu erh - July 31, 2010

thanks for great informations It’s a wonderful

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