
Self Love Series: Love Yourself Teachings By Buddha

Buddha: Teaching of Self-Love“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

An important core teaching in Buddhism is self-love. Buddha teaches that you love the self before extending the love to others. In other words, before you are able to be a love luminary, you must have the capacity to embrace yourself fully. Today being Vesak Day, let’s celebrate Buddha’s teachings about love.

Buddha observes, “you can travel around the world to search for someone more lovable than yourself, and yet that person is never to be found.” In other words, the search is not external but internal. You first find it from within. To love the self is to be in continuous connection with your true essence. You learn to accept, appreciate and affirm who you are.

Unconditional love and compassion are divine qualities of your intrinsic nature. When you connect from the inside, you experience the unfolding of wisdom. An inability to experience true self-love leads to love as something conditional. You love yourself if and only if you fulfill a certain expectation of the self. Your love for others also becomes conditional. Clouded by filters and perceptions, the ability for true knowing of the self and others become lacking.

Self-realization is key. This means that you are to awaken into love on an experiential basis. You are to actualize it with your own experiencing. As it has been often pointed out, “the finger pointing to the moon is not the moon”. All in, Buddha’s teachings involve an existential approach, rather than through fuzzy understanding via a religious abstraction.

From self love, you lay the ground for the expression of compassion for others. You tune into the sense of shared humanity. You recognize that others are no different from yourself. Everyone is going through essentially the same pain and sorrow – regardless of the specific packagings of external circumstances. You extend to others what you would extend to the self. By opening your heart, you gain a gentle-yet-powerful connection with all others.

Loving the self enhances your ability to send metta, generating energy that is real, pure and transformative. Many Buddhists practice the sending of metta in their prayers. The Buddha shares insightfully, “”Hatred can never be ceased by hatred; it is ceased by love alone.”

Metta is the radiation of loving kindness towards all beings. The wish is this: may all beings be well and happy. True metta is a warm feeling of generosity, compassion, abundance and love that extends beyond all human-imposed boundaries (such as political, racial, social and gender barriers and the divide between human and all other things).

Love is a practice. It is something that can be worked upon. The more you practice, the greater your ability to love and be compassionate. Buddha encourages you to share your light, “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

Prayer of Metta

Vesak Day commemorates the birth and enlightenment of Buddha and his entry into Nirvana. It is a day of chanting, praying, meditating and giving alms to the poor and needy. In Singapore, Vesak Day is a public holiday where thousands of devotees will gather at the temples. Celebrations usually culminate with a candlelight procession.

It is believed that good deeds made on Vesak will earn merits multiple times over. Whether this is true or not, let’s take the opportunity to send loving-kindness wishes to everyone. Here’s my prayer of metta for you who’s reading my post:

May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings awaken to the light of their true nature.
May all beings be free.

Namaste: the divinity in me bows to the divinity in you.

Shine in Self-Love Always,

P.S. Photo taken of the radiant Buddha statue at Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery in Singapore.

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Todd | Channelingmyself - May 17, 2011 Reply

I believe there are too many people in the world that don’t understand what self love means. It took me some time to figure it out, I used to be the type of person that gave too much love to everyone around me and didn’t have any for myself.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Todd,

I’m glad to know that you’ve figured that out. It’s wonderful that you have learned what it means to love the self.



Lance - May 17, 2011 Reply

Namaste, dear friend…


Evelyn Reply:

Namaste too, dear friend….


Christopher Lovejoy - May 17, 2011 Reply

In Lak’ech, Evelyn.

The divinity in me honors the divinity in you.



Evelyn Reply:

In Lak’ech, Christopher.

With love and appreciation,


Michele - May 18, 2011 Reply

@ Todd, I believe that as well. Some of us aren’t taught how to love ourselves and be ok with ourselves when we are young, causing us internal turmoil as we grow older. This is why you have people at war with their bodies, mind and soul, and hurting themselves because of it.


Evelyn Reply:

I agree too. We have not been taught about loving the self. Instead, we were given many negative affirmations that we are not enough.

Take care,


SophieAna - May 18, 2011 Reply

Kudos to Budda when saying love yourself before extending your love to others. Most kids are taught to always be nice to the people around you but nobody ever says “Don’t forget to be nice to yourself”. I think I can say that only loving others is avoiding facing you loving yourself. When you focus all your love on them who cares about you?? What a great strategy for ignoring and trying to forget. Self love….. there is so much to it. We could all use a day of self love and dedication to ourselves…. Perhaps a spa day : P
Peace, Love
S. Ana


Evelyn Reply:

A spa day sounds like an excellent idea. Having spas is self-care. There are many ways to self-care. Have you read my previous post for some great ideas…


However, while self-care is important to loving the self, there is much more to self-love.

With love,


SophieAna Reply:

Loved the other post! Thanks girl ; )


Giulietta Nardone - May 18, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

These words ring really true to me, “You recognize that others are no different from yourself. Everyone is going through essentially the same pain and sorrow – regardless of the specific packagings of external circumstances.”

Yet, we don’t realize it for a very long time because our educational model does not promote compassion or cooperation. People who work together are deemed cheaters. How bizarre that is?

I, too, believe loving ourselves is the default. All else is learned.

Got my self-love post up today! Thx, Giulietta


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Giulietta,

It’s interesting observation that you said people who work together are deemed cheaters. I guess it must be the competitive society that we are in. It’s survival of the fittest. Although it need not be that way. It will be nice if the environment is based on love and compassion.

I have already read your post! Great sharing there!

With love,


Angela Artemis - May 18, 2011 Reply

This was fabulous. There is so much more to self love then we would think at first glance.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Angela,

So true 🙂

With love,


Little Lessons Under the Big Sky - May 18, 2011 Reply

This is simply beautiful, Evelyn.

I love your prayer of Metta. I also love that the Buddha picture was taken in Singapore. I traveled to Jakarta four years ago, and stayed overnight in Singapore. It was a powerful time to reconnect with my own true self, and rediscover self-love.

Have a beautiful day….


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Jen,

What were you doing in Jakarta? Did you manage to see Singapore in your one night stay? If you intend to travel to this part of the world again, let me know.

Have an awesome weekend,


David Stevens - May 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,
Yes. Not much more than I can say. Still learning, gradually getting a hold of this.
Be good to yourself


Evelyn Reply:

Hello David,

Self-love is a gradual process. It’s not a one-stop or a point of arrival. I’m still learning and living into love more and more each day myself too 🙂

With love,


The Vizier - May 19, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn,

It’s true. We have to love ourselves first before we can extend our love to others. I like how the Chinese believe that they must put their house in order first before they can deal with external matters. I believe that this philosophy applies to all areas of life. If our inner world and personal lives are not in harmony, it is hard to have self-love or love for anyone.

I agree fully with you that love is a practice. Once we have self-love, the more we practice love and compassion, the more loving we become. Having said that it helps to ensure that we nourish our minds with love and surround ourselves with loving people. In such a loving atmosphere, it is easier to be a beacon of love.

Thank you for sharing this lovely article and I hope you had a lovely Vesak Day! 🙂

Irving the Vizier


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Irving,

Thanks for reminding me about the Chinese philosophy about putting our house in order first. My husband and I certainly believe in this. There’s no point trying to conquer the world when the well-being at home is in shambles. Most certainly, being in a more loving atmosphere helps!

Have an awesome weekend,


Steve/Authentic Abundance - May 20, 2011 Reply


This is a remarkable post.

It’s only recently in my own life that I’ve started to see and understand the meaning of unconditional love and compassion and how it can help us live each day fully and authentically.

Once we accept the abundant movement of spirit in our own lives joyfulness and gratitude become easy and natural.


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Steve,

I started with self-love and soon found myself living in greater authenticity and abundance than ever before. It’s really about building the foundation up. I love what you said, “Once we accept the abundant movement of spirit in our own lives joyfulness and gratitude become easy and natural.” Thumbs up!!

With love,


J.D. Meier - May 20, 2011 Reply

> to be a love luminary, you must have the capacity to embrace yourself fully.
I like that. It’s flowing strength and compassion from the inside out.


Evelyn Reply:

Yes, it is really from the inside out that one begins to shine!!

With love,


Galen Pearl - May 21, 2011 Reply

As the flight attendant says, put your own oxygen mask on before helping others! I like the quotes you used and the lovely photo of the Buddha statue. Thank you for the information on Buddhism and the inspiration on self love.


Evelyn Reply:

Hello Galen,

Oh yes, I remember the analogy about the oxygen mask. Great one there! Thank you for your kind feedback!

Have an awesome weekend,


Joy - May 21, 2011 Reply

Absolutely beautiful! Thank you:)
I was raised with the belief that we serve others, to the point of martrying our self..However, I learned that I serve others best when I am at my maximum health on all levels..


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Joy,

You are an inspiration and conduit for love. Thanks for affirming the messages that I share on my site.

Have an awesome weekend!

With love and hugs,


Declutter Yourself for Immense Happiness « *POSITIVE PROVOCATIONS* - May 22, 2011 Reply

[…] carry all that clutter around when we can live free and […]

Suzie Cheel - May 22, 2011 Reply

Namaste and I love your prayer, resonates for me. How wonderful to have the beautiful Buddha to visit in your own city.
Such simplicity yet we all seem to have such a winding path to get to that inner place where loving ourself is okay especially when as Joy says we were raised with the belief that we serve others, to the point of martrying our self.., then we learn that to be selfish is to take care of oneself- wonderful series and I am still working on my piece for you- will be up this week
love and hugs


Evelyn Reply:

Hi Suzie,

Oh no…Buddha didn’t visit Singapore. That was just the picture of a statue taken at a temple.

I look forward to reading your post.

Love and hugs,


Zengirl @ Heart and Mind - May 22, 2011 Reply


When I was young, one of my dear aunt always told me, to be beautiful, you have to feel beautiful. Without loving and forgiving ourselves first, we can not love or forgive others. Buddha is someone I admire a lot, as he was born in India, there are lot of Hindus believe in his messages like many others.



Evelyn Reply:

Hello Preeti,

I enjoy learning from the wisdom of Buddha. His teachings are timeless and universal, cutting across all boundaries.

Thank you for sharing what your aunt says. She sounds very wise too 🙂

With love,


Chris Edgar - May 24, 2011 Reply

Hi Evelyn, that quote about how you can search the world for someone more lovable for yourself, but such a person doesn’t exist, seems like such valuable guidance for relationships between people. Accepting that there’s no one out there who can “complete” me was painful at first, but it adds such simplicity to life to understand that what’s really needed is to see the completeness that’s already there.


Nick - May 28, 2011 Reply

“Once we accept the abundant movement of spirit in our own lives joyfulness and gratitude become easy and natural.”

I really love this above. I felt the energy immediately throughout my body.

And your article above is wonderful, I have sent it to all the people close to me in my life. Our world, and especially the U.S. is such an individually based place. Yet with all that individuality we’re almost exclusively scheming ways to better ourselves to be ready for the competitive environment, so it’s not individual in a fulfilling way. What I’ve learned in the last 4 years, I’m only 32 mind you, is that if you are in tune with yourself and the beauty of everyone around you, even the competitive nature of our society is somehow beautiful. You learn to appreciate how the competition breeds progress, then you appreciate your cell phone for what it is and the fact that we have a SPACE station! Come on, how cool. The secret is simply balance, we cannot get caught up in the material based world, but we are meant to be a part of the race.

Right now the majority of us are thinking of ways to move up or forward monetarily and in status when we should be focusing on how amazing and love-able we are as beings, that’s our time alone. And when we are actively a part of the “competitive world”, be it work or even in a group, many of us are still bothered by the feeling of not feeling centered or loved and we crave solitude to reach that place. We need to switch those around, when we have the time, meditate, take care of you, appreciate yourself. When you do this with your time alone, entering the world we live in isn’t so stressful or overwhelming. And a key for success in business, forget you’re in business. I’m in sales and the best I’ve ever done is the period in time that I, with all the energy I could muster, focused on what I loved about each person I spoke with. The results were amazing, and genuine, fulfilling and abundant. No joke my closing percentage was twice that of anyone else in the office with none of the stress. Thanks for listening:) Love you all.


Kate I - August 27, 2012 Reply

Wow Evelyn…I was so thrilled and happy when I opened up my inbox today and found that Patti Digh had included a link to your essay for today’s Project 137: thoughts on loving well. (Each day is divided into 3 tasks…love well, live well and letting go). Your words are always deep and true and are a beautiful gift to the world.

Blessings my friend!


Thais and other Asians LOVE Skin Whitening Creams | Black Traveler - December 3, 2012 Reply

[…] How can all this be happening in a Buddhist country where ego is to be submerged and the process that leads to Awakening involves not becoming someone else, but your own true, authentic Divine Higher Self? […]


live strong happily.


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[…] Every great spiritual leader has taught the importance of loving and accepting yourself.  Jesus said we are to love others as we love ourselves.  Most may believe that He was saying we already love ourselves; so we should love others as well. Actually, He was teaching us that in order to truly love others as they need to be loved…we need to learn to love ourselves. And Buddha taught it like this, “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” And I really enjoy the following paragraph taken from Abundance Tapestry: […]

Visionary Art of Jalai Lama - January 23, 2019 Reply

I love Buddha so much. His love and wisdom are timeless. Many of my visionary artworks incorporate the sacred Buddha image. Check out this Buddha Wall Art that I create here: https://awakeningvisions.com/buddha-wall-art/


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