What Are The 6Cs to Generating Cash Flow for Your Business (For Coaches, Energy Healers and Solopreneurs)

What are the 6Cs to Generating Cash Flow for Your Solopreneur Business?
Which Cs are you missing?
And which C is the C that you need to work on the most now?
Your business plan needs to incorporate these 6Cs in order to survive and thrive.
If you are a coach, energy healer or a solopreneur, find out how you can generate Cash Flow for your business immediately in the video below.
Share your comments and thoughts below!
Wishing you every success in manifesting the business of your dreams,
and making an income from the work that you love!
Love and Abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Mindset, Marketing & Manifestation Coach
for Women Coaches, Energy healers and Solopreneurs
Feature Image by Gerd Altmann,
Evelyn Reply:
August 31st, 2020 at 3:50 pm
Absolutely 🙂