
Interview On How To Attract Life Balance

(Finding Balance; limevelyn on flickr)

Stacey from Create a Balance emailed me saying that she was inspired with the term “attracting life balance” while meditating, which could put us working together. We decided to kick off our joint collaboration with this interview of her and a discussion that marries the ideas of “the law of attraction” and “life balance” together.


Question: Hello Stacey, thank you for allowing me to interview you. Can you tell me a little more about yourself and what made you start a site on creating balance?

Stacey: Hi Evelyn, It is an honor to be collaborating with you on this post. Like you, I play many roles in my life. I am a mommy of two young boys, a wife, a daughter, a consultant, a blogger, a writer, an artist, etc. I am also working towards my professional life coach certification.

CreateaBalance.com is a reflection of my life passion, which is to help people think about and practice the art of life balance. When I was single and in my twenties, I met many unhappy married moms. That is when I made a commitment to myself that I would carefully listen to my authentic voice and that I would never lose my sense of self. This personal passion eventually evolved into my life mission, which is to help millions of people balance the demands of being everything to everyone without losing their sense of self, their needs, and their passions in the process.

From Evelyn: I can see your site fulfilling a need. I could have done with a lot of advice in finding balance when I first had kids. I remembered feeling lost and all alone. In short, the first year was an extremely difficult one. The issue of not having life balance continued to be a problem for many of us because the demands from parenting and family can possibly be consuming of all our time.

I find your mission very inspiring. Many of us are predominantly occupied with the pursuit of money and moving up career ladders. I am sure that life is not just about having more material possessions and external success. Which leads to my next question…..

Definition of Life Balance

Question: Can you share with me how you would define life balance?

Stacey: Life balance is a practice, not a destination, and it means different things to different people. For me, life balance means balancing the needs of my inner authentic self with the needs of all of the other things that demand my time, attention, and energy.

From Evelyn: I like the idea of balancing needs of my inner authentic self with the demands of everyday living. In the past, I felt that time spent on nurturing self was not exactly productive and if anything, it would reduce the amount of time I can spend on working hard for my money. However, after learning about the law of attraction, I realized that my thoughts were not aligned to abundance concepts. I decided then that I needed to make a change.

Definition of Abundance

Question: Would you have any thoughts on the relationship between abundance and life balance? Can you suggest a way or ways on how we can go about attracting balance?

Stacey: I think abundance is directly related to life balance. To me, abundance means having what you want in your life. Similar to life balance, abundance means different things to different people. To find the time, attention, and energy to have everything you want in your life you need to practice the art of life balance.

Here are three steps you can take immediately to attract life balance. These steps can be applied in no particular order.

The first step I recommend in attracting life balance is awareness. I suggest spending a significant amount of time discovering your authentic needs and passions. Then document (with words or visuals) your life balance intentions and look at them often.

The second step I recommend in attracting life balance is practicing the art of self nurturing. When you take care of yourself first, you are practicing the art of life balance.

The third step I recommend in attracting life balance is finding time for gratitude and for celebrating your life.

From Evelyn: Hey, those are steps that I am currently doing although I have not done them on paper! I have got the intention of discovering my authentic needs, the practice of self nurturing and finding gratitude. I just need to commit these intentions down rather than have all the thoughts swirling in my head.

Attract Life Balance With The Power of Intent

From Evelyn: I have already realigned what abundance means to me. However, I find the need to put all our “wishes” or “intents” together in an integrated sort of way. I’ve got this wish and that wish, this wish and that wish that I am sending out to the Universe, but I don’t know if they can in some ways be conflicting with each other.

I believe “attracting balance” is the answer for sending out a powerful intent that puts all my separate intents together. I have been thinking: would putting a “balance clause” help? For instance, I wish for a career that I will find fulfillment in. So I send out this intent. Say this is Intent #1. At the same time, I wish to have a loving family with close bonds. So I send out this intent #2. But Intent #2 requires me to put in time. So it is with Intent 3 to 10. However, we work in a time reality constraint of 24 hours. Perhaps, we also need to send out an overriding intent that puts all the intents of 1 to 10 together? Or each time we send out an intent, we have a clause there that says “we want this intent only if it balances with the rest of the intents”?

Question: Can you share your thoughts on what I have just said? I’d like to know how else I can proceed in sending out my intents.

Stacey: Your question is really making me think and I know it will spark some ah-ha moments in others as well. I like your idea about adding a balance clause to your intents. Another option would be to incorporate the art of life balance into your intent such as “I wish for a career that I will find fulfillment in and that is in balance with my other passions”.

I encourage you to think about the words “only if” that you mentioned in your life balance clause. Which of the two sentences seem more aligned with your heart: 1) I wish to have a loving family with close bonds only if it balances with the rest of the intents or 2) I wish to have a loving family with close bonds and I focus on how I can achieve this while also balancing the rest of my intents. Can you see (feel) a difference between these two sentences?

I also encourage you to think about the intents you would send out if you didn’t have time constraints and then repeat this exercise with the knowledge that you do have time constraints. Do your intents change?

From Evelyn: Hmmm….I note the subtle difference between 1) I wish to have a loving family with close bonds only if it balances with the rest of the intents or 2) I wish to have a loving family with close bonds and I focus on how I can achieve this while also balancing the rest of my intents. The first intent puts the intent of having a loving family with close bonds in priority as compared to the second intent. I also like your suggestion about checking out intuitively what happens when we send out intents with and without time constraints. I am certainly going to try out the exercise!

Be Life Balanced Now

Question: I have just written a post on Being before Having and I’ve received feedback from readers that they like the suggestions it contains. I’d be interested to know what you would recommend in making this post real-life applicable.

Stacey: You can practice the art of life balance right now by BEing aware of your priorities, needs, and passions. BEing aware of what is important to you will lead you towards behaviors and actions (DOing) that are aligned with practicing the art of life balance.

I think my number one tip would be to self-acknowledge that your life balance experience is a journey, not a destination. I cannot stress this enough. I don’t anticipate anyone shouting from the mountain tops “I finally have life balance”. I just don’t see this happening when change is the only constant in life.

However, I can imagine a day when millions of people are standing on mountain tops shouting “I am practicing the art of life balance”. I truly believe this practice of life balance will lead people to their personal definition of abundance.

From Evelyn: Your number one tip is great!! It just means that I may not have all the answers at any one point in time but that I move along according to the flow of the life. In fact, if we are in a state of Being in each aligned moment to our authentic self (in relation to our priorities, needs and passions), we would have already achieved life balance. Finding that mix, the balance – along with what we are hoping to attract into our lives – is very much a journey in itself.

Thank you, Stacey, for having the inspiration of “attracting life balance”. Through the sharing of your thoughts and the ensuing discussion, I have learned more about how I can possibly send out an integrated prayer intent to the Universe/God. It’s great that we put our heads together to jointly create value to our readers. I wish you every success in your endeavors!

For those who are interested to find out more about Stacey, here is her bio:

Stacey Hoffer Weckstein is a mom, blogger, life coach, and change management consultant. She has over 14 years of experience in training & human development and helps you think about and practice the art of life balance. Stacey’s posts encourage you to embrace your authentic sense of self, to live with intention, to practice putting yourself first, to hold yourself accountable, and to take action towards living your best life. Visit her blog at CreateaBalance.com to start practicing the art of life balance.

To jump start your practice of life balance, Stacey is offering a six-week Hungry for Balance Online Retreat. Each week will include videos, action-packed questions, power tools, activities, networking discussions, and more to help you practice the art of life balance.

Your Thoughts Please

How do you manage all the important aspects of your life? Are you already practicing attracting life balance? Do also share if you have got useful tips in sending out a powerful integrated intent.

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Stacey / Create a Balance - March 2, 2009

Evelyn, It has been an honor to collaborate with you on this post. I’m intrigued by the concept of sending out an integrated/balanced intention to the Universe and look forward to hearing what your readers have to say about linking the law of attraction with life balance.

Attracting Life Balance | Create a Balance - March 2, 2009

[…] I am collaborating with Evelyn over at Attraction Mind Map. I invite you to head over to read how we are interweaving the ideas of the law of attraction and […]

Evelyn - March 2, 2009

Hello Stacey, I’ve always liked the idea of creating value. Somehow our collaboration together for this post has brought our intents together beautifully. I also thought that by tabling the idea of an integrated intention for life balance in a group discussion with reader feedback can help generate new ideas for growth and benefit us all.

I look forward to building a greater connection with you. All the best in your upcoming project!


LifeMadeGreat | Juliet - March 2, 2009

Hi Stacey and Evelyn

Interesting discussion and presentation.
I find that if I spend true time on connecting with my inner being, the outer world has a tendency to fall into place. I suddenly have more time, am more creative etc.

When it comes to attracting or setting out different intentions, I think perhaps one should take a step back and let it flow somewhat.

I have a good think about what I truely want – go deep into the job aspects so that it covers family, money, location etc. Really try to cover all posibilities. This helps with using visualisation techniques too.



Lance - March 2, 2009

Hi Evelyn and Stacey,

What a great collaborative post!

This idea of BEing reminds me of a model that singer/song writer/blogger Christine Kane has talked about – the model of BE/DO/HAVE:
BE – start here i.e. I want to BE confident
DO – what you’ll do i.e. I will exercise daily
HAVE – what you’ll have because of this. i.e. I’ll have more self-confidence.

The key, is starting with the BE level, as Stacey has mentioned. At a deep level, what connects with you, or what do you want to connect. This is all very great thought.

And the idea of balance through it all is so important. When we’re balanced, our lives flow much more smoothly.

Again – great to see you two awesome ladies working together!

Evelyn - March 2, 2009

@Juliet, I like your suggestion about taking the time to connect with my inner being for balance to fall into place. As Stacey shares in this post as well, it helps when we are aware of our priorities, needs, and passions. If we spend adequate time finding what these are, I suppose we become clearer in the intents that we are sending out.

@Lance, “When we’re balanced, our lives flow much more smoothly”…how true!! I certainly had a great time working with Stacey 🙂

Sara - March 3, 2009

Evelyn & Stacey — I was amazed at how in sync the two of you are throughout this interview. It just flowed so well. It was fun because it allowed me to get to know both of you better. Last, but not least, there were some GREAT ideas about balance. The three steps that Stacey mentioned to attract life balance really affirmed what I am trying to do in my life. Thank you both for this informative post :~)

jenn - March 3, 2009

Ladies I loved this article! Exactly what I needed to read today!!! EXACTLY thank you so much!!!

Glen Allsopp - March 3, 2009

Great interview guys, I’m a big fan of both of you so it’s really nice to see you collaborating!



Jay - March 3, 2009

Great collaborating! I love both your blogs and this was a great combination of your skills!
Using the two words “only if” is a great tip! Thanks ladies- this is great!

Stacey Shipman - March 3, 2009

I love the statement balance is a practice. It’s so true. Life is a practice, really, every experience leads us to the next. If we want to find balance, we must first practice balance.

I think balance is a choice. We can choose overwhelm or we can choose balance…and to make those choices we must practice making them!

Thanks for sharing more of your thoughts, Stacey

And thank you for hosting her Evelyn!

Daphne - March 3, 2009

I love the conversational tone of this interview. Your friendship really came across and I think that’s what I took from the interview / conversation. Blending your two core messages was a stroke of genius. I didn’t realise this until now but a few years ago I wanted balance and my thoughts became obsessed with achieving that, and now I have a pretty balanced life on the whole. So maybe I was “attracting balance” by consistently thinking about it? Or maybe I was just obsessed at the point 🙂 Great post!

Evelyn - March 3, 2009

@Sara, thank you for your lovely compliments. Yes, it does seemed that things just fell into place between Stacey and I with this interview.

@jenn, glad that you are finding this post useful 🙂

@Glenn, thanks for the stumble!!

@Jay, I’m happy that you like the combination!

Vered - MomGrind - March 3, 2009

It’s so nice to get to know both of you better. It’s also nice to see you working together.

“How do you manage all the important aspects of your life?” – I’m still in the process of finding my balance. That’s why I read your blogs. 🙂

J.D. Meier - March 3, 2009

I like the synergy.

Your energy compliments each other.

Balance clauses + intents seems like a way to prioritize and make effective trade-offs. Be careful what you wish for, since you just might get it.

Wilson Ong - March 3, 2009

Thanks for another wonderful topic on your blog, as we are trying to balance and put our intent clearly into words, I often feel limited by the choice of words or sentences used. However, I have this little tricks to share: put these 3 words “….or something better” at the end of my intention sentence to allow my non-physical ( or sub-conscious) mind to figure out the remaining meaning. ( as long as I feel good. 🙂 )

In one of the intention example you used:
I wish to have a loving family with close bonds.

I would create my intention as below:
I wish to have a loving family with close bonds, or something better.

These 3 little words has created wonders in my life when I first started my seeking. Hope this 3 little words will make wonders for you and your readers too.


Wilson Ong
PS: Breath……..

Cath Lawson - March 3, 2009

Hi Stacey and Evelyn – I really enjoyed this interview. Until I began reading Stacey’s blog, I thought that life balance was only possible for folk who were naturally good at balancing things.

I’m nowhere near where I want to be but my life balance is much better than it was. A friend just asked me how I managed to get used to earning far less than I used to. But to me – it is so worth it. At least I have a life outside work now – a lot of that extra cash used to go on things that helped me maintain my busy lifestyle.

But – I still have many areas I could improve on, so I’m going to try the exercise Stacey recommended.

Kevin (SpiritintheVillage) - March 3, 2009

Thank you for the insights… I like the approach of awareness, self-nurturing and celebration. I’d like to ask you a question though. I just wrote a blog post called Letting Anger be your Motivator and I’d like to get your thoughts on how you see negative emotion influencing your ability to create balance? Here’s the link.


LisaNewton - March 4, 2009

Wow, collaboration is great, and I’m learning a lot by seeing it here. Obtaining a life balance is and always will be a change for me. I love the idea of be. Taking a clue from Lance’s comment:

I want to be a self-employed photojournalist.
So, I wrote an idea and entered a contest.
I have a chance to get into the top 20, but I need help…….:)

Thanks for helping my journey to finding a life’s balance keep moving along.

Dot - March 4, 2009

A nice synergy here. I’ve always had trouble with “practicing the art of self nurturing” — I learned that I should take care of myself last, or preferably not at all. Just this weekend I realized that I was neglecting my self-care in favor of my blog and blog reading, and I was feeling really down because of it. So I had to correct that balance.

I always have to remind myself, “Take good care of yourself.”

Arswino - March 4, 2009

Hi Evelyn, you have made a great interview here.
Hi Stacey, you are truly my inspiration on creating a life balance.
Thanks for both of you. 🙂

Marelisa - March 5, 2009

Hi Stacey, hi Evelyn: I completely agree that’s important to identify what you truly want–as opposed to what society says you should want–to take good care of yourself without feeling guilty for doing so, and to express gratitude for everything in your life. Very interesting interview 🙂

Peter Levin - March 5, 2009

Great post Evelyn and Stacey!!!

Love reading you blog Evelyn
Now I got one more blog to read (Stacey’s) 🙂

I asked myself how to have a balance for years.

My problem was that I had a hard time to define what balance
really meant to me. I love self-improvement in general. I’ve read all Tony Robbins books, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor,… but the more I’ve read the more confused I become. I wanted inner balance + balance in all life’s areas such as personal professional, financial, emotional, mental and so on. Understanding Law of Attraction definitely helped me a lot to get clear on what is balance to me. I learned to set intentions, become more aware of what I was thinking and so on, but still seems that when I get one area more or less handled, another area start having a problem (get my personal life better, but financial suffered as an example)

I totally agree that this is a process and I believe that if you become successful and reach goals in one area it is definitely influence all areas and that way balance can be achieved easier.

Will be flowing in that direction


Stacey / Create a Balance - March 5, 2009

Juliet – Visualizations are a great idea. It can help with making sure everything you need is in the picture.

Lance – Thanks for your support. Working with Evelyn and connecting with her natural wisdom has been a true honor.

Sara – It was great to watch the process of this post unfold and I’m happy to know you are practicing the art of life balance.

Jenn – Thank you for letting us know how much you appreciated the post.

Glen – It just so happens that I am a fan of yours too.

Jay – Thanks for the kind words. I love collaborating and experiencing the power of two.

Stacey Shipman – If people take one thing away from my blog, I hope it’s that life balance is a practice and a journey.

Daphne – I think it goes to show, what you focus on expands.

Vered – In reality, finding balance is a life long journey.

J.D. – “Be careful what you wish for.” – It’s an old saying, but it’s a keeper. So if you are going to wish, be sure you have a balanced wish.

Wilson – Thank for you sharing your trick. It reminds me of the chorus to Unanswered Prayers (Garth Brooks). It goes like this…Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers, Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs, That just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care, Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

Cath – I hope you let us know how the life balance exercises worked out for you.

Kevin – Great question. I also recently wrote a post about anger and had an ah-ha moment when someone left a comment reminding me that anger and other negative emotions are fear based reactions. Now, when I sense anger creeping in, I take a deep breath and clearly state the fear that’s generating my anger. This puts the focus on my fears and the anger seems to slip away. I think being aware of your life fears (which can hide behind negative emotions) can open us more space for you to practice the art of life balance.

Lisa – I’m here for the journey and look forward to experiencing it together.

Dot – I think we all need to keep reminding ourselves to take good care of ourselves first. One idea is to write down the words “I take care of myself first” and put it in a place where you will see it every day.

Arswino – Thank you for your kind words. You have my promise that I will continue to dig deeper to provide more and more resources to share with you on my blog.

Marelisa – I think society often puts a label on people who put themselves first, but as you know, we can’t give to others if we are empty.

Peter – Thank you for sharing a part of your life balance journey. I think the power behind practicing the art of life balance is to be aware of when different aspects of your life are falling out of balance so you can course correct. As you know, life balance is not utopia. It is a process, a journey, a practice, and an awareness of what you want out of life.

Evelyn - March 5, 2009

Thanks, Stacey, for helping me to respond to the comments here. I have been doing some intensive energy work for the past 1-2 days, feeling exhausted and have been mostly offline. Your support is much appreciated!

Robin - March 5, 2009

Hi Stacey and Evelyn – great interview, and I think being aware of what is going on and nurturing ourselves are great steps towards feeling satisfied with life.

I wonder how much “un-balance” occurs because people resent the place where they are at, be it parenthood or some other life condition, because they believe their time is running out? You might guess my answer to that one! ;=)

Journey within - March 5, 2009

Hello Stacey,
Nice to see you here. It really great interview.
Balance means the middle path by Buddha.
Balance menas witnessing (two way awareness) in meditation.
Balance means health and happiness in daily life.
Balance also means: stay between the ‘law of attraction’ and ‘law of indifference’
It says many things..
Thank you Evelyn for your contribution..

Kevin (SpiritintheVillage) - March 7, 2009

Thanks for your responses and comments on my anger questions. Earlier this week I was holding a lot of resistance and was able to let much of this go through conscious attention and reframing my thoughts. Loved this post.

Liara Covert - March 7, 2009

This uplifting dialogue remnds people that niches are waiting to be discovered and created in order to empower human beings to help themselves. Stacy is a very animated and energetic interviewee!

Evelyn - March 9, 2009

@Robin, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Regarding your comment about “unbalance”, agreed! It’s really about making peace with where we are right there and then.

@Journey within, we sure can end up much happier if we are in balance, won’t we? Thanks for your feedback!

@Kevin, it’s great that you’ve been doing some inner healing! I wish you much success!

@Liara, I can’t agree more 🙂

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