7 What-If Ideas for Creative Visioning
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Why Ask Yourself A What-If Question?
Posing yourself the all powerful question “what if” helps you unlock your creative visualization ability. “What if” is an act of allowing your mind to dream up the possibility of new options. You break the conditioning of your mind from its fixed routines, limited patterns and past thinking. You venture into the playground of imagination to toy with an idea that is not yet manifest. Should you apply the power of intention to a what-if pathway, you allow your inner mind to assemble required resources to answer this question.
(Flipping through magazines is fun visualization time – a favorite activity of mine!!)
If you do not already know, you are born with the potential to do many things. You have a set of unique skills that you can draw on. Your past offers a rich set of experiences that you can rely upon for venturing into the new. Playfully asking yourself what-if questions enables you to introduce possibility onto your mental screen.
What is to know is that your subconscious mind simply accepts what has been impressed upon it. It is unable to differentiate what is real or unreal. The act of asking additionally summons universal energy to help answer the question. By connecting from inwards, you are able to draw on source which is creative, infinite and intelligent. If you think about it, it is how prayers work. Your inner or subconscious mind helps you to connect with source, God or the universe; providing you with flashes of insight, revelation of new discovery and surprising solutions for your problems.
Self doubt will unfortunately negate the process. The rule is this: Energy goes where focused attention flows. Hence, for manifestation to happen, you will need to believe that a what-if possibility can become real. If you are focusing on doubt, energy goes in the direction of doubt. If you are focusing on possibility, then energy goes in the direction of your strong desire. A creative visualization exercise is no longer simply a one-time activity, with the strength of your intent. It becomes an active visioning process.
It is possible that you will be thrown into doubt when you first start doing visualization exercises. Doubt is experienced when you sense a contrast between what is real in your current situation and a desired scenario. You doubt that the desired scenario can ever come true. In fact the more you focus on your lack or “not being there yet”, the more negative you feel. As I have mentioned before, energy then goes in the direction of the doubt.
A what-if question helps to bridge your doubt into belief. It is imperative that you tell yourself that there is no cost to dreaming. (In fact, not dreaming at all can cost you more in terms of never ever living up to your fullest potential!!) When you pose a what-if question for the purposes of visualization, you are simply having some focused exercises on fun! You direct the power of your mind consciously and deliberately rather than never using it to your best advantage.
What-if automatically expands you into joy. It is fun to imagine what abundance you can possibly experience. As you focus on feeling good, your vibrations magnetize the vibrations of your desires. You find yourself encountering new opportunities, events or people who can help you turn your dreams into reality.
7 What-If Ideas For Creative Visioning
To engage your subconscious mind for creative visioning, you need to go deeper into relaxation. The more calm and relaxed you are, the greater your ability to access your subconscious mind. Call up your mental screen while you are in a peaceful space. Decide on what you would like in the dream of your future self. Here are 7 What-If ideas that you can ask yourself:
Idea 1: Romance What-If
What if you can see yourself engaged in a stimulating conversation and walking hand in hand with someone you love against the backdrop of a beautiful park?
Idea 2: Health What-If
What if you can see yourself in the midst of a thrilling adventure eg. Mountain climbing, diving, flying a plane etc.? (Choose an activity that obviously requires you to be in good health to be engaged in it.)
Idea 3: Wealth What-If
What if you can see yourself writing a huge check for donation to a philanthropic organization that you have helped built?
Idea 4: Dream House What-If
What if you are living in an eco-friendly house that has unblocked views of the ocean front, glass-tiled flooring that allows you to see the marine life beneath and your own private boat moored in the front deck?
Idea 5: Travel What-If
What if you can see yourself having a delicious chef’s special (whatever that is) lunch in an exotic paradise? This idea gets my vote as a hot favorite! Picture Santorini, an island in Greece, with its white sculptured villages nestled atop steep volcanic cliffs that fall sharply to the deep blue Aegean Sea.
Idea 6: Dream Job What-If
What if you can see yourself in your ideal place of work, having fun and earning enough money at the same time? What would your dream job look like?
Idea 7: Success What-If
What if you have just been invited by Oprah to be interviewed about the book that you have just written? Or what if you have touched the lives of thousands through the words you have shared on your blog?
Next Steps
1. While the rule of anything goes applies to having fun in your creative visioning, what you imagine must be authentic to your desires. You need to focus on what you desire from your heart. Additionally, a desire that can also help service humanity tends to receive extra points from your spiritual team. Get their support to manifest your what-if scenario with ease.
2. After asking yourself what if, visualize yourself stepping into the mental screen. In Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) terms, we call this action as getting “associated”. You wear the shoes of the future self in your imagined scenario rather than view the entire picture from a distance. You engage in at least 68 seconds of holding the intention of your imagined scenario.
3. Create a vision board to work powerfully on your what-if intent.
Share Your Thoughts
Like the idea of what-if? What are your what-if scenarios?
Abundance Always,
P.S. If you are keen to learn how to leverage on the power of your subconscious, look no further than Silva Life System. The amazing outcome of using this program is that you can also increase your intuitive (or so-called “psychic”) ability. Jack Canfeld also gave the thumbs up to the Silva Life System. And he is not the only one to endorse it!! Thousands and thousands have too!!
Related Articles to Read:
1) Pink Bubble Technique for Creative Visualization
2) 10 Sure-Fire Tips to Making Creative Visualization Fun
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Evelyn Reply:
September 27th, 2010 at 10:46 pm
Hello Suzie,
Hmmm…I find it interesting that a what-if question can also translate to procrastination. My experience has been that asking myself a what-if helps me to bypass doubt and expand possibility.
Your desired scenario sounds awesome! I hope that it all comes true for you. Is Oprah going to Australia? Hey…I believe that I have read about it in the papers. You have just given me more reasons to put Australia on my consideration list in terms of travel plans for December. How nice it would be to meet Oprah!!
All the best,
Suzie Cheel Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 7:16 am
I was thinking of my poem emergings where I wrote, what if this or maybe that….. 2 steps forward, one back…….
Maybe we can meet at the Opera House:) I will keep you posted on how you can get tickets- there is going to be a lottery- they are announcing in October
Evelyn Reply:
September 28th, 2010 at 10:01 am
Oprah House? That would be Sydney. Ok let me know…LOL!!
Good luck for your Emergings book. It will be wonderful if you got interviewed!!! Looking forward to great news from you!!
With love,