7 Tips to End Money Worries and Stop Struggling Instantly

Money worries is like a crippling disease. You are in a perpetual state of anxiety. From the moment you wake up, your mind goes into an inner chatter about finances. You may not even be able to fall asleep easily at night due to the non-stop chatter and your ensuing roller coaster emotions. You worry over paying your bills, whether you can afford to send your children to university or whether you can afford to move to a bigger house.
“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Glenn Turner
Worry is a state of emotional and mental struggle that affect you physically. You can end up feeling so miserable that you are not unable to function well at all. Even as you go about pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams or work in the office, stress is the extra burden that you carry. Obviously, worrying is not going to help you reach towards your goals. It is clearly unnecessary.
Yet, if you are a worry wart, it can appear to be mammoth exercise….or next to impossible to stop worrying altogether.
And if you are a woman, it seems that you are more inclined to worrying as compared to men in general.
According to the American Psychological Association studies in recent years, women have been reporting a higher level of stress relative to men. The number one source of stress is apparently money woes. As women, we tend to face a lot more responsibilities and we are historically conditioned with disempowering beliefs about our ability to make money. Thus, our relationship with money are likely to be more dysfunctional as compared to the relationship that men have with money.
Well, we may not be able to fix the global economy but we can remove money worries and learn to heal our relationship with abundance from the inside a lot better. (In fact, this is what a number of my clients and I have been working on). As the Law of Attraction says, we attract the reality, which matches our vibrational state of being. Hence, if we wish to stop attracting more worries, we need to start to vibrate a lot more positively.
So what can you do to end your money worries and stop struggling?
How to End Your Money Worries and Stop Struggling Instantly
1. Relax. If you find yourself tuning into worry, stop for a moment. Breathe. Learn to relax. Try listening in to meditation music with binaural beats.
Take charge of the moment rather than let allow worry to lay siege. Worrying is not going to solve your issues. You need to bring awareness to how debilitating worrying can be. Consider this: you are less likely able to make wise decisions around money if you are stuck in fear and worry.
2. Undertake self-care. If you find yourself worrying unnecessarily, then you will need to increase the dosage of self-love and self-care. When your situation does not warrant that level of wild panic that you have been putting yourself in, you know that you are worrying too much.
As a woman, you need to put your needs in as much priority as your family. Learn to delegate rather than hold yourself solely responsible for your kids, work and family. Allow yourself time to take a nice, long and luxurious bath. Do things that make you feel happy.
3. Practice gratitude. Practice gratitude or counting your blessings is going to help crowd out worry. Instead of fretting about not having enough for the future, bring your mind to rest in the present moment. You focus on what you already have and are appreciative on. This practice helps you to tune into joy right away.
4. Face Your Situation. You can’t bury your head in the sand, hoping that your problems will go away. Perhaps you are doing so because you are feeling overwhelmed. You are worried that you won’t know what to do.
Well, ignoring your money worries is not going to help. Eventually, you get to experience an underlying level of misery that causes you to leak energy. In fact, matters can worsen if you fail to address your financial issues early enough. Most definitely, seek the advice of your financial adviser if you need more assistance.
5. Tap away your negative emotions. School teaches us that money, comprising of numbers, is a left-brained subject. We are not taught to understand the energy of money, for instance. And so we are inclined to suppressing our feelings about money when we deal with our finances.
The thing is that we do have many emotions surrounding money. Any talk on money can press all our hot buttons. Our relationship with money is complex. In fact, how we do money is how we do everything. If we want to start attracting money, then it is imperative that we take the time to understand the energy of money.
Not addressing our money worries is to leave gold on the table. Most of us have negative emotions when we think about money. Our negative emotions disrupt our energy system. They lower our vibrational state, which impacts our ability to align with the flow of divine abundance and ultimately, make more than enough. Work on how to clear money blocks here!
6. Examine your limiting beliefs. Imagine what would happen if you do not have some of the limiting beliefs you have? You probably would be able to make a lot more money because you are no longer holding yourself back from outdated or unhelpful ideas. You become more open to possibilities. Also, you become better able to seize on opportunities that you otherwise would have been closed to.
The problem is that the vast majority of people have no awareness that they have limiting beliefs to begin with. This tip involves bringing yourself into greater awareness. You make a list of the beliefs that you have and discern whether each of them is serving your best interest or not. You need to do inner work to remove those that are not serving you, and replace them with those those that do.
7. Get financially educated. Ignorance is not bliss. If you would like to have money working for you instead of being a slave to it, then get financially educated. Don’t allow the excuse of not being financially educated in school stop you from gaining knowledge.
Make it a point to improve your financial literacy. You do not need to become an expert but it helps to find out about the various options that can help you grow your money. I update myself through reading books and by attending workshops. I suspect that I will continue to do these for years to come 🙂
The topic on money is not to be feared. If there should be any fear at all, then go back to tip #5 to address what your “fearful” money story is truly about. Need more help? Apply for a 30 minute complimentary session to enquire about my energy healing consultation services.
Abundance always,
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Evelyn Reply:
March 4th, 2014 at 4:09 pm
Hello Shann,
That’s amazing! It’s really about shifting the energy in mind, body and spirit! And you have done it!
Love and abundance always,