30 Positive Affirmations for Female Entrepreneur

If you are aspiring to be a successful female entrepreneur, this article is specially written for you.
It applies if you are a self-employed professional such as a life coach, energy healer, a network marketing professional, financial services provider or a real estate agent and you are hoping to create a thriving business consciously.
According to stats published by small biz trends (refer to reference below), 34 percent of female entrepreneurs say that they are struggling while 20% of entrepreneurs without a mentor were no longer in business after a year. Would you like to ensure that you do not belong to any of these groups?
As a business owner myself, I can say this for sure: mindset is key. It accounts for whether or not you thrive against all odds or you give up. It also accounts for whether or not you launch your business idea or you shelf it in your drawer. Finally, it determines whether or not you will do what it takes to achieve your next breakthrough.
A negative mindset is going to sabotage your success as a new or aspiring entrepreneur. The voice inside your head can destroy you about “being a failure” or “not good enough”, resulting in a depressed state of mind. If your mindset is rooted in fear and limiting beliefs, you will definitely need to work on overcoming them. The great news is that it is possible to do so.
Making positive affirmations is going to help. Below is a list of positive affirmations that you can use.
30 Positive Affirmations for Female Entrepreneur
- I have a successful business that makes a positive difference in the lives of others.
- My business is expanding, growing and reaching out to more people day by day.
- I believe in myself and that I’ve got what it takes to succeed.
- I execute my business plans with clarity and vision.
- I prioritize my tasks and follow my business plan diligently.
- I am taking steps to turn my business dream into a reality.
- I conduct sales conversations with ease and grace.
- My business is set to attract ideal clients to work with.
- I offer great value through the business that I love.
- I confidently ask to be paid for what I deserve.
- The Universe supports my business with an abundance of resources.
- My brand is clear, authentic and powerful.
- My business is an attraction magnet for financial abundance.
- I transform my obstacles into opportunities for improvement.
- I shift from procrastination to implementing the next forward step.
- It is safe for me to be successful.
- I commit to my success.
- I turn impossible to I am possible.
- I am a winner and I celebrate all my wins – big and small.
- Through my business, I align with my highest potential.
- I lead with integrity, passion and care.
- I am set to be a successful business leader.
- I envision success in all that I do.
- Inspired business ideas flow easily to me.
- I establish a healthy work-life balance.
- I am on the path to financial freedom.
- I choose to release limiting beliefs that hinder the success of my business.
- My business is a creative expression of who I am.
- I undertake healthy self-care measures even as I run my business.
- I do what it takes to achieve my next breakthrough.
How to Use the List of Positive Affirmations for Female Entrepreneur
Every woman or female entrepreneur needs to positively affirm herself. No exceptions. You need to affirm yourself even more if you are struggling or have mindset issues. It’s time to work on yourself and invest in your own personal growth. It involves the following steps…
- For starters, use the list of positive affirmations for female entrepreneur that I have laid out here every day. While it generally takes 21 days to reprogram a mind, I’d say that making positive affirmations is going to support you so long as you are running your business. Hence, my suggestion is to apply the list every single day. For improved results, I recommend clearing the sabotaging beliefs first via tapping before applying positive affirmations.
- If you are hoping for a breakthrough and need more support because you find yourself struggling or have mindset issues, contact me for a complimentary call. As the stats have shown, those with a mentor or coach are more likely to succeed.
Wishing you every success in your business!
Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim
Reference: Small Business Trend Study
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